Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Peru Champs Partners with Biotec Andino Nickelodeon and MGA for Children's Facemask Campaign to Raise Money for Disadvantaged Youth

Peru Champs is partnering with Biotec Andino (through its Gelatti arm), Nickelodeon and MGA to launch "Súmate y Dona" ("Join and Donate"), a brand new campaign in which the Peruvian non-profit civil association is seeking to raise money to help disadvantaged youth in the country with the sale of children's facemasks (face coverings) featuring popular Nickelodeon and MGA properties and brands, including PAW Patrol, SpongeBob SquarePants (Bob Esponja), L.O.L Suprise, Unicornio, Trendy and Camo. During the campaign, Biotec Andino will donate money to Peru Champs to increase the number of scholarships that it can provided to children in 17 cities across the country.

Perú Champs, Gelatti, Nickelodeon y MGA lanzan mascarillas infantiles

Este año Perú Champs realiza la campaña Súmate y Dona que, gracias a la donación de Biotec Andino, a través de su marca Gelatti y, a los diseños de Nickelodeon y MGA para la fabricación de mascarillas infantiles, se podrá ampliar el alcance de jóvenes a los que se busca ayudar.

La campaña consiste en que por la compra de las mascarillas desechables, Biotec Andino estará donando dinero a Perú Champs para aumentar la cantidad de becas que se puedan brindar a niños y niñas en 17 ciudades del país. Las mascarillas muestran los diseños de los dibujos animados más reconocidos como Paw Patrol, L.O.L Suprise, Bob Esponja, Unicornio, Trendy y Camo. Además, el producto posee una tecnología de tres capas, cintas elásticas y la certificación de Leitat Technological Center de Europa.

“Estamos orgullosos de poder formar alianzas con otras organizaciones reconocidas en la búsqueda de un Perú más igualitario. Sabemos que la pandemia golpeará fuerte a nuestro país, pero eso no nos debe alejar de la visión de un Perú más unido, más educado y con las mismas oportunidades para todos”, aseguró Alberto de Cárdenas, Director Ejecutivo de Perú Champs.

Perú Champs es una asociación civil sin fines de lucro, fundada en el año 2013, con el objetivo de reducir la brecha de inequidad educativa en el país a través de becas escolares para niños y niñas.

La ONG peruana identifica a escolares de bajos recursos con talento académico, artístico o deportivo, y crea oportunidades para que reciban una educación de calidad, potencien sus competencias blandas, y sean futuros líderes de un Perú sostenible.

Este 2020, dentro de las consecuencias que dejará la pandemia, se encuentra el aumento de la brecha de inequidad en toda Latinoamérica y, sobre todo, en Perú. Sin embargo, esto solo motiva al compromiso de la organización con transformar la vida de los jóvenes más vulnerables del país. Actualmente, Perú Champs está becando a más de 2100 campeones a nivel nacional y continúa en la búsqueda de una sociedad mejor mediante iniciativas como la campaña Súmate y Dona.

Las mascarillas infantiles de Nickelodeon y MGA se encuentran disponibles en Tottus, Falabella, Wong, Colloky y en las tiendas oficiales de Gelatti en Juntoz y Linio.

Conoce más de Perú Champs en www.peruchamps.org


From Gadgerss:

Lanzan mascarillas de personajes de Nickelodeon para niños

Toda la recaudación de ViacomCBS por la venta de las mascarillas faciales de Nickelodeon será donada a la ONG Perú Champs.

ViacomCBS Networks Consumer Products Latinoamérica anunció un acuerdo con el licenciatario con sede en Perú, Biotec Andino, para crear mascarillas faciales de los icónicos personajes de Nickelodeon, Bob Esponja y PAW Patrol. Las mascarillas descartables, que no son de uso médico, estarán disponibles en los principales puntos de venta próximamente.

“Estamos muy orgullosos de aliarnos con Biotec Andino, como con Perú Champs, una gran fundación que ayuda a niños en la región”, dijo Angela Cortez, Vicepresidenta, ViacomCBS Consumer Products Latinoamérica. “Es importante, ahora más que nunca, unir nuestras fuerzas. Estamos muy agradecidos de la alianza junto a Biotec Andino y ofrecer a los fanáticos de Nickelodeon estas mascarillas descartables de sus personajes favoritos “.

“Esta es nuestra primera iniciativa global de responsabilidad social empresarial, que cubre varios países de América Latina y del mundo”, comentó José Antonio Velit, Gerente General de Biotec Andino S.A.C. “Estamos muy orgullosos de que empresas líderes en el mercado infantil, como Nickelodeon, hayan confiado en nosotros para llevar a cabo este proyecto.”

La ONG Perú Champs es una organización sin fines de lucro que contribuye a reducir la brecha de desigualdad educativa al brindar becas académicas, artísticas y deportivas a niños y niñas y en situación de vulnerabilidad en Perú.

Las mascarillas estarán disponibles para su compra en los principales puntos de venta, incluidos supermercados, farmacias, tiendas locales y las tiendas online linio.com.pe/ y Juntoz.com en Perú.

Los fanáticos de Nickelodeon también podrán conseguir las mascarillas descartables en otros países de América Latina como Belice, El Salvador, Honduras, Panamá, República Dominicana, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, México, Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, Ecuador y Venezuela, través de diferentes compañías de retail. Además, estarán disponibles a nivel internacional en Sudáfrica, el Reino Unido y Francia.

Las mascarillas faciales con imágenes del portfolio de marcas de las adoradas propiedades de ViacomCBS, incluida la franquicia de Star Trek y los programas de MTV y CBS, están disponibles en sitios MTVShop/ WildnOutShop, CBSStorey StarTrekShop. Lo recaudado irá destinado a organizaciones benéficas que estén relacionadas con cada marca.


From La Verdad:

Descubre los nuevos cubrebocas lanzados por Nickelodeon

Descubre los nuevos cubrebocas lanzados por Nickelodeon

Cd. De Mexico, 20 de Octubre del 2020.- Bob Esponja y Paw Patrol se toman estos cubrebocas hechos especialmente para niños. Además no solo los protegerás del coronavirus, sino que apoyarán a miles de pequeños que hoy luchan contra el cáncer.

Una de las grandes preocupaciones cuando comenzó la pandemia por coronavirus era saber cómo proteger a los niños contra el virus porque, si bien los adultos sabemos las medidas preventivas para evitar el contagio —como el lavado de manos y el uso de mascarilla obligatorio— muchas veces explicarle esos a nuestros hijos podría ser un tanto más complicado.

Sin embargo, quizás la tarea de que usen mascarilla se haga un poco más fácil ahora con la llegada de unas nuevas versiones exclusiva para niños de Bob Esponja y Paw Patrol gracias a un acuerdo entre ViacomCBS Networks Consumer Products Latinoamérica y Biotec.

ViacomCBS Consumer Products Latinoamérica Pero no es solo eso lo más llamativo de estas geniales mascarillas ya que en conjunto con la compra, todo lo recaudado será entregado para la Fundación Vivir + Feliz. Esta es una organización sin fines de lucro con sede en Chile, cuya misión es mejor la calidad de vida de los niños que luchan contra el cáncer, brindándoles un entorno acogedor y feliz, que incluye terapias complementarias esenciales para los niños y quienes los rodean.


Más Nick: ViacomCBS Launches TeenNick in Latin America!

Originally published: Friday, October 2, 2020.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Latin America News and Highlights!

Variety's 2020 "10 Animators to Watch List" Awards Special | Nickelodeon Animation

🔴 LIVE: Variety's 2020 "10 Animators to Watch List" Awards Special | Nickelodeon Animation

Join Nickelodeon Animation live on Monday, October 19th at 4pm PT / 7pm ET for a one-hour special honoring Variety's 6th annual 10 Animators to Watch list! The special celebrates these top up-and-coming animators working in the industry, including interviews with the 10 honorees about their work and the future of animation. Check out Variety.com for full details: http://nickalive.blogspot.com/2020/10/variety-unveils-its-10-animators-to.html

This year’s honorees include Elaine Bogan (“Spirit Riding Free”); Myke Chilian (“Tig ‘n Seek”); L.C. Crowley, Brandon Barr and Greg Jonkajtys (“The Liberator”); Aminder Dhaliwal (“Woman World”); Tiffany Ford (“Craig of the Creek”); Brittany Myers (“Over the Moon”); Amanda Qian Li (“Tangled: The Series”); John Trabbic III ("Middlemost Post", “SpongeBob SquarePants”); Genevieve Tsai (“Animaniacs”); and Anne Walker Farrell (“Duncanville”).

In addition, Variety will present its annual Creative Impact in Animation Award to Jorge Gutiérrez. The award celebrates Gutiérrez’s body of work from Nickelodeon's "El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera" and the Guillermo del Toro-produced “Book of Life” to the upcoming “Maya and the Three,” which releases in 2021.

More Nick: Nickelodeon Updates Icons, Sets New Characters for 2021 | Next-Gen Nick!

Originally published: Saturday, October 17, 2020.
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Camp Stories #5 | Creator Camp | Nickelodeon Nederlands


Cas heeft géén auditie gedaan voor Creator Camp maar hoopt toch te mogen komen! Hij en de andere kampleden zijn de komende weken te zien in CAMP STORIES, extra web-only vlogs van onze getalenteerde kampleden. In deze video zie je kamplid Cas zijn koffer inpakken. Wat wil hij gaan leren op het kamp en wat stopt hij allemaal in zijn koffer?

Creator Camp zie je vanaf 26 oktober iedere maandag tot en met donderdag om 19:30 op Nickelodeon. 🧡

Meer informatie: http://nickalive.blogspot.com/2020/09/nickelodeon-benelux-to-premiere-creator.html

Volg ook @CreatorCampNL op Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/creatorcampnl/?hl=nl

More Nick: Jantje Beton, Nickelodeon Netherlands and More Partner to Launch 'De Buitenspelers' Initiative!
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Camilo y Evaluna: hosts de los #KCAMexico 2020 - Backstage de los spots | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español

Camilo y Evaluna: hosts de los #KCAMexico 2020 - Backstage de los spots | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español

Ya sabes: ¡Camilo y Evaluna serán los hosts más cool de todas las galaxias en los KCA México 2020! Mira el detrás de escena de cuando la pareja más perfecta de todas grabó los spots de la fiesta más slimeosa del universo.


Más Nick: ViacomCBS Launches TeenNick in Latin America!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Latin America and Kids' Choice Awards México 2020 News and Highlights!

Cecilia Cantarano and Valeria Vedovatti to Host SlimeFest 2020 | Nickelodeon Italy

Cecilia Cantarano e Valeria Vedovatti conducono SlimeFest 2020 | Nickelodeon Italia

Cecilia Cantarano e Valeria Vedovatti saranno le conduttrici di SlimeFest 2020, l'11 dicembre su Nickelodeon (disponibile su Sky 605 e in streaming su NOWTV). Per saperne di più: https://www.slimefest.it/

Di Più Nick: Nickelodeon Italy Announces SlimeFest 2020!

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Italy and SlimeFest 2020 News and Highlights!

Horrid Henry Pranks | Scary Loud Horrid Sponge | Nickelodeon UK

Horrid Henry Pranks | Scary Loud Horrid Sponge | Nickelodeon UK

Trick or Treat? Scary Loud Horrid Sponge gives us all the Halloween inspiration we need, with his top 5 Horrid Henry tricks!

Head to nicktoons.co.uk/halloween and nick.co.uk/halloween for more Halloween fun and games!

More Nick: The Scary Loud Horrid Sponge to Host the Ultimate Halloween Takeover on Nicktoons UK in October 2020!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Halloween on Nickelodeon UK and Nicktoons News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon to Premiere 'Ollie’s Pack' in Latin America and Brazil in October 2020


Share it: @Nickelodeon #OlliesPack

Ollie, his two best friends and an otherworldly backpack embark on monstrous adventures in Nickelodeon’s original action-comedy series, Ollie’s Pack, premiering October 2020 on Nickelodeon Latin America (Latinoamérica) and Nickelodeon Brazil (Brasil)!

Produced by Nelvana, the 26-episode, 2D-animated series combines the struggles of tween life with the responsibility of controlling an entire dimension of monsters.

Ollie’s Pack will premiere on Nickelodeon Latinoamérica and Nickelodeon Brasil on Saturday 10th October 2020. The series will be locally titled Ollie y los Monstruos in Latin America and O Portal do Ollie in Brazil.

Ollie’s Pack is filled with excitement, humor, and heart, and we are thrilled to welcome Ollie and his friends to Nickelodeon’s incredible family of original characters,” said Nina Hahn, Senior Vice President of Development and Production, Nickelodeon.

Chris Rose, Vice President of Animation Production and Development, Nickelodeon, adds, “I can’t wait to introduce a new generation to the timeless tale of a boy growing up and finding his place, while simultaneously trying to save the world.”

Ollie’s Pack follows Ollie and his backpack, which doubles as a powerful portal allowing an array of monsters to travel from the Monsterverse into Ollie’s world on Earth. Throughout the series, Ollie and his two best friends must protect the earth from the horrifying monsters that have escaped, while often utilizing the helpful monsters who assist with their everyday tween problems, like sneaking into a movie or winning their school’s Battle of the Bands contest. No matter the circumstances, Ollie’s thirst for adventure undoubtedly gets him into trouble that only he and his friends can resolve.

In the first episode, “New Kid on Campus,” Ollie takes Captain Wowski to school in the pack. CW loves it so much he poses as the new kid the next day. Then, in

Ollie’s stinky sweat is a hot commodity in the Monsterverse so he exchanges it with a monster who offers to do his laundry. Then, in "The Chosen One(s), a former Chosen One unexpectedly shows up. Her presence creates a rift between Ollie and his pals.

The US-English dub of the series stars James Hartnett (Cupcake & Dino) as Ollie, an ordinary, impulsive, and creative kid who has been given the status of Chosen One and Keeper of the Pack; Ana Sani (Mysticons) as Cleo, the brave and adventurous comic relief; and David Berni (Rocket Monkeys) as Bernie, the nervy and logical voice of reason.

O Portal do Ollie: Nova Série (Promo 1) | Nickelodeon Brasil

Along the way, audiences will be introduced to some larger than life monsters including Andre and Bev, a bounty hunting double act; Major Snooch, a high ranking official in the Ministry of Chosen One Affairs; and Rance, a weaselly petty thief in utter denial about his boldfaced stealing.

The series originated from “Monster Pack,” an original short made for Nickelodeon’s 2013 Animated Shorts Program. Creators Pedro Eboli (Cupcake & Dino) and Graham Peterson (Rick & Morty) met at the Vancouver Film School and have now been friends for over 10 years. Pedro is a creator, producer, director and animator from Rio de Janeiro, while Graham is an animation supervisor and instructor at local and overseas studios.

Fans can visit nickelodeon.la and nickelodeon.com.br to find out more about their favourite Nickelodeon shows as well as watch video clips, including sneak peeks at Ollie's Pack. Fans can also Like the official Nickelodeon Facebook pages (LatAm | BR) and Instagram (LatAm | BR) pages and subscribe to Nickelodeon's official YouTube (en Español | em Português) channels for the latest Nickelodeon news and highlights.

Ollie’s Pack made its world premiere on Nickelodeon in the U.S. in April 2020, and is slated to debut internationally later this year, reaching over 170 countries and territories.

O Portal do Ollie: Nova Série (Promo 2) | Nickelodeon Brasil

More Nick: Nickelodeon Latin America Announces 'Kids' Choice Awards México 2020' Nominees!

Originally published: Sunday, September 17, 2020.

H/T: Special thanks to @Joheruchan for the news!; Additional source: Anime, Manga y TV.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Latin America, Nick Brazil and Ollie's Pack News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon Premieres 'Danger Force' in Latin America and Brazil

Nickelodeon Expands the World of Henry Danger With All-New Danger Force Spinoff
New Live-Action Series to Premiere October 2020 on Nickelodeon in Latin America and Brazil

Danger Force Introduces New Superhero Cast, Features Original Henry Danger Cast Members Cooper Barnes and Michael D. Cohen Reprising Their Fan-Favorite Roles

Share it: @Nickelodeon @HenryDanger #DangerForce

Nickelodeon is expanding the world of the number-one kids’ series, Henry Danger, with the launch of Danger Force, a brand-new original live-action spinoff premiering this October 2020 on Nickelodeon Latin America (Latinoamérica) and Nickelodeon Brazil (Brasil)!

Created and executive produced by Christopher J. Nowak (Henry Danger, Sam & Cat), the new series stars two of the most beloved characters from Henry Danger, “Ray/Captain Man” (Cooper Barnes) and “Schwoz” (Michael D. Cohen), and introduces four new superheroes-in-training as they team up to fight crime in their town of Swellview. Danger Force (13 episodes) is produced by Barnes and Jace Norman (Henry Danger), and production for the series is currently underway.

Danger Force will premiere on Nickelodeon Latinoamérica and Nickelodeon Brasil on Saturday 3rd October 2020 at 20:30 (BR).

Danger Force is locally titled Força Danger in Brazil.

Nickelodeon announced the news following the premiere of the series finale of Henry Danger on Saturday 26th September 2020.

“A key part of our content strategy is to grow original franchises like Henry Danger by expanding their worlds through new characters and more high-stakes adventures,” said Brian Robbins, President, Kids & Family Entertainment, ViacomCBS Domestic Media Networks. “We’re spinning off our Henry Danger mega-hit into Danger Force, where a new set of characters join members of the original cast for a wholly new take on this long-running series.”

In Danger Force, four kids--Chapa (Havan Flores), Miles (Terrence Little Gardenhigh), Mika (Dana Heath) and Bose (Luca Luhan)--are recruited to attend Swellview Academy for the Gifted (SW.A.G. for short), a school conceived by Captain Man and brought to life by Schwoz, after having been accidentally mutated in the fight to save Swellview. While there, the kids must learn to harness their frequently troublesome and sometimes uncontrollable superpowers as they begin to fight crime. Despite the dangerous circumstances of their new lives, the superheroes must keep their real identities a secret from both from their families and the villains who are out to destroy them.

Danger Force’s four brand-new superheroes-in-training were introduced in the final episodes of Henry Danger. Henry Danger is Nick’s longest running live-action sitcom, with 128 episodes across five seasons. For 2019 and year to date, the series is the number-one show for Kids 6-11 on all TV.

Production of Danger Force is overseen for Nickelodeon by Shauna Phelan, Senior Vice President, Live-Action Scripted Content. Omar Camacho serves as Nickelodeon’s Executive in Charge of Production for the series.

Danger Force made its world premiere on Nickelodeon USA on Saturday, March 28, at 8 p.m. (ET/PT).

Danger Force underscores a key element of Nickelodeon's content strategy, to build and expand the worlds of its enormously popular franchises like Henry Danger, SpongeBob SquarePants, and Blue's Clues & You!, among others, to give audiences more of what they love. Nick's new content slate is informed by the network's ongoing research and insights into today's generation of kids, who: are the most diverse generation ever and expect to see themselves authentically represented in media and in the world around them; want to make a positive difference in the world as they grow up; consider social media stars as their top role models, alongside their parents; and increasingly meet their much-desired need for family time by co-viewing entertainment content together.

Fans can visit nickelodeon.la and nickelodeon.com.br to find out more about their favourite Nickelodeon shows as well as watch video clips. Fans can also Like the official Nickelodeon Facebook pages (LatAm | BR) and Instagram (LatAm | BR) pages and subscribe to Nickelodeon's official YouTube (en Español | em Português) channels for the latest Nickelodeon news and highlights.

Força Danger: Chamada de Estréia Na Nick Brasil (Neste Sábado Às 20:30)

Força Danger: Conheça Mika | Nickelodeon Brasil

Força Danger: Conheça Bose | Nickelodeon Brasil

Força Danger: Conheça Miles | Nickelodeon Brasil

Força Danger: Conheça Chapa | Nickelodeon Brasil

More Nick: Nickelodeon Latin America Announces 'Kids' Choice Awards México 2020' Nominees!

Originally published: Sunday, September 27, 2020.

H/T: Special thanks to @Joheruchan for the news!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Latin America, Nick Brazil and Danger Force News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon Stars Receive Nominations in 2020 2020 Young Entertainer Awards

A host of Nickelodeon stars have received  nominations in the 2020 Young Entertainer Awards (YEA)!

Like most other award ceremonies, Hollywood's 5th Annual YEA ceremony will be held virtually, taking place online on Sunday, October 25 from 2:00-4:30 p.m. Pacific time, streaming live on Facebook and YouTube. There is no charge but proceeds from donations will support scholarships for young people who wish to pursue a career in filmmaking.

The YEA recognizes actors, filmmakers and musicians under the age of 21, in a range of categories including feature length films, short films, television, stage, web series, commercials, voiceovers and more.

Among this years YEA nominees are:

Gem sister Mercedes Lomelino, who as been nominated for "Best Recurring Young Actress | Television Series" for her roles on Nickelodeon's revived All That.

Every Witch Way star Paris Smith has been nominated for "Best Guest Starring Young Actress | Television Series" for her guest starring role as Princess Dimples on Knight Squad.

Keegan Hedley has been nominated for the "Best Young Actor 10 and Under | Voice Over Role" award for voicing Rubble on PAW Patrol.

Giselle Lomelino has been nominated in the "Best Young Actress | Voice Over Role" category for voicing Miley and Dusty in Nickelodeon's webseries, The JoJo & BowBow Show Show.

Ava Close has been nominated for "Best Young Actress 12 and Under | Voice Over Role" for voicing Clarissa in Nick Jr.'s Corn & Peg.

Christian Convery has been nominated for the "Best Leading Young Actor | Feature Film" award for his portrayal of Will in Nickelodeon Movies and Paramount Pictures Playing With Fire. He's also been nominated for "Best Performance in an Independent or Film Festival Feature Film | Young Actor" for playing Willian in Cinemundo and for "Best Leading Young Actor 10 and Under | Television Series" for Disney Channel's Pup Academy.

And Brianna Denski, Sofia Mali, Oev Michael Urbas have been nominated for "Best Ensemble Cast | Voice Over Role" for voicing June, Young June, and Banky, respectively, in Nickelodeon Movies and Paramount Pictures Wonder Park.

Finally,  Keith L. Williams, star of Nickelodeon's upcoming sci-fi series The Astronauts, has been nominated for "Best Young Ensemble Cast | Feature Film" for his role in Good Boys, along with his co-stars Jacob Tremblay, Brady Noon and Lina Renna.

A full list of 2020 Young Entertainer Awards nominees can be found here.

Congratulations and good luck to everyone nominated in the 2020 YEAs!

Originally published: Tuesday, October 20, 2020

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ViacomCBS Consumer Products Teases Its Plans for 'SpongeBob SquarePants' in 2021

ViacomCBS Consumer Products has released a brand new web ad for Nickelodeon's beloved SpongeBob SquarePants brand!

The animated ad, above, teases fans by saying: "Dive Deeper Into The Universe Of... SpongeBob SquarePants - Unexplored Bikini Bottom Stories Take Center Stage in 2021!"

It's currently unknown what the advertisement refers to. Could it be talking about the series, which is just about to enter its 13th season? Could it be the franchise's brand new movie, Sponge on the Run and spin-off series Kamp Koral: SpongeBob’s Under Years? Could it be a brand new immersive experience, like The Bikini Bottom Experience? The ad has been placed on trade news websites, such as License Global by ViacomCBS Consumer Products, the licensing and merchandising division of Nickelodeon's parent company, ViacomCBS, however, it could still be referring to any of the aforementioned, or something that's still to be announced.

What do you think the ad could be referring to? Let me know in the comments below!

More Nick: Nickelodeon Reveals First Look of Characters in Original 'Kamp Koral: SpongeBob’s Under Years' Animated Series!

Originally published: Tuesday, October 20, 2020.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and SpongeBob SquarePants News and Highlights!

ViacomCBS Launches NickMusic in Brazil

Nick News Mini: ViacomCBS Networks Américas has launched NickMusic, Nickelodeon's music channel for kids in Brazil!

NickMusic Brasil reportedly launched on Brazilian telecommunications company TVC on Sunday 18th October 2020. The channel can be found at 20.4.

The news follows ViacomCBS launching NickMusic in Latin America in September 2020.

It's currently unknown whether ViacomCBS is also planning to launch Nick Music on additional operators, such as SKY and Claro.

It's also currently unknown what feed NickMusic Brasil uses - whether it's own independent feed, the "global" NickMusic feed, or NickMusic USA, however, as NickMusic Latinoamérica uses the latter, its more than likely that the Brazilian channel does, too.

The news also comes as ViacomCBS is planning to launch its advertising-supported Video on Demand (AVoD) service Pluto TV in Brazil in December. Among its launch line-up will be serveral Nickelodeon-themed channels, including: Nick Jr. Club, Pluto TV Kids, Nick Clássico and A vida moderna de Rocko. There will also be a channel dedicated to the hit anime series Naruto.

Canal NickMusic entra na TV por assinatura brasileira

Canal do grupo Nickelodeon surgiu discretamente na grade de uma operadora regional; saiba mais detalhes.

No último domingo, 18 de outubro, o canal NickMusic surgiu discretamente na grade da TVC, provedor regional de internet, telefonia e TV por assinatura.

A inclusão surpreende já que a emissora pertence ao grupo Nickelodeon, da imponente ViacomCBS.

O esperado era que o canal fizesse um lançamento mais alarmante e integrado nas líderes do mercado de TV paga como SKY e Claro net.

Assinantes da TVC HD em São José (SC) já podem conferir a programação da nova emissora pelo número 20.4.

O NickMusic é uma espécie de extensão do Nickelodeon, porém focado na música.

A programação, inclusive, lembra muito a dos canais MTV Hits e VH1 MegaHits por causa da concentração em videoclipes musicais.

No entanto, a exibição é mais direcionada para o público infanto-juvenil, que é parte da estratégia do grupo.

Nickelodeon realizado pelo VDSI (ViacomCBS Digital Studios International) em parceria com a Snack, conta com patrocínio de Acrilex e Samsung.


Originally published: Monday, October 20, 2020.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Brazil and NickMusic News and Highlights!