Monday, April 03, 2023

Yellowjackets Season 2 Episode 2 | Behind the Buzz | SHOWTIME

Yellowjackets Season 2 Episode 2 | Behind the Buzz | SHOWTIME

It’s what you’ve been waiting for. The Yellowjackets cast breaks down the iconic feast from episode 2. New episodes of Yellowjackets stream every Friday on Paramount+ with SHOWTIME. Try it FREE at

About Yellowjackets:
Wildly talented high school girls' soccer players descend into savage clans after their plane crashes in the remote northern wilderness. Twenty-five years later, they discover that what began in the wild is far from over.

Stream a Mountain of Entertainment, including your Nickelodeon favourites on Paramount+! Try it FREE at!

#SHOWTIME #Yellowjackets #BehindtheBuzz

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Nickelodeon UK to Host SpongeBob Easter

Ready your taste buds, clear your cranium and get ready to fill that egg-shaped hole in your life with back-to-back SpongeBob SquarePants! SpongeBob Easter, this Easter, only on Nickelodeon UK & Ireland!

The SpongeBob Musical is coming to a theatre near you! Find out more at!

Nickelodeon UK - Easter Screenbug Animation (3 April 2023)

Paramount+ UK & Ireland is HERE! Stream a Mountain of Entertainment, including your Nickelodeon favourites! Try it FREE at!

Originally published: March 19, 2023.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, RedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Easter on Nickelodeon UK and SpongeBob SquarePants Universe News and Highlights!

Fatal Attraction | Official Trailer | Paramount+ UK & Ireland

Fatal Attraction | Official Trailer | Paramount+ UK & Ireland

Joshua Jackson and Lizzy Caplan star in new original drama series, Fatal Attraction.

Paramount+ UK & Ireland is HERE! Stream a Mountain of Entertainment, including your Nickelodeon favourites! Try it FREE at!

Originally published: April 03, 2023.

#FatalAttraction #ParamountPlusUK

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How to Stream 'The Real Love Boat' For FREE on Paramount+

Set sail and look for love in The Real Love Boat! Catch up now on Paramount+. Try it FREE at

In the new reality series, real-life singles are brought together for a Mediterranean voyage in search of The One. Each single will tackle compatibility and chemistry challenges along the way, but only one lucky couple will win a cash bounty and ultimate luxury Princess Cruise.

Catch up on The Real Love Boat now on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

You gotta pick the right navigation partner in life and love! 馃椇️#Shorts #TRLB | Paramount Plus

#TheRealLoveBoat #CuffingSeason #CBS #ParamountPlus

That's one way to harvest olive oil... 馃お #TRLB #Shorts | Paramount Plus

Stream a Mountain of Entertainment, including your Nickelodeon favourites on Paramount+! Try it FREE at!

Originally published: November 16, 2022.

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Classic Rugrats Comic Strip for April 3, 2023 | Nickelodeon

Classic Rugrats Comic Strip for April 3, 2023 | Nickelodeon

Stream the classic and the all new CG-animated Rugrats series on Paramount+! Try it FREE at!

Rugrats, provided to Creators Syndicate by Nickelodeon, based off the popular animated television series has been created for children and family's to laugh and enjoy together.

Follow these comics and their take on real episodes of the show and their own spin on hilarious adventures.

Read more Rugrats comic strips!:

More Nick: Paramount+ Renews 'Rugrats' For Season 3; Season 2 to Premiere in 2023!

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The Boy in the Iceberg: Avatar: The Last Airbender - Season 1, Episode 1 | Full Episode | Hebrew | Nickelodeon Israel

讗讜讜讟讗专: 注讜谞讛 1 驻专拽 1 讛诪诇讗 | 谞讬拽诇讜讚讬讗讜谉
注专讜抓 谞讬拽诇讜讚讬讗讜谉

讗讜讜讟讗专 | 专拽 讘注专讜抓 谞讬拽诇讜讚讬讗讜谉

驻专拽 1 - 讛讬诇讚 讘拽专讞讜谉: 拽讟专讛 讜住讜拽讛 诪讙诇讬诐 讗转 讗谞讙 拽驻讜讗 讘转讜讱 拽专讞讜谉. 讛诐 诪讘讬讗讬诐 讗讜转讜 诇砖讘讟 讛诪讬诐 砖诇讛诐. 讛诐 诇讗 讬讜讚注讬诐 注讚讬讬谉 讻讬 讗谞讙 讛讜讗  讛讗讜讜讟讗专 - 砖诇讬讟 讗专讘注转 讛讗诇诪谞讟讬诐 砖谞注诇诐 诇诪砖讱 诪讗讛 砖谞讬诐.

More Nick: UMI And Ananey Studios Collaborate On ‘Pisces Lane’ for Nickelodeon Israel!

#讗讜讜讟讗专 #谞讬拽诇讜讚讬讗讜谉

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Vulcanita, Nickelodeon LatAm and Paramount Partner For Autism Awareness Campaign

The Argentinian toy brand Vulcanita is partnering with Nickelodeon Latin America (Latinoam茅rica) and Paramount Global to launch a new campaign to promote the inclusion of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

The initiative, based around Nickelodeon's beloved preschool series Blue's Clues & You!, seeks to educate children and adolescents in a fun way about the challenges that people with autism face and how they can be supported.

The campaign was launched in time for "World Autism Awareness Day". Since 2007, the United Nations has established April 2 as "World Autism Awareness Day". Within this framework, various organizations launch and promote new campaigns with the aim of increasing understanding and empathy towards people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This is the case of the campaign carried out by Paramount and Vulcanita, entitled Blue's Clues & You, which will focus on educating children and adolescents in a fun way about the challenges faced by people with autism and the ways in which they can support them.

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects approximately 1 in 44 children. Although people with autism have unique abilities and strengths, they also face challenges in communication, social interaction, and understanding the world around them. That's why it's important for society at large to learn more about autism and ways to support people with the condition.

The Blue’s Clues & You campaign will be held throughout April 2023, and will feature a series of educational resources and activities for boys and girls that seek to help people better understand autism. The initiative launched with the debut of the movie Blue's Big City Adventure on Saturday 1st April 2023 and will also encompass the premiere of season four of Blue's Clues & You!. Additionally, the the toy store chain Educando is joining the initiative by hosting a Meet and Greet with Blue event at their Paseo Alcorta Shopping Mall store, as well as product raffles and activities along with talks to raise awareness about autism, said Cristina Caffaro, Marketing Manager of Vulcanita.

In addition, the campaign will offer information for children and adults through activities such as: an autism guide for parents and caregivers, useful information and resources developed with autism institutions and NGO contacts in different countries, conversations between children and adults, activities in toy stores, educational games and didactic activities

“At Vulcanita, we believe it is important that we all learn more about autism, which is why we see this campaign as an opportunity for the community to come together and commit to learning more about ASD and how we can help people with this condition to reach their full potential through a variety of programs and services to support people with autism and their families, including counselling, therapy, and educational support,” says Caffaro.

The Blue’s Clues & You campaign will be available throughout the month online and at events at the Educando toy store chain. Vulcanita encourages everyone to participate in the campaign and learn more about autism. It is essential to work together to create a more inclusive and understanding society for all people, including those with autism.

Founded in 1955 by the brothers Norberto and Horacio Caffaro, Vulcanite is currently one of the largest distributors of the main toy brands in Argentina. Thanks to this great offer, they can stock a complete toy store with top-level products, 100% safe, since all of their products are tested and comply with the safety standards for each type of toy.

2 de abril – D铆a Mundial de la Concientizaci贸n sobre el Autismo Una campa帽a busca promover la inclusi贸n de las personas con TEA

Paramount, Vulcanita y Nickelodeon crearon “Blue’s Clues & You”, una iniciativa que busca educar a ni帽os y adolescentes de forma divertida sobre los desaf铆os que enfrentan las personas con autismo y c贸mo se los/las puede apoyar.

Desde el a帽o 2007, las Naciones Unidas instituy贸 el 2 de abril como “D铆a Mundial de Concientizaci贸n sobre el Autismo”. En este marco, diversas organizaciones lanzan y promueven nuevas campa帽as con el objetivo de aumentar la comprensi贸n y la empat铆a hacia las personas con Trastorno de Espectro Autista (TEA). Es el caso de la campa帽a llevada a cabo por Paramount y Vulcanita,  titulada “Blue’s Clues & You”,  la cual se centrar谩 en educar a ni帽os y adolescentes de forma divertida sobre los desaf铆os que enfrentan las personas con autismo y las formas en que se les puede apoyar.

El autismo es un trastorno del neurodesarrollo que afecta a aproximadamente 1 de cada 44 ni帽os. Aunque las personas con autismo tienen habilidades y fortalezas 煤nicas, tambi茅n enfrentan desaf铆os en la comunicaci贸n, la interacci贸n social y la comprensi贸n del mundo que les rodea. Es por eso que es importante que la sociedad en general aprenda m谩s sobre el autismo y formas de apoyar a las personas con esta condici贸n.

“La campa帽a «Blue’s Clues & You» trabaja durante todo el mes con una serie de recursos educativos y actividades para ni帽os y ni帽as que buscan ayudar a las personas a comprender mejor el autismo. Comenzar谩 con lanzamiento de contenido con la Pel铆cula Aventuras en la gran ciudad, la campa帽a en Nick y Nick Jr y la premiere de la Temporada 4. Adem谩s la cadena de jugueter铆as Educando se sum贸 a esta iniciativa en la cual tendr谩 Meet and Greet de Blue y los chicos en su local del Shopping Paseo Alcorta adem谩s de sorteos de producto  y actividades junto a charlas para concientizar sobre el autismo.” explic贸 Cristina Caffaro, Marketing Manager de Vulcanita.

Adem谩s, la campa帽a ofrecer谩 informaci贸n para ni帽os y adultos a trav茅s de actividades como: gu铆a de autismo para padres y cuidadores, informaci贸n y recursos 煤tiles desarrollado con instituciones de autismo y contactos de ONG en diferentes pa铆ses, conversaciones entre ni帽os y adultos, actividades en las jugueter铆as, juegos educacionales y actividades did谩cticas

«En Vulcanita, creemos que es importante que todos aprendamos m谩s sobre el autismo, por esto visualizamos esta campa帽a como una oportunidad para que la comunidad se una y se comprometa a aprender m谩s sobre el TEA y c贸mo podemos ayudar a las personas con esta condici贸n a alcanzar su m谩ximo potencial a trav茅s de una variedad de programas y servicios para apoyar a las personas con autismo y sus familias, incluyendo asesoramiento, terapia y apoyo educativo” afirma Caffaro.

La campa帽a «Blue’s Clues & You» estar谩 disponible durante todo el mes en l铆nea y en eventos en la cadena de jugueter铆as Educando. Vulcanita alienta a todas las personas a participar en la campa帽a y aprender m谩s sobre el autismo. Es fundamental trabajar juntos para crear una sociedad m谩s inclusiva y comprensiva para todas las personas, incluyendo aquellas con autismo.

Acerca de Vulcanita
Fundada en 1955 por los hermanos Norberto y Horacio Caffaro, en la actualidad es uno de los mayores distribuidores de las principales marcas de juguetes en Argentina. Gracias a esta gran oferta pueden surtir una jugueter铆a completa con productos de primer nivel, 100% seguros ya que la totalidad de sus productos se encuentran testeados y cumplen con las normas de seguridad acordes a cada tipo de juguete.


Puedes ver m谩s shows de Nick en Paramount+:

Originally published: April 03, 2023.

H/T: Big Bang News; Additional source: Oxford Languages.

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Seth Rogan's Unique Take on 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' in 'Mutant Mayhem' | Screen Rant Plus

#TheSuperMarioBrosMovie star #SethRogan's unique take on #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles in #MutantMayhem | Screen Rant Plus

The Super Mario Bros Movie star Seth Rogan shares his unique take in his upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, Mutant Mayhem.

But what about a Mario / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles crossover, Seth???

Catch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem, only in theatres August 4, 2023!

Stream Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on Paramount+! Try it FREE at!

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, RedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Nickelodeon and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem News and Highlights!

#mario #supermario #supermariobros #supermariobrosmovie #thesupermariobrosmovie #mariomovie #sethrogen #donkeykong #tmnt #teenagemutantninjaturtles #mutantmayhem #interview #shorts Mario movie. Super Mario Bros movie. Seth Rogan. Donkey Kong. TMNT. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Mayhem. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated movie.

Milkshake! to Premiere New 'PAW Patrol' and 'The Adventures of Paddington' Episodes During Easter 2023 | Milkshake! Easter Adventure

Catch brand new episodes of PAW Patrol and The Adventures of Paddington with Milkshake! Easter Adventure, this Easter, only on Milkshake!

Paramount+ UK & Ireland is HERE! Stream a Mountain of Entertainment, including your Nickelodeon favourites! Try it FREE at!

Paramount+ is also available with Sky Cinema at no extra cost.

Originally published: April 03, 2023.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, RedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Easter on Nickelodeon Preschool, Nick Jr. UK, PAW Patrol and The Adventures of Paddington News and Highlights!