Don't panic: Nickelodeon star Jack Griffo has reasured fans on Instagram that, even though he's grown a beard, he's the same old Max Thunderman, and that he'll be returning to film The Thundermans season four from Monday 16th January 2017! Plus: Cruz Beckham has released his first single, a brand-new Christmas track titled "If Every Day Was Christmas", which is raising money for charity; And Ariana Grande has been nominated for two Grammy's! Tinea has The Scoop in the super video below!:
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Thursday, December 08, 2016
A Very CatDog Christmas | Santa! | The Splat | Nickelodeon UK
In this festive video clip from the CatDog Christmas special "A Very CatDog Christmas", CatDog visits Santa at the mall, and the Mayor Rancid Rabbits's niece decides that she wants to be their new owner!:
More The Splat: CatDog | Theme Tune with Lyrics | The Splat | Nickelodeon UK!
Re-Re-ReWIND!: Visit for even more Nickelodeon classics!
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More The Splat: CatDog | Theme Tune with Lyrics | The Splat | Nickelodeon UK!
Re-Re-ReWIND!: Visit for even more Nickelodeon classics!
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12 Days of Nickmas | Winter Thunderland | The Thundermans | Nickelodeon UK
To celebrate the Christmas countdown, Nickelodeon UK are delivering festive treats everyday until Christmas! In today's treat, from The Thundermans Christmas special "Winter Thunderland", Max (Jack Griffo) doesn't share Phoebe's (Kira Kosarin) festive spirit, and Billy (Diego Velazquez) and Nora (Addison Riecke) attempt to make it snow!:
Tune into the ultimate Nick Christmas Party for festive episodes of your favourite Nickelodeon shows everyday from 4:00pm, only on Nickelodeon UK & Ireland/HD, plus, don't forget to enter ""Stuck Up Christmas"", everyday from 7am on Nicktoons, to win fantastic prizes!
More 12 Days of Nickmas: 12 Days of Nickmas | Not on the List | Fairly OddParents | Nickelodeon UK!
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Tune into the ultimate Nick Christmas Party for festive episodes of your favourite Nickelodeon shows everyday from 4:00pm, only on Nickelodeon UK & Ireland/HD, plus, don't forget to enter ""Stuck Up Christmas"", everyday from 7am on Nicktoons, to win fantastic prizes!
More 12 Days of Nickmas: 12 Days of Nickmas | Not on the List | Fairly OddParents | Nickelodeon UK!
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Hey Nickelodeon | Eisschnelllauf | Nickelodeon Deutschland
Online Spezial: Ausmisten bei den Alpakas:
More Nick: Nickelodeon Germany Unveils Christmas 2016 Highlights!
In Hey Nickelodeon reist unser Moderator Sascha durch Deutschland und besucht verschiedenste Orte, Zuschauer und Nickelodeon-Fans. Bei seinen Stopps nimmt er sich Zeit zum Quatschen, erfährt von euren Alltags-Geschichten oder ihr zeigt was ihr drauf habt: Talente, Kunststücke, ungewöhnliche Hobbies – Sascha bekommt eine Menge zu sehen. Klar, dass außerdem Zeit bleibt für witzige Nickelodeon-Spiele und Aktionen.
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More Nick: Nickelodeon Germany Unveils Christmas 2016 Highlights!
In Hey Nickelodeon reist unser Moderator Sascha durch Deutschland und besucht verschiedenste Orte, Zuschauer und Nickelodeon-Fans. Bei seinen Stopps nimmt er sich Zeit zum Quatschen, erfährt von euren Alltags-Geschichten oder ihr zeigt was ihr drauf habt: Talente, Kunststücke, ungewöhnliche Hobbies – Sascha bekommt eine Menge zu sehen. Klar, dass außerdem Zeit bleibt für witzige Nickelodeon-Spiele und Aktionen.
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Hey Nickelodeon kommt auch montags bis freitags um 18:35 Uhr bei Nickelodeon im Fernsehen. Viel Spaß!
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Oh Yeah! Cartoons | Nicksclusive | The Splat
5..4..3..2..1.. Get an inside look on how Oh Yeah! Cartoons was made from the creators themselves!:
More Nicksclusive: Action League Now! | Kablam! The Splat!
Watch all your '90s Nickelodeon favorites on The Splat, your late-night destination for your favorite childhood Nickelodeon cartoons and live-action shows! The Splat doesn't question football-shaped heads, but embrace them - along with Reptar bars, a Big Ear of Corn, orange soda, and even slime for Pete (and Pete's) sake. Make your slime-covered Nickelodeon childhood dreams come true every night at 10pm ET/PT, only on TeenNick USA! #TheSplat!
More The Splat: Nickelodeon UK Takes Fans Back To The '90s With The Launch Of "The Splat" Website!
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More Nicksclusive: Action League Now! | Kablam! The Splat!
Watch all your '90s Nickelodeon favorites on The Splat, your late-night destination for your favorite childhood Nickelodeon cartoons and live-action shows! The Splat doesn't question football-shaped heads, but embrace them - along with Reptar bars, a Big Ear of Corn, orange soda, and even slime for Pete (and Pete's) sake. Make your slime-covered Nickelodeon childhood dreams come true every night at 10pm ET/PT, only on TeenNick USA! #TheSplat!
More The Splat: Nickelodeon UK Takes Fans Back To The '90s With The Launch Of "The Splat" Website!
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"Albert" Stars Bobby Moynihan, Judah Friedlander And Sasheer Zamata Celebrate Tree-Mendous Performances
The voice stars of Nickelodeon’s upcoming animated feature Albert are lending their support to an understated star of many films: the tree.
Albert, which chronicles the life of a tiny Douglas fir tree, illuminates the dreams of the most unlikely heroes. On the latest episode of Entertainment Weekly: The Show, Bobby Moynihan, Judah Friedlander, and Sasheer Zamata volunteered as tree-bute to honor the trees overlooked in cinema, from CGI-fests to hard-hitting dramas.
Starting off strong, the Oscar-winner for Best Picture in 1973, The Godfather, was chock full of stellar performances, but there was one that went unnoticed. “A lot of people think it’s Brando or Pacino, but I think it’s the big tree behind Brando in that garden scene,” said Friedlander. Walking into the forests of 2016, Zamata points out the tree work in Manchester by the Sea, which she believes should have been called “Manchester by the Tree.”
The comedians get even more creative with later picks, including 1999’s Snow Falling on Cedars because “it made a lot of money, which is made from trees,” said Moynihan. The door Kate Winslet floats on at the end of Titanic may no longer be a standing tree, but we all know where it came from.
Even the CGI-fare of Guardians of the Galaxy and everyone’s favorite talking tree, Groot, got a nod, or was it really a tree? “That wasn’t a tree! That was Vin Diesel,” said Zamata. “Do you know how many real-life tree actors would’ve killed for that part?”
Albert premieres Friday, December 9th at 7 p.m. PT/ET on Nick USA, and on Nickelodeon channels worldwide soon after!
Albert, which chronicles the life of a tiny Douglas fir tree, illuminates the dreams of the most unlikely heroes. On the latest episode of Entertainment Weekly: The Show, Bobby Moynihan, Judah Friedlander, and Sasheer Zamata volunteered as tree-bute to honor the trees overlooked in cinema, from CGI-fests to hard-hitting dramas.
Starting off strong, the Oscar-winner for Best Picture in 1973, The Godfather, was chock full of stellar performances, but there was one that went unnoticed. “A lot of people think it’s Brando or Pacino, but I think it’s the big tree behind Brando in that garden scene,” said Friedlander. Walking into the forests of 2016, Zamata points out the tree work in Manchester by the Sea, which she believes should have been called “Manchester by the Tree.”
The comedians get even more creative with later picks, including 1999’s Snow Falling on Cedars because “it made a lot of money, which is made from trees,” said Moynihan. The door Kate Winslet floats on at the end of Titanic may no longer be a standing tree, but we all know where it came from.
Even the CGI-fare of Guardians of the Galaxy and everyone’s favorite talking tree, Groot, got a nod, or was it really a tree? “That wasn’t a tree! That was Vin Diesel,” said Zamata. “Do you know how many real-life tree actors would’ve killed for that part?”
Albert premieres Friday, December 9th at 7 p.m. PT/ET on Nick USA, and on Nickelodeon channels worldwide soon after!
Westfield, NJ Brothers Create Nickelodeon’s First Animated Christmas Movie, "Albert"
Westfield, New Jersey natives and brothers have teamed up to create Nickelodeon's first animated Christmas movie for TV and a Random House Big Golden Book based on it!
Aaron and Will Eisenberg grew up in Westfield watching Nickelodeon, so to have the opportunity to create this movie for their childhood television station is “pretty surreal.”
Albert: The Little Tree With Big Dreams, is a comedy about a scrawny tree in a garden store who wants to be the Empire City Christmas tree (aka Rockefeller Center tree) and his dream to make that happen. The TV movie will premiere on Nickelodeon USA on Dec. 9 at 7 p.m. ET/PT, and on Nickelodeon channels worldwide soon after. The book is already available in stores and a special signed copy of the book is featured at the Westfield Memorial Library.
“We got a lot of creative freedom and learned that we loved writing for kids,” Will told “We grew up watching Nickelodeon like so many kids. The cool thing is we get to leave an imprint on kids’ memories in a way that writing for adults doesn’t. As a kid I remember shows clearly. I found it very gratifying to do the same.”
The movie is voiced by many big comedy names, including Bobby Moynihan, Sasheer Zamata, Judah Friedlander, Rob Riggle, Cheri Oteri, and Breanna Yde, and even the voice of SpongeBob SquarePants, Tom Kenny.
The Eisenberg brothers became very involved with television at a young age.
“We grew up watching Pete and Pete, which was filmed in Cranford and our dad would take us to the set to watch the show get made when we were very little,” Aaron said.
Now the Eisenberg brothers are working with the producers of The Adventures of Pete and Pete - Chris Viscardi and Will McRobb - on this movie.
“What a thrill it was to work with them,” Aaron said. “Everything has come full circle.”
To celebrate the movie, Golden Books also published a hardcover Big Golden Book based on the television movie, titled Albert: The Little Tree with Big Dreams. The book, geared towards kids aged 3-7 (Grade Level: Preschool - 2), is written by authors the Eisenberg brothers, and illustrated by Heather Martinez.
The brothers recently took a mini book tour in Westfield where they visited their former schools and read to students at Wilson Elementary, Tamaques Elementary and McGinn Elemenatry in Scotch Plains.
They also donated a signed copy of the book to the Westfield Memorial Library.
“It was really cool to read to the kids and see them really enjoy the story,” Aaron said.
“I am hoping we inspired at least one of them to keep writing or reading,” Will added.
More Nick: "Christmasiest Christmas" Song | Albert: The Nickelodeon Holiday Movie | Nickelodeon!
Albert: The Little Tree with Big Dreams will air on Nickelodeon on Dec. 9 at 7 p.m. The book is available nationwide at stores such as Barnes & Noble and Amazon.
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Aaron and Will Eisenberg grew up in Westfield watching Nickelodeon, so to have the opportunity to create this movie for their childhood television station is “pretty surreal.”
Albert: The Little Tree With Big Dreams, is a comedy about a scrawny tree in a garden store who wants to be the Empire City Christmas tree (aka Rockefeller Center tree) and his dream to make that happen. The TV movie will premiere on Nickelodeon USA on Dec. 9 at 7 p.m. ET/PT, and on Nickelodeon channels worldwide soon after. The book is already available in stores and a special signed copy of the book is featured at the Westfield Memorial Library.
“We got a lot of creative freedom and learned that we loved writing for kids,” Will told “We grew up watching Nickelodeon like so many kids. The cool thing is we get to leave an imprint on kids’ memories in a way that writing for adults doesn’t. As a kid I remember shows clearly. I found it very gratifying to do the same.”
The movie is voiced by many big comedy names, including Bobby Moynihan, Sasheer Zamata, Judah Friedlander, Rob Riggle, Cheri Oteri, and Breanna Yde, and even the voice of SpongeBob SquarePants, Tom Kenny.
The Eisenberg brothers became very involved with television at a young age.
“We grew up watching Pete and Pete, which was filmed in Cranford and our dad would take us to the set to watch the show get made when we were very little,” Aaron said.
Now the Eisenberg brothers are working with the producers of The Adventures of Pete and Pete - Chris Viscardi and Will McRobb - on this movie.
“What a thrill it was to work with them,” Aaron said. “Everything has come full circle.”
To celebrate the movie, Golden Books also published a hardcover Big Golden Book based on the television movie, titled Albert: The Little Tree with Big Dreams. The book, geared towards kids aged 3-7 (Grade Level: Preschool - 2), is written by authors the Eisenberg brothers, and illustrated by Heather Martinez.
The brothers recently took a mini book tour in Westfield where they visited their former schools and read to students at Wilson Elementary, Tamaques Elementary and McGinn Elemenatry in Scotch Plains.
They also donated a signed copy of the book to the Westfield Memorial Library.
“It was really cool to read to the kids and see them really enjoy the story,” Aaron said.
“I am hoping we inspired at least one of them to keep writing or reading,” Will added.
More Nick: "Christmasiest Christmas" Song | Albert: The Nickelodeon Holiday Movie | Nickelodeon!
Albert: The Little Tree with Big Dreams will air on Nickelodeon on Dec. 9 at 7 p.m. The book is available nationwide at stores such as Barnes & Noble and Amazon.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Holidays on Nickelodeon and Albert News and Highlights!
The Stars Of Nickelodeon's "Albert" Reveal How They Found The Voices For Their Characters
To celebrate Nickelodeon USA premiering Albert, the networks first animated TV movie, on Friday, December 9th at 7 p.m. PT/ET, The Interrobang recently talked to Bobby Moynihan (Saturday Night Live), Sasheer Zamata (Saturday Night Live) and Judah Friedlander (30 Rock), three of the great comedians who will be starring in Nick's all-new movie, about their characters in the film, and found out that all three stars have very different favorite kids specials! Judah and Bobby had favorite holiday specials, and Sasheer had another animated movie that was a year round obsession for her. Check out Judah, Bobby and Sasheer's fantastic interview below!
Albert is the story of a tiny Douglas fir tree named Albert (voiced by Moynihan) who has big dreams of becoming Empire City’s most famous Christmas tree. When the search for this year’s tree is announced, Albert believes he has found his calling and hits the road with his two best friends, Maisie (Zamata), the persistently positive palm tree, and Gene (Friedlander), the abrasive and blisteringly honest weed, to fulfill his destiny. Along their way, the gang experiences a few prickly situations along the way, including Cactus Pete (Rob Riggle), who, in an attempt to destroy Empire City’s Christmas tree, tries to hurt Albert’s ornaments. However, in true Christmas movie fashion, Albert learns the true meaning of Christmas, and proves that even the tiniest of trees can still do big things! The hour-long TV movie will also feature two original songs, “The Best Thing That Can Happen to Christmas” and “Christmasiest Christmas,” performed by the voice cast.”
Moynihan, who has provided voice work for some major animated movies and is one of the current stars of Saturday Night Live said that his favorite holiday movie was, and still is, Christmas Eve on Sesame Street. First released in 1978 and later re-released on VHS in the late 80’s, the special was packed with songs and favorite characters. “For me- that was the movie,” Bobby said. “I believe the plot of it was, Big Bird gets locked on the roof by accident for Christmas so he thinks he’s going to miss Christmas. They all are doing their Christmas things like going to get the tree. There’s a weird scene where they’re all ice skating together. It was huge at the time because it was like the Muppets ice skating. They had people in costumes and it was ‘oh my gosh they’re ice skating!’ And Oscar got accidentally thrown through a wall and down a flight of stairs.” Bobby remembered freaking out and spending an afternoon crying because he was worried Oscar was hurt. “I waited till Monday morning until I saw him on regular Sesame Street to think ‘great, he’s okay.’ I was super into that movie.” And it must still hold up because he admits to still watching it around the holidays. “My sister has kids now so I’m forcing it on them.”
Judah admitted he never heard of the Sesame Street Christmas special, but is planning to check it out, and said he had a love for the traditional specials that ran every year when he was growing up. “We used to watch a lot of them,” he said. “I’m older, so we didn’t have VHS or anything, so you watched it when it came on TV, and you got ready for it and that was it. And you really paid attention.” His favorites? Charlie Brown, and the original Rudolph. “Love that one. Love those,” he said. So when the opportunity to be in a Christmas special that could become a new tradition for kids, he loved it. “I was like this is pretty cool.” Friedlander, who is perhaps best known as 30 Rock’s Frank Rossitano, is also an illustrator, and has released his own book of illustrations, added that he used to make his own animated short movies in high school, so he has a real appreciation for animation.
Sasheer, who is also an SNL cast member, didn’t choose a Christmas special as her favorite, but said as a kid she was obsessed with The Brave Little Toaster. “I watched it over and over and over again and this movie reminds me of that,” she said. “Just a bunch of inanimate objects bouncing around all of the time, and going on wild adventures. I think there were multiple versions - they may have done a Christmas movie. But it’s just a fun story of triumph and trying to band together as a team.”
All three stars have done voicework before, and talked about finding the personalities of their characters. Bobby and Sasheer found the voices for their characters mostly from drawings. “Just that huge smile, I found myself doing this - always arms outstretched cause it just always looked like he’s really psyched to be alive,” Moynihan said, gesturing towards the movie poster. Bobby is voicing a few different cartoon characters right now and confessed that the most difficult part of voicework, is trying to remember all the different voices - especially when the characters are active. “‘Okay, so now we just need you running?’ So I try my hardest to make every character sound different, but all of them either fall or run and sound..they’re all exactly the same.”
Sasheer gave her character, “Maisie”, a sunny disposition and a cheery attitude. “Palm trees are always in sunny places,” she said. “Just looking at the facial expression that was already drawn on this tree, I tried to imagine what this being would sound like. I feel like she has wild eyes so, I tried to incorporate that in the voice.” Zamata has done voice work before, but this is her first animated movie. “It’s very exciting to play a character and fleshing out a story.”
Judah said he was able to put himself into the mindset of a weed to come up with Gene’s personality. “Weeds are survivors,” he said. "They’re unappreciated and they’re always under attack. The gardeners are trying to get rid of weeds, so weeds have to use a lot of ingenuity to move around for safety.”
Additional cast members include: Rob Riggle as a prickly cactus, Cheri Oteri as the TV news correspondent, John DiMaggio (Adventure Time) as Donny, Brenna Yde (School of Rock) as Molly, and Tom Kenny (SpongeBob SquarePants). Albert is directed by Max Lang (The Gruffalo), executive produced by Will McRobb and Chris Viscardi (The Adventures of Pete & Pete) and written by Will and Aaron Eisenberg (The Massively Mixed-Up Middle School Mystery) and Joe Stillman (Shrek).
Albert premieres on Nickelodeon USA this Friday, December 9, at 7:00pm, and on Nickelodeon channels worldwide soon after.
More Nick: 'Tis The Season To Celebrate With Nickelodeon; Catch Holiday-Themed Premieres And Specials This December On Nick USA!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Holidays on Nickelodeon and Albert News and Highlights!
Albert is the story of a tiny Douglas fir tree named Albert (voiced by Moynihan) who has big dreams of becoming Empire City’s most famous Christmas tree. When the search for this year’s tree is announced, Albert believes he has found his calling and hits the road with his two best friends, Maisie (Zamata), the persistently positive palm tree, and Gene (Friedlander), the abrasive and blisteringly honest weed, to fulfill his destiny. Along their way, the gang experiences a few prickly situations along the way, including Cactus Pete (Rob Riggle), who, in an attempt to destroy Empire City’s Christmas tree, tries to hurt Albert’s ornaments. However, in true Christmas movie fashion, Albert learns the true meaning of Christmas, and proves that even the tiniest of trees can still do big things! The hour-long TV movie will also feature two original songs, “The Best Thing That Can Happen to Christmas” and “Christmasiest Christmas,” performed by the voice cast.”
Moynihan, who has provided voice work for some major animated movies and is one of the current stars of Saturday Night Live said that his favorite holiday movie was, and still is, Christmas Eve on Sesame Street. First released in 1978 and later re-released on VHS in the late 80’s, the special was packed with songs and favorite characters. “For me- that was the movie,” Bobby said. “I believe the plot of it was, Big Bird gets locked on the roof by accident for Christmas so he thinks he’s going to miss Christmas. They all are doing their Christmas things like going to get the tree. There’s a weird scene where they’re all ice skating together. It was huge at the time because it was like the Muppets ice skating. They had people in costumes and it was ‘oh my gosh they’re ice skating!’ And Oscar got accidentally thrown through a wall and down a flight of stairs.” Bobby remembered freaking out and spending an afternoon crying because he was worried Oscar was hurt. “I waited till Monday morning until I saw him on regular Sesame Street to think ‘great, he’s okay.’ I was super into that movie.” And it must still hold up because he admits to still watching it around the holidays. “My sister has kids now so I’m forcing it on them.”
Judah admitted he never heard of the Sesame Street Christmas special, but is planning to check it out, and said he had a love for the traditional specials that ran every year when he was growing up. “We used to watch a lot of them,” he said. “I’m older, so we didn’t have VHS or anything, so you watched it when it came on TV, and you got ready for it and that was it. And you really paid attention.” His favorites? Charlie Brown, and the original Rudolph. “Love that one. Love those,” he said. So when the opportunity to be in a Christmas special that could become a new tradition for kids, he loved it. “I was like this is pretty cool.” Friedlander, who is perhaps best known as 30 Rock’s Frank Rossitano, is also an illustrator, and has released his own book of illustrations, added that he used to make his own animated short movies in high school, so he has a real appreciation for animation.
Sasheer, who is also an SNL cast member, didn’t choose a Christmas special as her favorite, but said as a kid she was obsessed with The Brave Little Toaster. “I watched it over and over and over again and this movie reminds me of that,” she said. “Just a bunch of inanimate objects bouncing around all of the time, and going on wild adventures. I think there were multiple versions - they may have done a Christmas movie. But it’s just a fun story of triumph and trying to band together as a team.”
All three stars have done voicework before, and talked about finding the personalities of their characters. Bobby and Sasheer found the voices for their characters mostly from drawings. “Just that huge smile, I found myself doing this - always arms outstretched cause it just always looked like he’s really psyched to be alive,” Moynihan said, gesturing towards the movie poster. Bobby is voicing a few different cartoon characters right now and confessed that the most difficult part of voicework, is trying to remember all the different voices - especially when the characters are active. “‘Okay, so now we just need you running?’ So I try my hardest to make every character sound different, but all of them either fall or run and sound..they’re all exactly the same.”
Sasheer gave her character, “Maisie”, a sunny disposition and a cheery attitude. “Palm trees are always in sunny places,” she said. “Just looking at the facial expression that was already drawn on this tree, I tried to imagine what this being would sound like. I feel like she has wild eyes so, I tried to incorporate that in the voice.” Zamata has done voice work before, but this is her first animated movie. “It’s very exciting to play a character and fleshing out a story.”
Judah said he was able to put himself into the mindset of a weed to come up with Gene’s personality. “Weeds are survivors,” he said. "They’re unappreciated and they’re always under attack. The gardeners are trying to get rid of weeds, so weeds have to use a lot of ingenuity to move around for safety.”
Additional cast members include: Rob Riggle as a prickly cactus, Cheri Oteri as the TV news correspondent, John DiMaggio (Adventure Time) as Donny, Brenna Yde (School of Rock) as Molly, and Tom Kenny (SpongeBob SquarePants). Albert is directed by Max Lang (The Gruffalo), executive produced by Will McRobb and Chris Viscardi (The Adventures of Pete & Pete) and written by Will and Aaron Eisenberg (The Massively Mixed-Up Middle School Mystery) and Joe Stillman (Shrek).
Albert premieres on Nickelodeon USA this Friday, December 9, at 7:00pm, and on Nickelodeon channels worldwide soon after.
More Nick: 'Tis The Season To Celebrate With Nickelodeon; Catch Holiday-Themed Premieres And Specials This December On Nick USA!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Holidays on Nickelodeon and Albert News and Highlights!
Kira Kosarin Announces "Nickelodeon's Sizzling Summer Camp Special"
Nickelodeon star Kira Kosarin, who plays Phoebe Thunderman in the hit Nick original comedy series The Thundermans, has revealed the super news on her official Instagram Stories feed, that she has just wrapped working on a brand-new Nickelodeon special titled Nickelodeon's Sizzling Summer Camp Special!:
In November, Kira also revealed that she had also been recently working on Nickelodeon's 2017 Valentine's Special!
Huge thanks to @PlanetNickNL for the news!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Summer on Nickelodeon and The Thundermans News and Highlights!
In November, Kira also revealed that she had also been recently working on Nickelodeon's 2017 Valentine's Special!
Huge thanks to @PlanetNickNL for the news!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Summer on Nickelodeon and The Thundermans News and Highlights!
Mondo Unveils New "Avatar: The Last Airbender", "SpongeBob SquarePants" And "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" Posters From Their Nickelodeon Gallery Show
Last week, Mondo announced a gallery show themed around the new and classic shows from Nickelodeon, premiering posters for The Ren & Stimpy Show, Rocko’s Modern Life, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Following unveiling two new Turtley Awesome Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles posters designed by Rosemary Valero-O’Connell yesterday, Mondo has today unveiled three new posters, inspired by Avatar: The Last Airbender, SpongeBob SquarePants and TMNT, via The Austin Chronicle and IndieWire, which you can check out below!:

First look at Sarah Kipin's Avatar: The Last Airbender print for the new Mondo Gallery show, A-Nick-Nick-Nick-Nick-N-Nick-Nick-Nick Nickelodeon Show. Mondo creative director Eric Garza called Avatar "beautiful, top to bottom. What they did on that show, they seriously captured magic."

First look at Janice Chu's SpongeBob SquarePants print for the new Mondo Gallery show, A-Nick-Nick-Nick-Nick-N-Nick-Nick-Nick Nickelodeon Show.

First look at Sachin Teng's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles print for the new Mondo Gallery show, A-Nick-Nick-Nick-Nick-N-Nick-Nick-Nick Nickelodeon Show.
The gallery, A Nick-Nick-Nick-Nick-N-Nick-Nick-Nick... Nickelodeon Show!, opens this Friday, and throws open the vaults of the number one network for kids, which has aired iconic underground classics like Invader Zim and true modern televisual masterpieces like Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Mondo Creative Director Mitch Putnam said that Nickelodeon "represented everything cool and rebellious, and parents didn't know anything about it. We worked with a number of great artists to pay homage to some of the channel's most influential programming. We hope you have as much fun seeing it as we had making it."
Everybody has a favorite Nickelodeon show. For Mondo creative director Eric Garza, it's Rocko's Modern Life. He said, "Something about some of the Nickelodoen shows of the '90s, the humor was just on another level. Rocko in particular, he was just a weird, anxious wallaby, surrounded in this world of craziness that I thought was really bizarre as a kid, and even now. As we were preparing for this show, they released the complete series on DVD, and I bought that and blew through it in a weekend, and it holds up. It's so great."
Artist Dave Perillo, who heads to O-Town to catch the day-glo-craziness of Rocko's Modern Life, said he was "thrilled to be part of the Nickelodeon show with Mondo. I grew up watching Nickelodeon when my family first got cable in the early Eighties, with shows like Pinwheel and You Can't Do That on Television."
The great rival for Rocko's claim to be Nick's weirdest creation was always Ren & Stimpy. Garza said, "I can't believe that show was on Nickelodeon. The humor was so bizarre. At the end of the episode 'Svën Höek' they died and go to Hell. They whiz on the electric fence, and the last shot is the Devil saying, 'So, you whized on the electric fence, didn't you?'"
Of course, the out-there humor and aggressive surrealism of such shows brought out those traits in the artists, but Nickelodeon were 100% on board with how extreme things were going to get. Take Florian Bertmer's interpretation of "Sven Hoek", with mad Chihuahua Ren menacing his only friend and his Scandinavian cousin. Garza said, "When Florian's came in, I thought, 'I wonder if the studio is going to be in on this?' Ren looks super-super-crazy, and Stimpy and Sven look rightfully terrified of how he appears. So I was uncertain if Nickelodeon would go for that, but they've been great. They're really into what we do, and they understand what we do."
The Mondo/Nick melding also allowed for some really unique new takes on childhood favorites. Garza said, "A lot of it was just putting feelers out, and asking the artists 'Did you watch Nickelodeon at this time? What were some of your favorite shows?'"
Few blendings were more radical than master of mystery Francesco Francavilla taking on Nick's most globally successful and subversive animated character: SpongeBob SquarePants. Garza said, "We knew we want to do the episode 'Graveyard Shift', and we thought Francesco would be a great fit, with his noir and horror aesthetic leanings, that he would do something really great for SpongeBob."
Of course, Mondo's reputation is for beautiful art prints for your walls, but what would a Nick show be without slime? In an homage to You Can't Do That on Television (and Double Dare and Wild and Crazy Kids and the Kids Choice Awards – seriously, who doesn't want to get a green goo coating?), Austin's Mad Science team will be holding a slime building workshop on Saturday morning.
This new Mondo show brings back memories of the '90s animated classic shows, including hits like Aaahh!!! Real Monsters, plus some newer properties like SpongeBob and Avatar. However, that doesn't mean that fans will never see a Good Burger poster. "I would love to go back and do some of the old classic stuff," Garza said. "In a perfect world, I would love to do a whole series of Are You Afraid of the Dark?"
Mondo Gallery presents A-Nick-Nick-Nick-Nick-N-Nick-Nick-Nick Nickelodeon Show. Dec. 9-16, 4115 Guadalupe. Opening reception Dec. 9, 7-10pm. Family day with slime building workshop, Dec. 19, 10am-noon. More info at
As is always the case with Mondo shows, whatever doesn’t sell out onsite will be available online.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and The Splat News and Highlights!

First look at Sarah Kipin's Avatar: The Last Airbender print for the new Mondo Gallery show, A-Nick-Nick-Nick-Nick-N-Nick-Nick-Nick Nickelodeon Show. Mondo creative director Eric Garza called Avatar "beautiful, top to bottom. What they did on that show, they seriously captured magic."

First look at Janice Chu's SpongeBob SquarePants print for the new Mondo Gallery show, A-Nick-Nick-Nick-Nick-N-Nick-Nick-Nick Nickelodeon Show.

First look at Sachin Teng's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles print for the new Mondo Gallery show, A-Nick-Nick-Nick-Nick-N-Nick-Nick-Nick Nickelodeon Show.
The gallery, A Nick-Nick-Nick-Nick-N-Nick-Nick-Nick... Nickelodeon Show!, opens this Friday, and throws open the vaults of the number one network for kids, which has aired iconic underground classics like Invader Zim and true modern televisual masterpieces like Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Mondo Creative Director Mitch Putnam said that Nickelodeon "represented everything cool and rebellious, and parents didn't know anything about it. We worked with a number of great artists to pay homage to some of the channel's most influential programming. We hope you have as much fun seeing it as we had making it."
Everybody has a favorite Nickelodeon show. For Mondo creative director Eric Garza, it's Rocko's Modern Life. He said, "Something about some of the Nickelodoen shows of the '90s, the humor was just on another level. Rocko in particular, he was just a weird, anxious wallaby, surrounded in this world of craziness that I thought was really bizarre as a kid, and even now. As we were preparing for this show, they released the complete series on DVD, and I bought that and blew through it in a weekend, and it holds up. It's so great."
Artist Dave Perillo, who heads to O-Town to catch the day-glo-craziness of Rocko's Modern Life, said he was "thrilled to be part of the Nickelodeon show with Mondo. I grew up watching Nickelodeon when my family first got cable in the early Eighties, with shows like Pinwheel and You Can't Do That on Television."
The great rival for Rocko's claim to be Nick's weirdest creation was always Ren & Stimpy. Garza said, "I can't believe that show was on Nickelodeon. The humor was so bizarre. At the end of the episode 'Svën Höek' they died and go to Hell. They whiz on the electric fence, and the last shot is the Devil saying, 'So, you whized on the electric fence, didn't you?'"
Of course, the out-there humor and aggressive surrealism of such shows brought out those traits in the artists, but Nickelodeon were 100% on board with how extreme things were going to get. Take Florian Bertmer's interpretation of "Sven Hoek", with mad Chihuahua Ren menacing his only friend and his Scandinavian cousin. Garza said, "When Florian's came in, I thought, 'I wonder if the studio is going to be in on this?' Ren looks super-super-crazy, and Stimpy and Sven look rightfully terrified of how he appears. So I was uncertain if Nickelodeon would go for that, but they've been great. They're really into what we do, and they understand what we do."
The Mondo/Nick melding also allowed for some really unique new takes on childhood favorites. Garza said, "A lot of it was just putting feelers out, and asking the artists 'Did you watch Nickelodeon at this time? What were some of your favorite shows?'"
Few blendings were more radical than master of mystery Francesco Francavilla taking on Nick's most globally successful and subversive animated character: SpongeBob SquarePants. Garza said, "We knew we want to do the episode 'Graveyard Shift', and we thought Francesco would be a great fit, with his noir and horror aesthetic leanings, that he would do something really great for SpongeBob."
Of course, Mondo's reputation is for beautiful art prints for your walls, but what would a Nick show be without slime? In an homage to You Can't Do That on Television (and Double Dare and Wild and Crazy Kids and the Kids Choice Awards – seriously, who doesn't want to get a green goo coating?), Austin's Mad Science team will be holding a slime building workshop on Saturday morning.
This new Mondo show brings back memories of the '90s animated classic shows, including hits like Aaahh!!! Real Monsters, plus some newer properties like SpongeBob and Avatar. However, that doesn't mean that fans will never see a Good Burger poster. "I would love to go back and do some of the old classic stuff," Garza said. "In a perfect world, I would love to do a whole series of Are You Afraid of the Dark?"
Mondo Gallery presents A-Nick-Nick-Nick-Nick-N-Nick-Nick-Nick Nickelodeon Show. Dec. 9-16, 4115 Guadalupe. Opening reception Dec. 9, 7-10pm. Family day with slime building workshop, Dec. 19, 10am-noon. More info at
As is always the case with Mondo shows, whatever doesn’t sell out onsite will be available online.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and The Splat News and Highlights!
Nickelodeon Germany Unveils Christmas 2016 Highlights
Nickelodeon Germany (Deutschland) has unveiled their Christmas programming highlights, which is full of festive fun and surprises!
In addition to brand-new Christmas specials of hit Nick shows and fantastic festive movies, kids can also look forward to Baum-Familie Tanner, who will accompany them through the Christmas season. Entitled „Verschmückte Weihnachten“, kids can visit to watch many full Christmas-themed episodes of popular series, funny video clips, and find helpful tips from Familie Tanner, including how to take the perfect selfie and how to decorate the Christmas tree!
The first event Nickelodeon Deutschland's Advent Calendar is Nickelodeons Superstars Superweihnachten (Nickelodeon Ho-Ho Holiday Special), a brand-new spectacular hour-long variety special featuring musical numbers and comedy sketches, every Nickelodeon star under the sun, which Nick Germany will premiere on Sunday 11th December 2016 at 11:40 Uhr.
On Saturday 17th December 2016, starting at 11:45 Uhr, Nickelodeon will treat viewers to festive episodes of hit Nick shows, including brand-new Christmas episodes of Sanjay and Craig ("Huggle Day"), Die Brotpiloten (Breadwinners, "A Crustmas Story"), Willkommen bei den Louds (The Loud House, "11 Louds a Leapin'"), Game Shakers ("A Reggae Potato Christmas") and Henry Danger ("Christmas Danger").
Beginning Monday 19th December 2016, fans can tune into Nick weekdays between 7:45 and 12:15 Uhr to catch holiday specials of hit Nickelodeon shows, including the brand-new Rabbids: Invasion Christmas special! Additionally, Nick will also be treating fans to a wide selection of Christmas movies daily at 17:00 Uhr from Monday 19th December 2016. A very special highlight will be the premiere of Albert, the first original animated TV movie Nickelodeon has ever made, on Saturday 24th December 2016 at 17:00 Uhr!
On, visitors will be able to play great Christmas games, watch festive videos, design their own virtual Christmas tree, create their own Christmas greeting cards, and enter Nick's super competition to win fantastic prizes!
Nickelodeon Deutschland's Christmas highlights at a glance:
11.12. um 11:40 Uhr Nickelodeons Superstars Superweihnachten
17.12. ab 11:40 Uhr Vorweihnachtszeit bei Nickelodeon
18.12. um 11:40 Uhr Ein Hund rettet Weihnachten (The Dog Who Saved Christmas)
19.12. ab 07:45 Uhr Weihnachts-Ferien-Programm
19:12. um 17:00 Uhr Cosmo & Wanda – Ziemlich Verrückte Weihnachten (A Fairly Odd Christmas)
20.12. um 17:00 Uhr Mission Weihnachtsmann (Santa Hunters)
21.12. um 17:00 Uhr Ein Hund rettet Weihnachten
22.12. um 17:00 Uhr Nickelodeons Superstars Superweihnachten
23.12. um 17:00 Uhr Ein Hund rettet die Weihnachtsferien (The Dog Who Saved Christmas Vacation)
24.12. Nickelodeon's Christmas Marathon, featuring Christmas-themed episodes of hit Nick shows:
11:40 Uhr Willkommen bei den Louds (11 Louds a Leapin')
12:00 Uhr Cosmo & Wanda: Wenn Elfen Helfen (Merry Wishmas)
12:25 Uhr Sanjay & Craig (Huggle Day)
12:55 Uhr Die Brotpiloten (A Crustmas Story)
13:20 Uhr SpongeBob Schwammkopf
13:40 Uhr Rabbids: Invasion
13:50 Uhr Big Time Rush (Big Time Christmas)
14:50 Uhr iCarly (iChristmas)
15:15 Uhr Game Shakers (A Reggae Potato Christmas)
15:45 Uhr Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn (Santa's Little Harpers)
16:10 Uhr Die Thundermans (Winter Thunderland)
16:35 Uhr Henry Danger (Christmas Danger)
Additionally, Sascha Quade will host a special festive Hey Nickelodeon special throughout the day!
24.12. um 17:00 Uhr Premiere des neuen Nickelodeon Weihnachts-Films 'Albert'
On Nick Jr. Deutschland, Nick's youngest viewers can celebrate Christmas with brand-new festive episodes of hit Nickelodeon Preschool shows! Starting on Saturday 24th December 2016 at 05:45 Uhr, fans can catch brand-new holiday specials of Fresh Beat Band Spione (Fresh Beat Band of Spies, "Christmas 2.0"), Shimmer und Shine ("Santa's Little Genies"), Little Charmers ("Santa Sparkle"), Zack & Quack, and Blaze & Die Monstermaschinen (Blaze and the Monster Machines, "Monster Machine Christmas")!
25.12. Nickelodeon's Christmas Marathon, featuring Christmas-themed episodes of hit Nick shows, beginning 11:40 Uhr!
Below is Nickelodeon Deutschland's official Press Release announcing the exciting news, via from Nick Germany's "Nick Pressecenter":
Weihnachtliche-Highlights bei Nickelodeon // Neue Folgen von 'Rabbids: Invasion', 'Henry Danger'
Berlin, 08. Dezember 2016 – Der Kindersender Nickelodeon hat ganz besondere Überraschungen und Programmhighlights für seine Zuschauer im Dezember. Die Kinder können sich neben neuen Folgen ihrer Lieblingsserien und tollen Filmen auch dieses Jahr wieder auf Baum-Familie Tanner freuen, die sie durch die Weihnachtszeit begleiten wird. Unter dem Titel „Verschmückte Weihnachten“ gibt es auf viele Weihnachtsfolgen der beliebtesten Shows, lustige Videos mit Familie Tanner, die zum Baumschmücken einlädt oder zeigt, wie man Selfies macht und natürlich noch viele weitere Aktionen.
Den Auftakt macht dieses Jahr das Weihnachts-Spezial 'Nickelodeons Superstars Superweihnachten' mit den Nickelodeon Serienstars am 11.12. um 11:40 Uhr. Am Samstag, den 17.12. ab 11:45 Uhr, beschenkt Nickelodeon seine Zuschauer mit weihnachtlichen Folgen der beliebtesten Serien und neuen Weihnachts-Episoden von 'Sanjay & Craig', 'Die Brotpiloten', 'Willkommen bei den Louds', 'Gameshakers' und 'Henry Danger'.
Am 19.12. beginnt das Weihnachtsferienprogramm bei Nickelodeon, unter anderem mit brandneuen Folgen von 'Rabbids: Invasion', immer Montag bis Freitag von 7:45 bis 12:15 Uhr. Außerdem wird ab dem 19.12. täglich um 17:00 Uhr ein Weihnachtsfilm gezeigt. Ein ganz besonderes Highlight ist die Premiere von 'Albert' am 24.12 um 17:00 Uhr. In dem Nickelodeon Film dreht sich alles um Albert, einem kleinen Tannenbaum, für den Weihnachten das schönste Fest des Jahres ist. Er macht sich auf die Reise in die Großstadt, um dort sein Glück zu finden. Gemeinsam mit seinen besten Freunden, einer lustigen Palme und einem energischen Unkraut, reist Albert durch das Land in der Hoffnung endlich seinen Traum wahr werden zu lassen: Albert möchte der berühmteste Weihnachtsbaum der Welt werden.
Auf gibt es auch dieses Jahr wieder tolle weihnachtliche Highlights bei der sich die Kinder austoben können. Mit Aktionen wie „Schmück die Tanne“, tollen Spielen, lustigen Weihnachtsvideos, Weihnachtsgrußkarten und natürlich super Gewinnspielen steht der Vorweihnachtlichen Freude nichts mehr im Weg.
Die Nickelodeon Weihnachtshighlights auf einen Blick:
11.12. um 11:40 Uhr Nickelodeons Superstars Superweihnachten
17.12. ab 11:40 Uhr Vorweihnachtszeit bei Nickelodeon
18.12. um 11:40 Uhr Ein Hund rettet Weihnachten
19.12. ab 07:45 Uhr Weihnachts-Ferien-Programm
19:12. um 17:00 Uhr Cosmo & Wanda – Ziemlich Verrückte Weihnachten
20.12. um 17:00 Uhr Mission Weihnachtsmann
21.12. um 17:00 Uhr Ein Hund rettet Weihnachten
22.12. um 17:00 Uhr Nickelodeons Superstars Superweihnachten
23.12. um 17:00 Uhr Ein Hund rettet die Weihnachtsferien
24.12. Der große Nickelodeon Weihnachtsmarathon mit weihnachtlichen Episoden von:
11:40 Uhr Willkommen bei den Louds
12:00 Uhr Cosmo & Wanda: Wenn Elfen Helfen
12:25 Uhr Sanjay & Craig
12:55 Uhr Die Brotpiloten
13:20 Uhr SpongeBob Schwammkopf
13:40 Uhr Rabbids: Invasion
13:50 Uhr Big Time Rush
14:50 Uhr iCarly
15:15 Uhr Game Shakers
15:45 Uhr Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn
16:10 Uhr Die Thundermans
16:35 Uhr Henry Danger
Außerdem führt Sascha Quade mit einem weihnachtlichen Spezial von 'Hey Nickelodeon' durch den Tag.
24.12. um 17:00 Uhr Premiere des neuen Nickelodeon Weihnachts-Films 'Albert'
Bei Nick Jr. feiern die jüngsten Zuschauer Weihnachten bei Nickelodeon mit brandneuen Weihnachtsfolgen ihrer Lieblingsserien.
Los geht es am 24.12. um 05:45 Uhr mit 'Fresh Beat Band Spione', gefolgt von 'Shimmer und Shine', 'Little Charmers', 'Zack & Quack' sowie 'Blaze & Die Monstermaschinen'.
25.12. Nickelodeon Weihnachtsmarathon mit weihnachtlichen Episoden ab 11:40 Uhr
Über Viacom International Media Networks:
Viacom International Media Networks GSA gehört zum globalen Medienunternehmen Viacom Inc. (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB) und agiert in den deutschsprachigen Märkten Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz.
Mit MTV, Comedy Central, VIVA, Nickelodeon, Nicknight und anderen bekannten Entertainment-Marken bietet Viacom International Media Networks 16 Sender in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz für die Zielgruppen Kinder und Familie sowie Jugendliche und Erwachsene an. Insgesamt erreicht das TV-Angebot von Viacom International Media Networks in GSA mehr als 40 Millionen Haushalte.
Die Viacom-Marken können weltweit von mehr als 3,4 Milliarden Haushalten in 180+ Regionen, 40 Sprachen, über 200 lokalen Fernsehsendern und mehr als 550 digitale und mobile Medienplattformen empfangen werden.
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Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Christmas on Nickelodeon Germany News and Highlights!
In addition to brand-new Christmas specials of hit Nick shows and fantastic festive movies, kids can also look forward to Baum-Familie Tanner, who will accompany them through the Christmas season. Entitled „Verschmückte Weihnachten“, kids can visit to watch many full Christmas-themed episodes of popular series, funny video clips, and find helpful tips from Familie Tanner, including how to take the perfect selfie and how to decorate the Christmas tree!
The first event Nickelodeon Deutschland's Advent Calendar is Nickelodeons Superstars Superweihnachten (Nickelodeon Ho-Ho Holiday Special), a brand-new spectacular hour-long variety special featuring musical numbers and comedy sketches, every Nickelodeon star under the sun, which Nick Germany will premiere on Sunday 11th December 2016 at 11:40 Uhr.
On Saturday 17th December 2016, starting at 11:45 Uhr, Nickelodeon will treat viewers to festive episodes of hit Nick shows, including brand-new Christmas episodes of Sanjay and Craig ("Huggle Day"), Die Brotpiloten (Breadwinners, "A Crustmas Story"), Willkommen bei den Louds (The Loud House, "11 Louds a Leapin'"), Game Shakers ("A Reggae Potato Christmas") and Henry Danger ("Christmas Danger").
Beginning Monday 19th December 2016, fans can tune into Nick weekdays between 7:45 and 12:15 Uhr to catch holiday specials of hit Nickelodeon shows, including the brand-new Rabbids: Invasion Christmas special! Additionally, Nick will also be treating fans to a wide selection of Christmas movies daily at 17:00 Uhr from Monday 19th December 2016. A very special highlight will be the premiere of Albert, the first original animated TV movie Nickelodeon has ever made, on Saturday 24th December 2016 at 17:00 Uhr!
On, visitors will be able to play great Christmas games, watch festive videos, design their own virtual Christmas tree, create their own Christmas greeting cards, and enter Nick's super competition to win fantastic prizes!
Nickelodeon Deutschland's Christmas highlights at a glance:
11.12. um 11:40 Uhr Nickelodeons Superstars Superweihnachten
17.12. ab 11:40 Uhr Vorweihnachtszeit bei Nickelodeon
18.12. um 11:40 Uhr Ein Hund rettet Weihnachten (The Dog Who Saved Christmas)
19.12. ab 07:45 Uhr Weihnachts-Ferien-Programm
19:12. um 17:00 Uhr Cosmo & Wanda – Ziemlich Verrückte Weihnachten (A Fairly Odd Christmas)
20.12. um 17:00 Uhr Mission Weihnachtsmann (Santa Hunters)
21.12. um 17:00 Uhr Ein Hund rettet Weihnachten
22.12. um 17:00 Uhr Nickelodeons Superstars Superweihnachten
23.12. um 17:00 Uhr Ein Hund rettet die Weihnachtsferien (The Dog Who Saved Christmas Vacation)
24.12. Nickelodeon's Christmas Marathon, featuring Christmas-themed episodes of hit Nick shows:
11:40 Uhr Willkommen bei den Louds (11 Louds a Leapin')
12:00 Uhr Cosmo & Wanda: Wenn Elfen Helfen (Merry Wishmas)
12:25 Uhr Sanjay & Craig (Huggle Day)
12:55 Uhr Die Brotpiloten (A Crustmas Story)
13:20 Uhr SpongeBob Schwammkopf
13:40 Uhr Rabbids: Invasion
13:50 Uhr Big Time Rush (Big Time Christmas)
14:50 Uhr iCarly (iChristmas)
15:15 Uhr Game Shakers (A Reggae Potato Christmas)
15:45 Uhr Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn (Santa's Little Harpers)
16:10 Uhr Die Thundermans (Winter Thunderland)
16:35 Uhr Henry Danger (Christmas Danger)
Additionally, Sascha Quade will host a special festive Hey Nickelodeon special throughout the day!
24.12. um 17:00 Uhr Premiere des neuen Nickelodeon Weihnachts-Films 'Albert'
On Nick Jr. Deutschland, Nick's youngest viewers can celebrate Christmas with brand-new festive episodes of hit Nickelodeon Preschool shows! Starting on Saturday 24th December 2016 at 05:45 Uhr, fans can catch brand-new holiday specials of Fresh Beat Band Spione (Fresh Beat Band of Spies, "Christmas 2.0"), Shimmer und Shine ("Santa's Little Genies"), Little Charmers ("Santa Sparkle"), Zack & Quack, and Blaze & Die Monstermaschinen (Blaze and the Monster Machines, "Monster Machine Christmas")!
25.12. Nickelodeon's Christmas Marathon, featuring Christmas-themed episodes of hit Nick shows, beginning 11:40 Uhr!
Below is Nickelodeon Deutschland's official Press Release announcing the exciting news, via from Nick Germany's "Nick Pressecenter":
Weihnachts-Programm bei Nickelodeon und verschmückte Weihnachten mit Familie Tanner
Berlin, 08. Dezember 2016 – Der Kindersender Nickelodeon hat ganz besondere Überraschungen und Programmhighlights für seine Zuschauer im Dezember. Die Kinder können sich neben neuen Folgen ihrer Lieblingsserien und tollen Filmen auch dieses Jahr wieder auf Baum-Familie Tanner freuen, die sie durch die Weihnachtszeit begleiten wird. Unter dem Titel „Verschmückte Weihnachten“ gibt es auf viele Weihnachtsfolgen der beliebtesten Shows, lustige Videos mit Familie Tanner, die zum Baumschmücken einlädt oder zeigt, wie man Selfies macht und natürlich noch viele weitere Aktionen.
Den Auftakt macht dieses Jahr das Weihnachts-Spezial 'Nickelodeons Superstars Superweihnachten' mit den Nickelodeon Serienstars am 11.12. um 11:40 Uhr. Am Samstag, den 17.12. ab 11:45 Uhr, beschenkt Nickelodeon seine Zuschauer mit weihnachtlichen Folgen der beliebtesten Serien und neuen Weihnachts-Episoden von 'Sanjay & Craig', 'Die Brotpiloten', 'Willkommen bei den Louds', 'Gameshakers' und 'Henry Danger'.
Am 19.12. beginnt das Weihnachtsferienprogramm bei Nickelodeon, unter anderem mit brandneuen Folgen von 'Rabbids: Invasion', immer Montag bis Freitag von 7:45 bis 12:15 Uhr. Außerdem wird ab dem 19.12. täglich um 17:00 Uhr ein Weihnachtsfilm gezeigt. Ein ganz besonderes Highlight ist die Premiere von 'Albert' am 24.12 um 17:00 Uhr. In dem Nickelodeon Film dreht sich alles um Albert, einem kleinen Tannenbaum, für den Weihnachten das schönste Fest des Jahres ist. Er macht sich auf die Reise in die Großstadt, um dort sein Glück zu finden. Gemeinsam mit seinen besten Freunden, einer lustigen Palme und einem energischen Unkraut, reist Albert durch das Land in der Hoffnung endlich seinen Traum wahr werden zu lassen: Albert möchte der berühmteste Weihnachtsbaum der Welt werden.
Auf gibt es auch dieses Jahr wieder tolle weihnachtliche Highlights bei der sich die Kinder austoben können. Mit Aktionen wie „Schmück die Tanne“, tollen Spielen, lustigen Weihnachtsvideos, Weihnachtsgrußkarten und natürlich super Gewinnspielen steht der Vorweihnachtlichen Freude nichts mehr im Weg.
Die Nickelodeon Weihnachtshighlights auf einen Blick:
11.12. um 11:40 Uhr Nickelodeons Superstars Superweihnachten
17.12. ab 11:40 Uhr Vorweihnachtszeit bei Nickelodeon
18.12. um 11:40 Uhr Ein Hund rettet Weihnachten
19.12. ab 07:45 Uhr Weihnachts-Ferien-Programm
19:12. um 17:00 Uhr Cosmo & Wanda – Ziemlich Verrückte Weihnachten
20.12. um 17:00 Uhr Mission Weihnachtsmann
21.12. um 17:00 Uhr Ein Hund rettet Weihnachten
22.12. um 17:00 Uhr Nickelodeons Superstars Superweihnachten
23.12. um 17:00 Uhr Ein Hund rettet die Weihnachtsferien
24.12. Der große Nickelodeon Weihnachtsmarathon mit weihnachtlichen Episoden von:
11:40 Uhr Willkommen bei den Louds
12:00 Uhr Cosmo & Wanda: Wenn Elfen Helfen
12:25 Uhr Sanjay & Craig
12:55 Uhr Die Brotpiloten
13:20 Uhr SpongeBob Schwammkopf
13:40 Uhr Rabbids: Invasion
13:50 Uhr Big Time Rush
14:50 Uhr iCarly
15:15 Uhr Game Shakers
15:45 Uhr Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn
16:10 Uhr Die Thundermans
16:35 Uhr Henry Danger
Außerdem führt Sascha Quade mit einem weihnachtlichen Spezial von 'Hey Nickelodeon' durch den Tag.
24.12. um 17:00 Uhr Premiere des neuen Nickelodeon Weihnachts-Films 'Albert'
Bei Nick Jr. feiern die jüngsten Zuschauer Weihnachten bei Nickelodeon mit brandneuen Weihnachtsfolgen ihrer Lieblingsserien.
Los geht es am 24.12. um 05:45 Uhr mit 'Fresh Beat Band Spione', gefolgt von 'Shimmer und Shine', 'Little Charmers', 'Zack & Quack' sowie 'Blaze & Die Monstermaschinen'.
25.12. Nickelodeon Weihnachtsmarathon mit weihnachtlichen Episoden ab 11:40 Uhr
Über Viacom International Media Networks:
Viacom International Media Networks GSA gehört zum globalen Medienunternehmen Viacom Inc. (NASDAQ: VIA, VIAB) und agiert in den deutschsprachigen Märkten Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz.
Mit MTV, Comedy Central, VIVA, Nickelodeon, Nicknight und anderen bekannten Entertainment-Marken bietet Viacom International Media Networks 16 Sender in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz für die Zielgruppen Kinder und Familie sowie Jugendliche und Erwachsene an. Insgesamt erreicht das TV-Angebot von Viacom International Media Networks in GSA mehr als 40 Millionen Haushalte.
Die Viacom-Marken können weltweit von mehr als 3,4 Milliarden Haushalten in 180+ Regionen, 40 Sprachen, über 200 lokalen Fernsehsendern und mehr als 550 digitale und mobile Medienplattformen empfangen werden.
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Die Werbevermarktung von Viacom International Media Networks GSA erfolgt über Visoon Video Impact ( Der TV- und Videovermarkter von Axel Springer und Viacom International Media Networks bietet Vermarktungslösungen für alle TV-Angebote der Muttergesellschaften – MTV, Comedy Central, VIVA, Nickelodeon, Nicknight und N24 – in Deutschland an. Zudem übernimmt das Unternehmen die Vermarktung der digitalen Bewegtbildangebote von VIMN.
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Sneak Peek From "Lip Sync Battle Shorties", Premiering 12/11 On Nickelodeon USA
Sarah Hyland's been having this effect on musical people lately: She meets them, they ask her to collaborate.
It's the reason the Modern Family actress dazzled fans on her recent viral cover of The Chainsmokers' hit "Closer" with Boyce Avenue, and the reason she's hosting Lip Sync Battle spinoff special Lip Sync Battle Shorties, which airs Sunday 11th December 2016 at 8:00pm ET/PT on Nickelodeon USA with a repeat performance on Dec. 14 at 8:00pm ET/PT on Spike. Check out a special preview of it -- featuring a ridiculous LMFAO dance breakdown -- in the fantastic video below from Billboard!:
It's the reason the Modern Family actress dazzled fans on her recent viral cover of The Chainsmokers' hit "Closer" with Boyce Avenue, and the reason she's hosting Lip Sync Battle spinoff special Lip Sync Battle Shorties, which airs Sunday 11th December 2016 at 8:00pm ET/PT on Nickelodeon USA with a repeat performance on Dec. 14 at 8:00pm ET/PT on Spike. Check out a special preview of it -- featuring a ridiculous LMFAO dance breakdown -- in the fantastic video below from Billboard!:
Power Rangers - Everyday Heroes - Out of this World
Gia and Jake spot some UFOs that may need some Ranger attention!:
More Power Rangers: Sneak Peeks Of The "Power Rangers Dino Super Charge" Holiday Special "Here Comes Heximas!", Premiering 12/10 On Nickelodeon USA!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and Power Rangers News and Highlights!
More Power Rangers: Sneak Peeks Of The "Power Rangers Dino Super Charge" Holiday Special "Here Comes Heximas!", Premiering 12/10 On Nickelodeon USA!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and Power Rangers News and Highlights!
"OUCH!" Scene Animatic | Albert | Nickelodeon Animation Studio
Go behind the scenes now with this ACTION-PACKED animatic from Nickelodeon Animation Studio's new Christmas movie, Albert! Things get prickly when Albert and Maisie have a run in with the cacti!:
Featuring the work of Storyboard Artists Ashlyn Anstee, Raymond Santos, and Cosmo Segurson. Don't miss the WORLD PREMIERE this Friday, December 9th at 7pm ET/PT, followed by the brand-new Harvey Beaks holiday special, "It's Christmas You Dorks!", at 8:00pm ET/PT, only on Nick USA!
More Nick: "A Prickly Good Time" Scene Animatic | Albert | Nickelodeon Animation Studio!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Holidays on Nickelodeon and Albert News and Highlights!
Featuring the work of Storyboard Artists Ashlyn Anstee, Raymond Santos, and Cosmo Segurson. Don't miss the WORLD PREMIERE this Friday, December 9th at 7pm ET/PT, followed by the brand-new Harvey Beaks holiday special, "It's Christmas You Dorks!", at 8:00pm ET/PT, only on Nick USA!
More Nick: "A Prickly Good Time" Scene Animatic | Albert | Nickelodeon Animation Studio!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Holidays on Nickelodeon and Albert News and Highlights!
Sneak Peeks From "Harvey Beaks" Holiday Special "It's Christmas You Dorks!", Premiering 12/9 On Nickelodeon USA
To celebrate Nickelodeon USA premiering the networks brand-new Harvey Beaks holiday special "It's Christmas You Dorks!" on Friday 9th December 2016 at 7:52pm ET/PT, following the premiere of Nickelodeon's brand-new original animated TV movie Albert at 7:00pm (ET/PT), Nick USA has unveiled a super sneak peek preview of the all-new Harvey Beaks festive special, which you can watch in the fantastic video clip here on!
In the brand-new Harvey Beaks festive special "It's Christmas You Dorks!" (#215), Old Man Winter visits Little Bark Grove and transforms the town into a musical, bizarre Christmas wonderland! In Nick's super sneak peek, "Snowball Fight", there's been a big snow storm, and Harvey and his friends are ready to play! Time for a snowball fight!
To further celebrate the debut of Nickelodeon's all-new Harvey Beaks holiday special "It's Christmas You Dorks!", Ego Plum, a composer on the popular Nicktoon, has unveiled a brand-new music video, featuring a behind-the-scenes look at the recording of "Snow Fort", a song that will be featured in the episode!:
Harvey Beaks | "Snow Fort" from the Harvey Beaks' Christmas Special
"Snow Fort" | Music composed by: Ego Plum for Harvey Beaks/Nickelodeon
Produced by: Ego Plum & Steve Bartek | Orchestrations: Steve Bartek
Engineered by: Reed Ruddy at Studio X, Seattle | Mixed by: Vahe Manoukian
Filmed by: Alvaro Zelaya & Ahnorrah-Rose Sutton
Edited by: Aaron Cohen
More Nick: "The Xmas Time" Music Video | Harvey Beaks | Nickelodeon Animation Studio!
Sources: ToonZone Forums member kanc, Screener TV Listings.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Holidays on Nickelodeon and Harvey Beaks News and Highlights!
In the brand-new Harvey Beaks festive special "It's Christmas You Dorks!" (#215), Old Man Winter visits Little Bark Grove and transforms the town into a musical, bizarre Christmas wonderland! In Nick's super sneak peek, "Snowball Fight", there's been a big snow storm, and Harvey and his friends are ready to play! Time for a snowball fight!
To further celebrate the debut of Nickelodeon's all-new Harvey Beaks holiday special "It's Christmas You Dorks!", Ego Plum, a composer on the popular Nicktoon, has unveiled a brand-new music video, featuring a behind-the-scenes look at the recording of "Snow Fort", a song that will be featured in the episode!:
Harvey Beaks | "Snow Fort" from the Harvey Beaks' Christmas Special
"Snow Fort" | Music composed by: Ego Plum for Harvey Beaks/Nickelodeon
Produced by: Ego Plum & Steve Bartek | Orchestrations: Steve Bartek
Engineered by: Reed Ruddy at Studio X, Seattle | Mixed by: Vahe Manoukian
Filmed by: Alvaro Zelaya & Ahnorrah-Rose Sutton
Edited by: Aaron Cohen
More Nick: "The Xmas Time" Music Video | Harvey Beaks | Nickelodeon Animation Studio!
Sources: ToonZone Forums member kanc, Screener TV Listings.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Holidays on Nickelodeon and Harvey Beaks News and Highlights!
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