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Friday, August 07, 2020
What Did You Think of the New 'PAW Patrol' Special 'Dino Rescue: Pups and the Big Rumble'? | Nickelodeon Fan Poll
What did you think of the first brand-new PAW Patrol "Dino Rescue" special "Dino Rescue: Pups and the Big Rumble"? Vote in the poll and sound off in the comments below!
August 2020 on Nickelodeon Turkey: LEGO City Adventures S2 | Just Add Magic S2 | Henry Danger | The Casagrandes + More
This August (Ağustos), Nickelodeon Turkey (Türkiye) will be airing:
-- Just Add Magic (Bir Tutam Büyü) season two weekdays at 20:25! [info]
-- LEGO® City Adventures (Lego City Maceralari) season two weekdays at 19:30 from Monday 10th August 2020!
-- Brand new episodes of Henry Danger (Risk Avcısı Henry) Sundays at 20:00 from Sunday 23rd August 2020!
-- Brand new episodes of The Casagrandes (Casagrande Ailesi) weekdays at 19:05 from Monday 24th August 2020!
-- The Thundermans Vs. Henry Danger Super Stunt, featuring marathons of both hit Nick shows, weekends at 18:25!
From Beyaz Haber Ajansi (BHA) via Haberimport.com:
Just add Magic Nickelodeon’da başlıyor
Dünyanın en sevilen çocuk eğlence TV kanalı Nickelodeon bu ay çok heyecanlı!
Dünyanın en sevilen çocuk eğlence TV kanalı Nickelodeon bu ay çok heyecanlı! The Thundermans ve Henry Danger özel bölümleri, The Loud House ve The Casagrande gibi en sevilen programların yeni bölümleri, merakla beklenen yeni çizgi film, LEGO City Adventures (LEGO Şehir Maceraları) ve gizem dolu yeni dizi Just add Magic bu ay sadece Nickelodeon’da!
Büyü ve Maceralarla Dolu Gizemli Dizi Just add Magic şimdi Nickelodeon’da!
Kelly, Darbie and Hannah’ın büyükanne Quinn’i normal haline getiren özel keki, kasabadaki bütün büyüleri kırdı, ancak aynı zamanda eski düşman 50 yıldır kayıp olan Chuck Hankins’i de geri getirdi. Kızlar Chuck’ı araştırdıklarında, onun yalnızca sıradan bir baş belası olmadığını ve aslında hayal edebileceklerinden çok daha fazlasını yapabilecek bir düşman olduğunu öğrendiler. Just add Magic hafta içi her gün 19.35’te Nickelodeon’da.
LEGO City Adventures Nickelodeon’da İzleyicilerle Buluşuyor!
Karakter odaklı LEGO City Adventures, sıra dışı karakterlerin yaşadıkları aksilikleri, hayatın heyecanlı, dahi, komik ve hareketli taraflarını keşfeder. Eğlenceli, mizah ve aksiyon dolu bir rollercoaster yolculuğu, bunu sonu olmayan bir sersemlik serisi yapar! Hafta içi her gün yayınlanacak olan bu heyecan dolu maceraları 18.20’de Nickelodeon’dan izleyebilirsiniz.
The Thundermans ve Henry Danger Çekişmesi
Hangisi daha hızlı ve güçlü? Thundermans mı yoksa Henry Danger mı? Thundermans ve Henry Danger gizli bir toplulukta mı? Tüm bu soruların cevapları ve daha fazlası Cumartesi ve Pazar günleri 18.25’te Nickelodeon ekranlarında. Bu güçlü Nick kahramanlarıyla macera dolu hafta sonu maratonlarını kaçırmayın.
Henry Danger Merakla Beklenen Yeni Bölümleriyle Nickelodeon’da!
Genç çocuk Henry Hart, yarı kahraman Kaptan Adam’ın eğitimindeki yardımcısı Kid Danger olarak yarı zamanlı bir iş çıkarıyor. Fakat yeni kimliğini gizli tutmaya söz verdikten sonra, Henry çifte bir hayat sürmek zorunda kalıyor. Henry Danger 23 Ağustos’tan itibaren her Pazar saat 20.00’da Nickelodeon ekranlarında.
The Casagrandes Yeni Bölümleriyle İzleyicilerle Buluşuyor!
The Casagrandes, büyük, sevgi dolu, çok kuşaklı Meksikalı-Amerikalı ailesiyle şehir hayatını araştıran bağımsız, maceracı, 11 yaşındaki Ronnie Anne’nin hikayesini anlatıyor. The Casagrandes’in ilginç hikayeleri 24 Ağustos itibariyle hafta içi her gün 19.05’te Nickelodeon’da.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Summer on Nickelodeon Turkey and The Casagrandes News and Highlights!
-- Just Add Magic (Bir Tutam Büyü) season two weekdays at 20:25! [info]
-- LEGO® City Adventures (Lego City Maceralari) season two weekdays at 19:30 from Monday 10th August 2020!
-- Brand new episodes of Henry Danger (Risk Avcısı Henry) Sundays at 20:00 from Sunday 23rd August 2020!
-- Brand new episodes of The Casagrandes (Casagrande Ailesi) weekdays at 19:05 from Monday 24th August 2020!
-- The Thundermans Vs. Henry Danger Super Stunt, featuring marathons of both hit Nick shows, weekends at 18:25!
From Beyaz Haber Ajansi (BHA) via Haberimport.com:
Just add Magic Nickelodeon’da başlıyor
Dünyanın en sevilen çocuk eğlence TV kanalı Nickelodeon bu ay çok heyecanlı!
Dünyanın en sevilen çocuk eğlence TV kanalı Nickelodeon bu ay çok heyecanlı! The Thundermans ve Henry Danger özel bölümleri, The Loud House ve The Casagrande gibi en sevilen programların yeni bölümleri, merakla beklenen yeni çizgi film, LEGO City Adventures (LEGO Şehir Maceraları) ve gizem dolu yeni dizi Just add Magic bu ay sadece Nickelodeon’da!
Büyü ve Maceralarla Dolu Gizemli Dizi Just add Magic şimdi Nickelodeon’da!
Kelly, Darbie and Hannah’ın büyükanne Quinn’i normal haline getiren özel keki, kasabadaki bütün büyüleri kırdı, ancak aynı zamanda eski düşman 50 yıldır kayıp olan Chuck Hankins’i de geri getirdi. Kızlar Chuck’ı araştırdıklarında, onun yalnızca sıradan bir baş belası olmadığını ve aslında hayal edebileceklerinden çok daha fazlasını yapabilecek bir düşman olduğunu öğrendiler. Just add Magic hafta içi her gün 19.35’te Nickelodeon’da.
LEGO City Adventures Nickelodeon’da İzleyicilerle Buluşuyor!
Karakter odaklı LEGO City Adventures, sıra dışı karakterlerin yaşadıkları aksilikleri, hayatın heyecanlı, dahi, komik ve hareketli taraflarını keşfeder. Eğlenceli, mizah ve aksiyon dolu bir rollercoaster yolculuğu, bunu sonu olmayan bir sersemlik serisi yapar! Hafta içi her gün yayınlanacak olan bu heyecan dolu maceraları 18.20’de Nickelodeon’dan izleyebilirsiniz.
The Thundermans ve Henry Danger Çekişmesi
Hangisi daha hızlı ve güçlü? Thundermans mı yoksa Henry Danger mı? Thundermans ve Henry Danger gizli bir toplulukta mı? Tüm bu soruların cevapları ve daha fazlası Cumartesi ve Pazar günleri 18.25’te Nickelodeon ekranlarında. Bu güçlü Nick kahramanlarıyla macera dolu hafta sonu maratonlarını kaçırmayın.
Henry Danger Merakla Beklenen Yeni Bölümleriyle Nickelodeon’da!
Genç çocuk Henry Hart, yarı kahraman Kaptan Adam’ın eğitimindeki yardımcısı Kid Danger olarak yarı zamanlı bir iş çıkarıyor. Fakat yeni kimliğini gizli tutmaya söz verdikten sonra, Henry çifte bir hayat sürmek zorunda kalıyor. Henry Danger 23 Ağustos’tan itibaren her Pazar saat 20.00’da Nickelodeon ekranlarında.
The Casagrandes Yeni Bölümleriyle İzleyicilerle Buluşuyor!
The Casagrandes, büyük, sevgi dolu, çok kuşaklı Meksikalı-Amerikalı ailesiyle şehir hayatını araştıran bağımsız, maceracı, 11 yaşındaki Ronnie Anne’nin hikayesini anlatıyor. The Casagrandes’in ilginç hikayeleri 24 Ağustos itibariyle hafta içi her gün 19.05’te Nickelodeon’da.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Summer on Nickelodeon Turkey and The Casagrandes News and Highlights!
August 2020 on Nickelodeon Poland: The Casagrandes | The Loud House | Shimmer & Shine | PAW Patrol | Blaze | Lego Jurassic World
Below is a round-up of Nickelodeon Poland's (Polska) programming highlights for August (sierpień) 2020!:
Nickelodeon Polska:
-- A brand new episode of The Casagrandes (Wielkodomscy) on Sunday 9th August 2020 at 10:00!
-- Brand new episodes of The Loud House (Harmidom) Sundays at 10:00!
Nick Jr. Polska:
-- Brand new episodes of hit shows, including Shimmer and Shine (Shimmer i Shine), Bubble Guppies (Babelkowy Świat Gupików) and Blaze and the Monster Machines (Blaze i Mega Maszyny) weekends at 08:15!
-- Brand new episodes of PAW Patrol (PSI Patrol), weekdays at 07:20 between Monday 17th - Friday 21st August 2020!
Nicktoons Polska:
-- Brand new episodes of Lego Jurassic World: Legend of Isla Nublar weekdays at 17:50!
From Biuro Reklamy TVN Media:
W sierpniu na antenie Nickelodeon nie zabraknie nowości oraz dalszych przygód ulubionych bohaterów wśród dzieci. W niedzielę, 9 sierpnia o godz. 10:00 nowy odcinek formatu “Wielkodomscy”. Jest to kontynuacja serialu “Harmidom”, którego fabuła skupia się na Rozalii Ani Maliniak - dziewczynce, która przeprowadza się do dużego miasta razem ze swoją mamą Marią i starszym bratem Robertem, gdzie poznaje swoją dalszą, hiszpańską rodzinę. Ponadto, stacja przygotowała również nowe odcinki serialu “Harmidom”, których emisja odbędzie się również w każdą niedzielę o godz. 10:00.
Z kolei na antenie Nick Jr. w każdy weekend o godz. 8:15 emisja nowych odcinków formatów, takich jak “Shimmer i Shine”, “Dora i przyjaciele”, “Bąbelkowy świat gupików”, “Dora poznaje świat”, “Blaze i mega maszyny”. Co więcej, od poniedziałku 17. sierpnia do piątku 21. sierpnia nowe odcinki kultowej bajki dla najmłodszych, czyli przygody “Psiego Patrolu”. Emisja o godz. 7:20.
Dodatkowo, w sierpniowej ramówce NickToons również nie zabraknie atrakcji i specjalnych serii dla dzieci. Od poniedziałku do piątku o godz. 17:50 emisja nowych odcinków serii “Lego Jurassic World”.
Więcej Nick: ViacomCBS Launches #RazemNaOdległość and #DzieciakiRazemWdomu Campaigns in Poland
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Summer on Nickelodeon Poland News and Highlights!
Nickelodeon Polska:
-- A brand new episode of The Casagrandes (Wielkodomscy) on Sunday 9th August 2020 at 10:00!
-- Brand new episodes of The Loud House (Harmidom) Sundays at 10:00!
Nick Jr. Polska:
-- Brand new episodes of hit shows, including Shimmer and Shine (Shimmer i Shine), Bubble Guppies (Babelkowy Świat Gupików) and Blaze and the Monster Machines (Blaze i Mega Maszyny) weekends at 08:15!
-- Brand new episodes of PAW Patrol (PSI Patrol), weekdays at 07:20 between Monday 17th - Friday 21st August 2020!
Nicktoons Polska:
-- Brand new episodes of Lego Jurassic World: Legend of Isla Nublar weekdays at 17:50!
From Biuro Reklamy TVN Media:
W sierpniu na antenie Nickelodeon nie zabraknie nowości oraz dalszych przygód ulubionych bohaterów wśród dzieci. W niedzielę, 9 sierpnia o godz. 10:00 nowy odcinek formatu “Wielkodomscy”. Jest to kontynuacja serialu “Harmidom”, którego fabuła skupia się na Rozalii Ani Maliniak - dziewczynce, która przeprowadza się do dużego miasta razem ze swoją mamą Marią i starszym bratem Robertem, gdzie poznaje swoją dalszą, hiszpańską rodzinę. Ponadto, stacja przygotowała również nowe odcinki serialu “Harmidom”, których emisja odbędzie się również w każdą niedzielę o godz. 10:00.
Z kolei na antenie Nick Jr. w każdy weekend o godz. 8:15 emisja nowych odcinków formatów, takich jak “Shimmer i Shine”, “Dora i przyjaciele”, “Bąbelkowy świat gupików”, “Dora poznaje świat”, “Blaze i mega maszyny”. Co więcej, od poniedziałku 17. sierpnia do piątku 21. sierpnia nowe odcinki kultowej bajki dla najmłodszych, czyli przygody “Psiego Patrolu”. Emisja o godz. 7:20.
Dodatkowo, w sierpniowej ramówce NickToons również nie zabraknie atrakcji i specjalnych serii dla dzieci. Od poniedziałku do piątku o godz. 17:50 emisja nowych odcinków serii “Lego Jurassic World”.
Więcej Nick: ViacomCBS Launches #RazemNaOdległość and #DzieciakiRazemWdomu Campaigns in Poland
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Summer on Nickelodeon Poland News and Highlights!
Classic Rugrats Comic Strip for Friday, August 7, 2020 | NickRewind
Classic Rugrats Comic Strip for Friday, August 7, 2020 | NickRewind
Rugrats, provided to Creators Syndicate by Nickelodeon, based off the popular animated television series has been created for children and family's to laugh and enjoy together.
Follow these comics and their take on real episodes of the show and their own spin on hilarious adventures.
Read more Rugrats comic strips!: https://www.creators.com/features/rugrats
More Nick: Nickelodeon and Paramount to Bring 'Rugrats' Back for the Next Generation of Kids!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Classic Nickelodeon and Rugrats News and Highlights!
Rugrats, provided to Creators Syndicate by Nickelodeon, based off the popular animated television series has been created for children and family's to laugh and enjoy together.
Follow these comics and their take on real episodes of the show and their own spin on hilarious adventures.
Read more Rugrats comic strips!: https://www.creators.com/features/rugrats
More Nick: Nickelodeon and Paramount to Bring 'Rugrats' Back for the Next Generation of Kids!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Classic Nickelodeon and Rugrats News and Highlights!
Nat & Alex Wolff in Talks with Netflix for Possible 'Naked Brothers Band' Special
Could there be a The Naked Brothers Band reunion in the future?
It’s been more than a decade since the end of The Naked Brothers Band, but brothers Nat and Alex Wolff, who filmed a Zoom reunion for the Nickelodeon series in April, look back on the show as if it was just yesterday. “The Naked Brothers Band was one of the most exciting parts of our lives,” Nat told StyleCaster.
The fervor around the series, which was based on the movie of the same, is still alive for fans as well. After the Zoom reunion, Nat and Alex were approached by Netflix for a Naked Brothers Band special, though, at the moment, the project is only a “conversation.” “There’s nothing real going on yet, but we’re always open to that,” Nat says. “It would have to be perfect.”
Earlier this year, Alex revealed that the siblings have talked about a potential reunion's storyline. “We did talk about Alex, who [was] a lemon-lime [soda] addict, is probably a drug addict,” said Alex, before admitting that probably wouldn’t fly with Nickelodeon. Talking about the series, Alex revealed that “I have not outgrown it.”
Whether a Naked Brothers Band reboot becomes real or not, Nat and Alex have their hands full at the moment with their music career. The brothers released their latest single, “Glue,” on Friday, August 7, and have another single, “Winter Baby,” and an EP on the way.
Nat and Alex also talked to StyleCaster about how their fans have grown up with them:
“Our music has evolved in the way we’ve evolved. Luckily, our core fans have stuck with us as we grew and the music grew," said Nat. "as we took different turns left and right, the music went with us and the audience has stayed with us. We’ve been lucky that we’ve never tried to appeal or make any kind of music to appeal to anyone. We just make music that we want to hear, that came out of our hearts.
“Everytime we put out music, we get a group of new fans. But we have the same core fans since we were kids," said Alex. "There’s a community of fans of ours, and they even become friends with each other. It’s a beautiful thing. They come to our show. They’ll fly in from places. It’s amazing to be a part of people’s lives like that.”
It seems like the boys still have a love of lemon-flavored beverages. Talking to Alternative Press, Alex revealed that one of the things that has been holding them together during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic has been lemon-flavored White Claw.
The Naked Brothers Band aired for 37 (+5 specials) between February 3, 2007 – June 13, 2009. The series is a spinoff of Draper's film of the same name that was picked up by Nickelodeon, premiering in January 2007. Draper, known for her starring role in Thirtysomething, is the executive producer, and often writer and director. Albie Hecht, Nickelodeon's former president of film and television entertainment and former president of Spike TV, is also the executive producer, under his Worldwide Biggies label. Michael Wolff, who led the band on The Arsenio Hall Show, serves as co-executive producer and music supervisor, with Draper's brother, Tim, as the consulting producer.
The show's theme song is "If That's Not Love" by Nat Wolff.
Join Nickelodeon's official I Was A Nick Kid Facebook Group!: https://www.facebook.com/groups/IWasANickKid/
More Nick: 'Taina' Star Christina Vidal On the Show's Important Legacy!
Originally published: Friday, August 7, 2020.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Classic Nickelodeon and NickRewind News and Highlights!
It’s been more than a decade since the end of The Naked Brothers Band, but brothers Nat and Alex Wolff, who filmed a Zoom reunion for the Nickelodeon series in April, look back on the show as if it was just yesterday. “The Naked Brothers Band was one of the most exciting parts of our lives,” Nat told StyleCaster.
The fervor around the series, which was based on the movie of the same, is still alive for fans as well. After the Zoom reunion, Nat and Alex were approached by Netflix for a Naked Brothers Band special, though, at the moment, the project is only a “conversation.” “There’s nothing real going on yet, but we’re always open to that,” Nat says. “It would have to be perfect.”
Earlier this year, Alex revealed that the siblings have talked about a potential reunion's storyline. “We did talk about Alex, who [was] a lemon-lime [soda] addict, is probably a drug addict,” said Alex, before admitting that probably wouldn’t fly with Nickelodeon. Talking about the series, Alex revealed that “I have not outgrown it.”
Whether a Naked Brothers Band reboot becomes real or not, Nat and Alex have their hands full at the moment with their music career. The brothers released their latest single, “Glue,” on Friday, August 7, and have another single, “Winter Baby,” and an EP on the way.
Nat and Alex also talked to StyleCaster about how their fans have grown up with them:
“Our music has evolved in the way we’ve evolved. Luckily, our core fans have stuck with us as we grew and the music grew," said Nat. "as we took different turns left and right, the music went with us and the audience has stayed with us. We’ve been lucky that we’ve never tried to appeal or make any kind of music to appeal to anyone. We just make music that we want to hear, that came out of our hearts.
“Everytime we put out music, we get a group of new fans. But we have the same core fans since we were kids," said Alex. "There’s a community of fans of ours, and they even become friends with each other. It’s a beautiful thing. They come to our show. They’ll fly in from places. It’s amazing to be a part of people’s lives like that.”
It seems like the boys still have a love of lemon-flavored beverages. Talking to Alternative Press, Alex revealed that one of the things that has been holding them together during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic has been lemon-flavored White Claw.
The Naked Brothers Band aired for 37 (+5 specials) between February 3, 2007 – June 13, 2009. The series is a spinoff of Draper's film of the same name that was picked up by Nickelodeon, premiering in January 2007. Draper, known for her starring role in Thirtysomething, is the executive producer, and often writer and director. Albie Hecht, Nickelodeon's former president of film and television entertainment and former president of Spike TV, is also the executive producer, under his Worldwide Biggies label. Michael Wolff, who led the band on The Arsenio Hall Show, serves as co-executive producer and music supervisor, with Draper's brother, Tim, as the consulting producer.
The show's theme song is "If That's Not Love" by Nat Wolff.
Join Nickelodeon's official I Was A Nick Kid Facebook Group!: https://www.facebook.com/groups/IWasANickKid/
More Nick: 'Taina' Star Christina Vidal On the Show's Important Legacy!
Originally published: Friday, August 7, 2020.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Classic Nickelodeon and NickRewind News and Highlights!
Zuko's ENTIRE Redemption Arc in 26 Minutes! | Avatar: The Last Airbender
Zuko's ENTIRE Redemption Arc in 26 Minutes! | Avatar: The Last Airbender
Zuko's path for honor was a long one, but to overcome his past traumas and warped worldview, time (and some Iroh wisdom) were needed. While at the end of Zuko's journey he didn't receive the honor he expected, he instead gained friendships with the Avatar he once hunted, Katara, Sokka, Toph, and Appa and helped right the wrongs of his ancestors! Zuko's journey is known as one of the greatest of all time–– now enjoy the entirety of it compiled together here so you can reminisce on Zuko's evolution from bitter Avatar hunter to peaceful Fire Lord.
Watch Avatar: The Last Airbender on Netflix & CBS All Access and The Legend of Korra on CBS All Access!
Subscribe to the NEW official Avatar: The Last Airbender YouTube channel!: https://at.nick.com/AvatarSubscribe
More Nick: Netflix to Host Open Casting Call for Live-Action 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' Series!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon, NickRewind, Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra News and Highlights!
Zuko's path for honor was a long one, but to overcome his past traumas and warped worldview, time (and some Iroh wisdom) were needed. While at the end of Zuko's journey he didn't receive the honor he expected, he instead gained friendships with the Avatar he once hunted, Katara, Sokka, Toph, and Appa and helped right the wrongs of his ancestors! Zuko's journey is known as one of the greatest of all time–– now enjoy the entirety of it compiled together here so you can reminisce on Zuko's evolution from bitter Avatar hunter to peaceful Fire Lord.
Watch Avatar: The Last Airbender on Netflix & CBS All Access and The Legend of Korra on CBS All Access!
Subscribe to the NEW official Avatar: The Last Airbender YouTube channel!: https://at.nick.com/AvatarSubscribe
More Nick: Netflix to Host Open Casting Call for Live-Action 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' Series!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon, NickRewind, Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra News and Highlights!
Leon Thomas III Reacts to Andre's Best Scenes on Victorious! 🎹 NickRewind
Leon Thomas III Reacts to Andre's Best Scenes on Victorious! 🎹 NickRewind
I don't know a more talented person...I DON'T know a more talented person! Leon Thomas III stopped by to look back and react to the best scenes featuring Andre on Victorious, and spills some behind the scenes secrets!
Watch all your ‘80s, ‘90s, and ‘00s Nickelodeon favorites on NickRewind, your late-night destination for your favorite childhood Nickelodeon cartoons and live-action shows! NickSplat doesn't question football-shaped heads, but embrace them - along with Reptar bars, a Big Ear of Corn, orange soda, and even slime for Pete (and Pete's) sake. Make your slime-covered Nickelodeon childhood dreams come true every night on TeenNick USA, and anytime you want on NickSplat on VRV, Nick Pluto TV, NickHits on Amazon Prime Video Channels and Nick on CBS All Access!
Like NickRewind on Facebook, subscribe to the NickRewind YouTube channel and follow NickRewind on Twitter and Instagram for exclusive digital content from all of your throwback favorites like Rugrats, Hey Arnold!, iCarly, Victorious, Kenan & Kel, CatDog, Doug, Rocko’s Modern Life, The Amanda Show, Clarissa Explains It All, The Ren & Stimpy Show, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, and so much more!
Join Nickelodeon's official I Was A Nick Kid Facebook Group!: https://www.facebook.com/groups/IWasANickKid/
More Nick: Jamie Lynn Spears Wants Daughter Maddie to Play Younger 'Zoey 101' Character in Potential Reboot!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Classic Nickelodeon and NickRewind News and Highlights!
I don't know a more talented person...I DON'T know a more talented person! Leon Thomas III stopped by to look back and react to the best scenes featuring Andre on Victorious, and spills some behind the scenes secrets!
Watch all your ‘80s, ‘90s, and ‘00s Nickelodeon favorites on NickRewind, your late-night destination for your favorite childhood Nickelodeon cartoons and live-action shows! NickSplat doesn't question football-shaped heads, but embrace them - along with Reptar bars, a Big Ear of Corn, orange soda, and even slime for Pete (and Pete's) sake. Make your slime-covered Nickelodeon childhood dreams come true every night on TeenNick USA, and anytime you want on NickSplat on VRV, Nick Pluto TV, NickHits on Amazon Prime Video Channels and Nick on CBS All Access!
Like NickRewind on Facebook, subscribe to the NickRewind YouTube channel and follow NickRewind on Twitter and Instagram for exclusive digital content from all of your throwback favorites like Rugrats, Hey Arnold!, iCarly, Victorious, Kenan & Kel, CatDog, Doug, Rocko’s Modern Life, The Amanda Show, Clarissa Explains It All, The Ren & Stimpy Show, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, and so much more!
Join Nickelodeon's official I Was A Nick Kid Facebook Group!: https://www.facebook.com/groups/IWasANickKid/
More Nick: Jamie Lynn Spears Wants Daughter Maddie to Play Younger 'Zoey 101' Character in Potential Reboot!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Classic Nickelodeon and NickRewind News and Highlights!
SpongeBob SquarePants | Toon Island - Hula Wore it Better? | Nickelodeon UK
SpongeBob SquarePants | Toon Island - Hula Wore it Better? | Nickelodeon UK
SpongeBob and Squidward go head to head for the Toon Island fashion crown!
Catch more Toon Island, the whole of August, on Nicktoons!
Catch more Toon Island, the whole of August, on Nicktoons UK & Ireland! http://www.nicktoons.co.uk/toonisland
More Nick: Nickelodeon UK to Host 'It's Pony But Where?' Competition in August 2020!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon UK, Nicktoons and SpongeBob SquarePants News and Highlights!
SpongeBob and Squidward go head to head for the Toon Island fashion crown!
Catch more Toon Island, the whole of August, on Nicktoons!
Catch more Toon Island, the whole of August, on Nicktoons UK & Ireland! http://www.nicktoons.co.uk/toonisland
More Nick: Nickelodeon UK to Host 'It's Pony But Where?' Competition in August 2020!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon UK, Nicktoons and SpongeBob SquarePants News and Highlights!
Rocket Power: El gran día | EPISODIO COMPLETO | Nick Rewind | Nickelodeon en Español
Rocket Power: El gran día | EPISODIO COMPLETO | Nickelodeon en Español
El primer ganador de la Batalla de los Clásicos de #NickRewind fue Hey Arnold... pero quienes apoyaron a Rocket Power también tienen su recompensa: aquí el episodio completo prometido, "El gran día", donde la gran anticipada apertura de la Zona Gravedad Cero finalmente se acerca.
Episode: The Big Day.
Más Nick: Nickelodeon to Launch NickRewind in Latin America and Brazil!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Latin America and Nick Rewind News and Highlights!
El primer ganador de la Batalla de los Clásicos de #NickRewind fue Hey Arnold... pero quienes apoyaron a Rocket Power también tienen su recompensa: aquí el episodio completo prometido, "El gran día", donde la gran anticipada apertura de la Zona Gravedad Cero finalmente se acerca.
Episode: The Big Day.
Más Nick: Nickelodeon to Launch NickRewind in Latin America and Brazil!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Latin America and Nick Rewind News and Highlights!
Rocket Power: O Grande Dia (Episódio Completo) | Nickrewind | Nickelodeon em Português
Rocket Power: O Grande Dia (Episódio Completo) | Nickrewind | Nickelodeon em Português
A turma antecipa a abertura da Zona de Zero Gravidade; começam os planos para Ray e Noelani casarem.
Episode: The Big Day.
Mais Nick: Nickelodeon to Launch NickRewind in Latin America and Brazil!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Brazil and SpongeBob SquarePants News and Highlights!
A turma antecipa a abertura da Zona de Zero Gravidade; começam os planos para Ray e Noelani casarem.
Episode: The Big Day.
Mais Nick: Nickelodeon to Launch NickRewind in Latin America and Brazil!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Brazil and SpongeBob SquarePants News and Highlights!
'Shanghaied' Alternate Endings | SpongeBob SquarePants
Shanghaied Alternate Endings | SpongeBob SquarePants
Can you remember the real ending?
Watch SpongeBob SquarePants on Nickelodeon!
Listen to The SpongeBob Musical here!: https://spongebobmusical.blogspot.com
SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated is now available on PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch!
CALLING ALL GOOFY GOOBERS! (ROCK!) Are ya ready for a deep dive into the world of SpongeBob SquarePants? The SpongeBob YouTube channel is THE PLACE for all fan-favorite SpongeBob moments! We’re serving up everything from legendary scenes to remixes of classic songs to deep dives into Bikini Bottom lore. Be sure to check back every week for Music Mondays, Wumbo Wednesdays, and Flashback Fridays! Subscribe now at https://www.youtube.com/SpongeBobOfficial!
Shop SpongeBob!: https://www.spongebobshop.com - SpongeBob face masks now available, with ALL proceeds going to charity!
More Nick: CBS All Access to Premiere 'Kamp Koral: SpongeBob’s Under Years' During Early 2021!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and SpongeBob SquarePants News and Highlights!
Can you remember the real ending?
Watch SpongeBob SquarePants on Nickelodeon!
Listen to The SpongeBob Musical here!: https://spongebobmusical.blogspot.com
SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated is now available on PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch!
CALLING ALL GOOFY GOOBERS! (ROCK!) Are ya ready for a deep dive into the world of SpongeBob SquarePants? The SpongeBob YouTube channel is THE PLACE for all fan-favorite SpongeBob moments! We’re serving up everything from legendary scenes to remixes of classic songs to deep dives into Bikini Bottom lore. Be sure to check back every week for Music Mondays, Wumbo Wednesdays, and Flashback Fridays! Subscribe now at https://www.youtube.com/SpongeBobOfficial!
Shop SpongeBob!: https://www.spongebobshop.com - SpongeBob face masks now available, with ALL proceeds going to charity!
More Nick: CBS All Access to Premiere 'Kamp Koral: SpongeBob’s Under Years' During Early 2021!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and SpongeBob SquarePants News and Highlights!
Momo Speaks | Avatar: The Last Airbender
Momo Speaks | Avatar: The Last Airbender
Well that was unexpected
Subscribe to the NEW official Avatar: The Last Airbender YouTube channel!: https://at.nick.com/AvatarSubscribe
Watch Avatar: The Last Airbender on Netflix & CBS All Access and The Legend of Korra on CBS All Access!
More Nick: Netflix to Host Open Casting Call for Live-Action 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' Series!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon, NickRewind, Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra News and Highlights!
Well that was unexpected
Subscribe to the NEW official Avatar: The Last Airbender YouTube channel!: https://at.nick.com/AvatarSubscribe
Watch Avatar: The Last Airbender on Netflix & CBS All Access and The Legend of Korra on CBS All Access!
More Nick: Netflix to Host Open Casting Call for Live-Action 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' Series!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon, NickRewind, Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra News and Highlights!
Sit Down and Think With The Crew of Glitch Techs | Mann of a Thousand Thoughts
Sit Down and Think With The Crew of Glitch Techs | Mann of a Thousand Thoughts
"Join me as I Sit Down and Think with the crew of Netflix and Nickelodeon's latest venture, Glitch Techs. We talk about the show, what's coming for season 2 and and everything in between."
Action, mystery, and a brand new recruit--that's just a little bit of what is going on at Hinobi HQ! Glitch Techs Season 2 comes to Netflix August 17. Click the following link for more info!: http://nickalive.blogspot.com/2020/07/netflix-to-release-glitch-techs-season.html
More Nick: Netflix and Nickelodeon Form Multi-Year Output Deal to Produce Original Animated Films and Series!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and Glitch Techs News and Highlights!
"Join me as I Sit Down and Think with the crew of Netflix and Nickelodeon's latest venture, Glitch Techs. We talk about the show, what's coming for season 2 and and everything in between."
Action, mystery, and a brand new recruit--that's just a little bit of what is going on at Hinobi HQ! Glitch Techs Season 2 comes to Netflix August 17. Click the following link for more info!: http://nickalive.blogspot.com/2020/07/netflix-to-release-glitch-techs-season.html
More Nick: Netflix and Nickelodeon Form Multi-Year Output Deal to Produce Original Animated Films and Series!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and Glitch Techs News and Highlights!
Nickelodeon Brazil and Escape 60 Launch 'SpongeBob' Virtual Experiences
Following the success of the SpongeBob SquarePants-themed 'escape room' experience at Escape 60 in Jardins, São Paulo in 2019, Nickelodeon Brazil (Brasil) and Escape 60 are once again partnering to launch a brand new SpongeBob SquarePants online game, "The Lost Atlantis Amulet", as well as two virtual birthday party packages inspired by the beloved animated series, designed to help kids entertained during lockdown!
Official press release via segs:
Personagem virou tema do game “O Amuleto Perdido de Atlântida” e também ilustra um formato inédito de comemoração de aniversário via web, com a assinatura da marca pioneira de jogos de fuga no Brasil
Para continuar divertindo a criançada durante tempos de isolamento social, o Escape 60 apresenta o jogo on-line “O Amuleto Perdido de Atlântida”, com a temática do Bob Esponja. O personagem da Nick também virou atração de um formato de festa na web.
Entrar para esse universo dos jogos on-line já estava nos planos dos sócios do Escape 60, mas foi só no início de abril, quando o isolamento social se intensificou, que o projeto foi antecipado e realizado. A marca lançou então os dois primeiros jogos na plataforma E60Play – “Cyber-Hacker” e “Cyber-Twins” –, que em menos de um mês já atraíram mais de 10 mil pessoas.
Agora, a empresa resolveu focar no público infantil, na faixa dos 6 a 12 anos, e convidou seu parceiro de negócios, a ViacomCBS, com o personagem Bob Esponja, da Nickelodeon, para entrar nesse universo. “Tínhamos certeza de que poderíamos contar com a franquia Bob Esponja para assinar essa primeira aventura infantil no ambiente virtual. Estamos muito felizes que o Bob Esponja tenha embarcado conosco nesta jornada”, afirma Jeannette Galbinski, diretora de Marketing do Escape 60.
“Uma das nossas missões é encurtar a distância entre nossos tão amados personagens e seus fãs. Bob Esponja é sucesso em todas as gerações e nos alegra muito fazer parte desse projeto que significa mais um canal de comunicação entre a Nick e sua audiência, ainda mais em um momento tão adverso como o que estamos vivendo”, afirma Angela Cortez, Vice-Presidente Sênior de Licenciamento da ViacomCBS na América Latina. “Parcerias como essa nos auxiliam a manter a #GaleraUnida, mesmo com o distanciamento social”, completa.
O jogo
Em “O Amuleto Perdido de Atlântida”, os participantes precisam ajudar o personagem a recuperar a joia, que desapareceu misteriosamente após uma grande festa no museu da Fenda do Biquíni. Todos os convidados são suspeitos e precisam ser investigados imediatamente, pois o culpado pode estar bem debaixo da nossa espátula!
“Sabemos que o momento pede muito entretenimento para as crianças, que precisam de atividades o dia inteiro. Com o novo jogo queremos levar o mundo mágico do Bob Esponja até elas, para que tenham um pouco mais de alegria e possam curtir esse momento com a família ou conectados com os amigos via web”, reforça Jeannette.
Preço: de R$ 14,90.
Escape 60 Party Bob Esponja
Além do jogo, o Escape 60 também vai organizar festas virtuais para até 10 pessoas com a temática do Bob Esponja e com o jogo incluído nessa brincadeira. O objetivo é que crianças, entre 6 e 12 anos, tenham uma comemoração de aniversário com seus amigos ainda que no ambiente on-line. “Sabemos como os pequenos podem ficar frustrados por não poderem comemorar seu aniversário fora de casa nesta época. Então, criamos essa ideia de festas virtuais com o Bob Esponja para que as crianças celebrem e matem a saudade dos colegas”, finaliza a executiva.
Na festa Bob Esponja há dois pacotes disponíveis:
Modelo 1: Convite personalizado do Bob Esponja; apresentação dos participantes; apresentação do jogo “O Amuleto Perdido de Atlântida” do Bob Esponja; acompanhamento do monitor do Escape60; parabéns (bolo e velinha sob responsabilidade dos pais) e brinde on-line (foto do grupo com plaquinhas do Escape60). Valor do pacote para até 10 pessoas: R$ 480,00
Modelo 2: Modelo 1 + vale para uma sala física do Escape60 para 4 pessoas, com validade até dezembro deste ano, com desconto a depender da unidade. Valor do pacote 2 com festa para até 10 pessoas e sala para 4 pessoas.
A atividade tem duração máxima de uma hora e meia. Para jogar, é necessário um celular ou computador com acesso à internet.
Como funciona a festa: entre no site www.escape60.com.br/e60play/
Sobre o Escape 60
O Escape 60 chegou ao Brasil em 2015 como uma opção inédita de jogo temático, presencial e interativo. A atração é composta por salas com temas distintos e inéditos, em que os participantes são desafiados a descobrir o enigma do jogo para, então, retornar à liberdade, com uma única condição: que tudo ocorra em apenas 60 minutos. Trata-se de uma experiência única de espírito de equipe, com o mínimo de duas pessoas e o máximo de 16 por sala, com instinto de investigação e capacidade de resolução de problemas. Hoje, a franquia está presente em 16 unidades em 7 cidades brasileiras e também desenvolve soluções para os meios corporativos e educacional.
Em 2020, o Escape 60 levou toda a magia dos enigmas dos jogos de fuga para o mundo on-line, onde os “escape 60 lovers” podem continuar a se divertir com os enigmas da franquia mesmo à distância. Trata-se da plataforma E60 Play.
A ViacomCBS Networks Americas, unidade da ViacomCBS Inc. (NASDAQ: VIAC), é formada por muitas das marcas de entretenimento mais emblemáticas do mundo. Seu portfólio na América Latina e no Canadá inclui MTV, Nickelodeon, Nick Jr., Comedy Central, Paramount Network, Telefe e Vidcon. O portfólio também abrange a Tr3s, uma rede de cabo hispânica nos EUA. A ViacomCBS Networks Americas também contempla os estúdios Viacom International Studios, Viacom Digital Studios International e detém uma participação majoritária do coletivo Porta dos Fundos, principal criador de conteúdo de comédia no Brasil e Backdoor voltado ao público de língua espanhola. Os negócios multiplataforma da empresa incluem PlutoTV, Noggin e Paramount+; os aplicativos Nick Play, Mi Telefe e Telefe Noticias; os produtos sob demanda, Nick First e My Nick Jr., além de vários sites.
Mais Nick: Nickelodeon to Launch NickRewind in Latin America and Brazil!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Brazil and SpongeBob SquarePants News and Highlights!
Official press release via segs:
Bob Esponja é a nova atração de jogo e de festa temática online do Escape 60
Personagem virou tema do game “O Amuleto Perdido de Atlântida” e também ilustra um formato inédito de comemoração de aniversário via web, com a assinatura da marca pioneira de jogos de fuga no Brasil
Para continuar divertindo a criançada durante tempos de isolamento social, o Escape 60 apresenta o jogo on-line “O Amuleto Perdido de Atlântida”, com a temática do Bob Esponja. O personagem da Nick também virou atração de um formato de festa na web.
Entrar para esse universo dos jogos on-line já estava nos planos dos sócios do Escape 60, mas foi só no início de abril, quando o isolamento social se intensificou, que o projeto foi antecipado e realizado. A marca lançou então os dois primeiros jogos na plataforma E60Play – “Cyber-Hacker” e “Cyber-Twins” –, que em menos de um mês já atraíram mais de 10 mil pessoas.
Agora, a empresa resolveu focar no público infantil, na faixa dos 6 a 12 anos, e convidou seu parceiro de negócios, a ViacomCBS, com o personagem Bob Esponja, da Nickelodeon, para entrar nesse universo. “Tínhamos certeza de que poderíamos contar com a franquia Bob Esponja para assinar essa primeira aventura infantil no ambiente virtual. Estamos muito felizes que o Bob Esponja tenha embarcado conosco nesta jornada”, afirma Jeannette Galbinski, diretora de Marketing do Escape 60.
“Uma das nossas missões é encurtar a distância entre nossos tão amados personagens e seus fãs. Bob Esponja é sucesso em todas as gerações e nos alegra muito fazer parte desse projeto que significa mais um canal de comunicação entre a Nick e sua audiência, ainda mais em um momento tão adverso como o que estamos vivendo”, afirma Angela Cortez, Vice-Presidente Sênior de Licenciamento da ViacomCBS na América Latina. “Parcerias como essa nos auxiliam a manter a #GaleraUnida, mesmo com o distanciamento social”, completa.
O jogo
Em “O Amuleto Perdido de Atlântida”, os participantes precisam ajudar o personagem a recuperar a joia, que desapareceu misteriosamente após uma grande festa no museu da Fenda do Biquíni. Todos os convidados são suspeitos e precisam ser investigados imediatamente, pois o culpado pode estar bem debaixo da nossa espátula!
“Sabemos que o momento pede muito entretenimento para as crianças, que precisam de atividades o dia inteiro. Com o novo jogo queremos levar o mundo mágico do Bob Esponja até elas, para que tenham um pouco mais de alegria e possam curtir esse momento com a família ou conectados com os amigos via web”, reforça Jeannette.
Preço: de R$ 14,90.
Escape 60 Party Bob Esponja
Além do jogo, o Escape 60 também vai organizar festas virtuais para até 10 pessoas com a temática do Bob Esponja e com o jogo incluído nessa brincadeira. O objetivo é que crianças, entre 6 e 12 anos, tenham uma comemoração de aniversário com seus amigos ainda que no ambiente on-line. “Sabemos como os pequenos podem ficar frustrados por não poderem comemorar seu aniversário fora de casa nesta época. Então, criamos essa ideia de festas virtuais com o Bob Esponja para que as crianças celebrem e matem a saudade dos colegas”, finaliza a executiva.
Na festa Bob Esponja há dois pacotes disponíveis:
Modelo 1: Convite personalizado do Bob Esponja; apresentação dos participantes; apresentação do jogo “O Amuleto Perdido de Atlântida” do Bob Esponja; acompanhamento do monitor do Escape60; parabéns (bolo e velinha sob responsabilidade dos pais) e brinde on-line (foto do grupo com plaquinhas do Escape60). Valor do pacote para até 10 pessoas: R$ 480,00
Modelo 2: Modelo 1 + vale para uma sala física do Escape60 para 4 pessoas, com validade até dezembro deste ano, com desconto a depender da unidade. Valor do pacote 2 com festa para até 10 pessoas e sala para 4 pessoas.
A atividade tem duração máxima de uma hora e meia. Para jogar, é necessário um celular ou computador com acesso à internet.
Como funciona a festa: entre no site www.escape60.com.br/e60play/
- Escolha um dos nossos pacotes e unidades.
- Escolha um dia e horário.
- Envie o WhatsApp e e-mail de seus convidados (máximo 10 amigos para fazer parte da aventura).
- Todos os convidados receberão um convite personalizado do Bob Esponja com o nome do aniversariante, data e hora do evento, com o código da sala e informações para acesso pelo Zoom.
- Nosso monitor acompanhará toda a atividade, incluindo as fotos da equipe e o parabéns no final!
- Duração da atividade: entre uma hora e uma hora e meia, dependendo do grupo.
- Todos os participantes receberão a foto do grupo, com plaquinhas do Escape60 on-line para recordar a festa.
Sobre o Escape 60
O Escape 60 chegou ao Brasil em 2015 como uma opção inédita de jogo temático, presencial e interativo. A atração é composta por salas com temas distintos e inéditos, em que os participantes são desafiados a descobrir o enigma do jogo para, então, retornar à liberdade, com uma única condição: que tudo ocorra em apenas 60 minutos. Trata-se de uma experiência única de espírito de equipe, com o mínimo de duas pessoas e o máximo de 16 por sala, com instinto de investigação e capacidade de resolução de problemas. Hoje, a franquia está presente em 16 unidades em 7 cidades brasileiras e também desenvolve soluções para os meios corporativos e educacional.
Em 2020, o Escape 60 levou toda a magia dos enigmas dos jogos de fuga para o mundo on-line, onde os “escape 60 lovers” podem continuar a se divertir com os enigmas da franquia mesmo à distância. Trata-se da plataforma E60 Play.
A ViacomCBS Networks Americas, unidade da ViacomCBS Inc. (NASDAQ: VIAC), é formada por muitas das marcas de entretenimento mais emblemáticas do mundo. Seu portfólio na América Latina e no Canadá inclui MTV, Nickelodeon, Nick Jr., Comedy Central, Paramount Network, Telefe e Vidcon. O portfólio também abrange a Tr3s, uma rede de cabo hispânica nos EUA. A ViacomCBS Networks Americas também contempla os estúdios Viacom International Studios, Viacom Digital Studios International e detém uma participação majoritária do coletivo Porta dos Fundos, principal criador de conteúdo de comédia no Brasil e Backdoor voltado ao público de língua espanhola. Os negócios multiplataforma da empresa incluem PlutoTV, Noggin e Paramount+; os aplicativos Nick Play, Mi Telefe e Telefe Noticias; os produtos sob demanda, Nick First e My Nick Jr., além de vários sites.
Mais Nick: Nickelodeon to Launch NickRewind in Latin America and Brazil!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Brazil and SpongeBob SquarePants News and Highlights!
Keke Palmer to Host 2020 MTV Video Music Awards; Channels True Jackson in New Trailer
Keke Palmer is officially the host of the 2020 VMAs! MTV revealed the exciting news in a new promo that featured Keke calling up ‘True Jackson’ and remixing the hit Nickelodeon show’s theme song.
Keke Palmer is your VMAs queen! The 26-year-old actor/singer extraordinaire will be hosting the 2020 MTV Video Music Awards live on Aug. 30 at 8 p.m. To celebrate this epic announcement, Keke calls her legendary alter-ego True Jackson. True Jackson, the character Keke played on the hit Nickelodeon series True Jackson, VP from 2008 to 2011, is now a CEO!
True is very impressed that the Hustlers star is hosting the VMAs this year. They both agree that True Jackson needs to be the one to style Keke for the VMAs. “I need a look that says snack, sticky, thick,” Keke says. True Jackson knows that Keke needs a “True Jackson original design.”
The show will air live from New York City. When True Jackson realizes how little time she has to whip something up, she calls for Lulu and Ryan to come help. The trailer ends with Keke remixing the True Jackson, VP theme song,"Change It Up," with a special new VMA twist in honor of hosting the VMAs. This remix is just as catchy as the original! You know what this calls for? A True Jackson revival! Give us True Jackson, CEO!
“From my head to my toes / I’m the host and you know / Bring the music / It’s just what I do,” she sings in the clip.
BTS, Doja Cat, and J Balvin are just a few of the artists set to perform this year. This will be BTS’ first-ever VMA performance and the TV debut of their new, English-only single, “Dynamite,” which is set to be released on August 21. Additional performers will be announced at a later date. Ariana Grande and Lady Gaga lead this year’s nominations with nine nods each, closely followed by Billie Eilish and The Weeknd with six nominations.
Fans can vote for 15 of this year’s categories on MTV’s voting site up until Aug. 23, and voting for the PUSH best new artist will remain open until the show begins.
“We’re thrilled to have the multi-talented Keke Palmer as this year’s VMAs host,” said Bruce Gillmer, President of Music, Music Talent, Programming & Events for ViacomCBS Media Networks. “Keke is an energetic force and a quadruple threat with unmatched comedic wit who will make this year’s show truly unforgettable.”
The 2020 VMAs are set to take place Aug. 30 at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York, with performances from iconic locations across the five boroughs, designed "to honor the spirit and resilience" of the city hit particularly hard by the novel COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic this spring. However, due to ongoing concerns over COVID-19, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced back in June that there will be a limited audience at the event, or none at all.
The VMAs would be the first event to take place at the Brooklyn arena since the pandemic forced the closure of live-entertainment venues, and cancellation of concerts and other events in New York.
After a particularly rough experience with the pandemic, with as many as 11,000 new cases a day in April, New York has seen the number of daily new coronavirus cases decline since then and stay below 1,000 a day for the past month.
The awards show will be executive produced by ViacomCBS Media Networks' president of music, music talent, programming and events Bruce Gillmer and Den of Thieves co-founder Jesse Ignjatovic. Den of Thieves' Barb Bialkowski will serve as co-executive producer.
As for a True Jackson, VP reboot/revival, Keke and her True Jackson, VP co-star Matt Shively have teased in recent months that as revival was in the works for 2021!
The actor, host and activist recently went viral with a video of her urging members of the National Guard to march with racial justice protesters in Los Angeles.
Palmer was shown speaking to the National Guard while participating in the protest, one of many that have occurred worldwide since the death of George Floyd, and referencing President Donald Trump's controversial "when the looting starts, the shooting starts" tweet about the demonstrations.
“You have a president talking about the Second Amendment as a use for people to come out here and use firearms against the people protesting. This is the message that we’re seeing," she says in the video that went viral on social media. "You have to pay attention to what’s going on. We have a president that’s trying to incite a race war, and when the borders are closed. We can’t leave. You have people in here that need your help. This is when you and y’all can stand together with the community, with society, to stop the governmental oppression. Period. We need you.”
The VMAs host reveal comes hours after Disney announced Thursday that Palmer will voice a new character for its upcoming Disney+ reboot, The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder, based on the original Disney Channel series.
“There’s a new girl coming to town!” Palmer wrote in an Instagram post introducing her character. “Prepare to fall in love with 14-year-old activist Maya Leibowitz-Jenkins, voiced by ME!!!”
More Nick: Nickelodeon and Paramount to Bring 'Rugrats' Back for the Next Generation of Kids!
Sources: HollywoodLife, E! News, ET, The Hollywood Reporter, Los Angeles Times, Variety.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and NickRewind News and Highlights!
Keke Palmer is your VMAs queen! The 26-year-old actor/singer extraordinaire will be hosting the 2020 MTV Video Music Awards live on Aug. 30 at 8 p.m. To celebrate this epic announcement, Keke calls her legendary alter-ego True Jackson. True Jackson, the character Keke played on the hit Nickelodeon series True Jackson, VP from 2008 to 2011, is now a CEO!
True is very impressed that the Hustlers star is hosting the VMAs this year. They both agree that True Jackson needs to be the one to style Keke for the VMAs. “I need a look that says snack, sticky, thick,” Keke says. True Jackson knows that Keke needs a “True Jackson original design.”
The show will air live from New York City. When True Jackson realizes how little time she has to whip something up, she calls for Lulu and Ryan to come help. The trailer ends with Keke remixing the True Jackson, VP theme song,"Change It Up," with a special new VMA twist in honor of hosting the VMAs. This remix is just as catchy as the original! You know what this calls for? A True Jackson revival! Give us True Jackson, CEO!
“From my head to my toes / I’m the host and you know / Bring the music / It’s just what I do,” she sings in the clip.
BTS, Doja Cat, and J Balvin are just a few of the artists set to perform this year. This will be BTS’ first-ever VMA performance and the TV debut of their new, English-only single, “Dynamite,” which is set to be released on August 21. Additional performers will be announced at a later date. Ariana Grande and Lady Gaga lead this year’s nominations with nine nods each, closely followed by Billie Eilish and The Weeknd with six nominations.
Fans can vote for 15 of this year’s categories on MTV’s voting site up until Aug. 23, and voting for the PUSH best new artist will remain open until the show begins.
“We’re thrilled to have the multi-talented Keke Palmer as this year’s VMAs host,” said Bruce Gillmer, President of Music, Music Talent, Programming & Events for ViacomCBS Media Networks. “Keke is an energetic force and a quadruple threat with unmatched comedic wit who will make this year’s show truly unforgettable.”
The 2020 VMAs are set to take place Aug. 30 at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York, with performances from iconic locations across the five boroughs, designed "to honor the spirit and resilience" of the city hit particularly hard by the novel COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic this spring. However, due to ongoing concerns over COVID-19, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced back in June that there will be a limited audience at the event, or none at all.
The VMAs would be the first event to take place at the Brooklyn arena since the pandemic forced the closure of live-entertainment venues, and cancellation of concerts and other events in New York.
After a particularly rough experience with the pandemic, with as many as 11,000 new cases a day in April, New York has seen the number of daily new coronavirus cases decline since then and stay below 1,000 a day for the past month.
The awards show will be executive produced by ViacomCBS Media Networks' president of music, music talent, programming and events Bruce Gillmer and Den of Thieves co-founder Jesse Ignjatovic. Den of Thieves' Barb Bialkowski will serve as co-executive producer.
As for a True Jackson, VP reboot/revival, Keke and her True Jackson, VP co-star Matt Shively have teased in recent months that as revival was in the works for 2021!
The actor, host and activist recently went viral with a video of her urging members of the National Guard to march with racial justice protesters in Los Angeles.
Palmer was shown speaking to the National Guard while participating in the protest, one of many that have occurred worldwide since the death of George Floyd, and referencing President Donald Trump's controversial "when the looting starts, the shooting starts" tweet about the demonstrations.
“You have a president talking about the Second Amendment as a use for people to come out here and use firearms against the people protesting. This is the message that we’re seeing," she says in the video that went viral on social media. "You have to pay attention to what’s going on. We have a president that’s trying to incite a race war, and when the borders are closed. We can’t leave. You have people in here that need your help. This is when you and y’all can stand together with the community, with society, to stop the governmental oppression. Period. We need you.”
The VMAs host reveal comes hours after Disney announced Thursday that Palmer will voice a new character for its upcoming Disney+ reboot, The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder, based on the original Disney Channel series.
“There’s a new girl coming to town!” Palmer wrote in an Instagram post introducing her character. “Prepare to fall in love with 14-year-old activist Maya Leibowitz-Jenkins, voiced by ME!!!”
More Nick: Nickelodeon and Paramount to Bring 'Rugrats' Back for the Next Generation of Kids!
Sources: HollywoodLife, E! News, ET, The Hollywood Reporter, Los Angeles Times, Variety.
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DigiPen Graduate Shannon Parayil Joins Nickelodeon’s 'The Loud House' as a Full-Time Background Designer
The following article was first published by the DigiPen Institute of Technology.
Shannon Parayil Joins Nickelodeon’s The Loud House as a Full-Time Background Designer
Last time we checked in with 2019 Student of the Year and BFA in Digital Art and Animation graduate Shannon Parayil, she had just begun the prestigious Nick Artist Program. The full-time apprenticeship, awarded to five aspiring artists a year, gave Parayil a chance to work on an animated show with professionals at Nickelodeon. For the last six months, Parayil has been working on The Loud House, a quirky series starring Lincoln Loud, the middle child and only boy in a family of 11 children. Once Parayil’s apprenticeship period ended, she received more exciting news — an offer from Nickelodeon to remain on The Loud House as a full-time background designer.
“It made me feel like I did my job well and that everything I was second guessing and scared about was really just in my head,” Parayil says. “I feel super honored to be on the team and be recognized among such a talented group of producers, writers, editors, designers, and directors.”

DigiPen graduate Shannon Parayil officially joined Nickelodeon as a full-time artist after a six-month apprenticeship.
As a background designer, Parayil says she’s assigned an average of 20 backgrounds per episode, although the number can fluctuate anywhere from 12 to 30. “I usually get my assignment at the beginning of the week and have about two weeks to complete it. They give me the storyboard, Photoshop files, and a breakdown of the backgrounds and how they are split up between me and one or two other background designers,” Parayil says. Once her backgrounds are complete, Parayil meets with the art director, who provides feedback and gets final revisions from the show’s production team. “As a result of being an in-betweener and clean-up artist on my DigiPen film teams, I was fairly comfortable with adapting to other people’s styles,” Parayil says. “So when I started doing background design, I had an idea of how to approach adapting to The Loud House style.”
While keeping her work within the show’s visual style is a big part of her job, Parayil says her time on the team also helped her understand how her own style fits into the mix. “Keeping the style consistent really is just about practicing and understanding the language of the style. One of the things that I think is cool is that all the background designers draw very differently, but there’s something innately Loud House about how they draw,” Parayil says. “It helped me realize that embracing the style is about embracing how you draw naturally and how your individual style contributes to the evolution and elevation of the backgrounds.”
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Parayil, like many other across the country, is working from home these days, having temporarily relocated back home to Bellevue from Nick Studios’ Burbank, California, location. “My average day is just sitting at my desk drawing backgrounds,” Parayil laughs. “It’s been incredibly fun, despite the challenges of working from home.” The move has kept her closer to her family too, meaning that once the The Loud House episodes she worked on air on TV, she won’t need to look far to find an eager viewing party. “I’m sure it will be very exciting and surreal, probably with lots of pausing and pointing and saying, ‘Look, dad! I drew that!’”
To learn more about the Nickelodeon Artist Program, visit NickArtist.com.
Subscribe to the official The Loud House & The Casagrandes YouTube channel!: https://at.nick.com/LoudCasaSubscribe
Watch The Loud House & The Casagrandes on Nickelodeon!
More Nick: Nickelodeon Releases The Loud House “Really Loud Music” Digital Album!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon, The Casagrandes and The Loud House News and Highlights!
Shannon Parayil Joins Nickelodeon’s The Loud House as a Full-Time Background Designer
Last time we checked in with 2019 Student of the Year and BFA in Digital Art and Animation graduate Shannon Parayil, she had just begun the prestigious Nick Artist Program. The full-time apprenticeship, awarded to five aspiring artists a year, gave Parayil a chance to work on an animated show with professionals at Nickelodeon. For the last six months, Parayil has been working on The Loud House, a quirky series starring Lincoln Loud, the middle child and only boy in a family of 11 children. Once Parayil’s apprenticeship period ended, she received more exciting news — an offer from Nickelodeon to remain on The Loud House as a full-time background designer.
“It made me feel like I did my job well and that everything I was second guessing and scared about was really just in my head,” Parayil says. “I feel super honored to be on the team and be recognized among such a talented group of producers, writers, editors, designers, and directors.”

DigiPen graduate Shannon Parayil officially joined Nickelodeon as a full-time artist after a six-month apprenticeship.
As a background designer, Parayil says she’s assigned an average of 20 backgrounds per episode, although the number can fluctuate anywhere from 12 to 30. “I usually get my assignment at the beginning of the week and have about two weeks to complete it. They give me the storyboard, Photoshop files, and a breakdown of the backgrounds and how they are split up between me and one or two other background designers,” Parayil says. Once her backgrounds are complete, Parayil meets with the art director, who provides feedback and gets final revisions from the show’s production team. “As a result of being an in-betweener and clean-up artist on my DigiPen film teams, I was fairly comfortable with adapting to other people’s styles,” Parayil says. “So when I started doing background design, I had an idea of how to approach adapting to The Loud House style.”
While keeping her work within the show’s visual style is a big part of her job, Parayil says her time on the team also helped her understand how her own style fits into the mix. “Keeping the style consistent really is just about practicing and understanding the language of the style. One of the things that I think is cool is that all the background designers draw very differently, but there’s something innately Loud House about how they draw,” Parayil says. “It helped me realize that embracing the style is about embracing how you draw naturally and how your individual style contributes to the evolution and elevation of the backgrounds.”
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Parayil, like many other across the country, is working from home these days, having temporarily relocated back home to Bellevue from Nick Studios’ Burbank, California, location. “My average day is just sitting at my desk drawing backgrounds,” Parayil laughs. “It’s been incredibly fun, despite the challenges of working from home.” The move has kept her closer to her family too, meaning that once the The Loud House episodes she worked on air on TV, she won’t need to look far to find an eager viewing party. “I’m sure it will be very exciting and surreal, probably with lots of pausing and pointing and saying, ‘Look, dad! I drew that!’”
To learn more about the Nickelodeon Artist Program, visit NickArtist.com.
Subscribe to the official The Loud House & The Casagrandes YouTube channel!: https://at.nick.com/LoudCasaSubscribe
Watch The Loud House & The Casagrandes on Nickelodeon!
More Nick: Nickelodeon Releases The Loud House “Really Loud Music” Digital Album!
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Uber Driver Passes His Boating Test After Taking Real-Life Mrs. Puff for a Ride
Could you imagine anything more nerve-wracking than giving a ride to the most famous driving teacher on the planet?
Andrew Vasquez, an Uber driver also known as andrewvasquez017 on TikTok, shared a video of a celebrity passenger he once drove home — Mary Jo Catlett, the actor who voices Mrs. Puff on SpongeBob SquarePants!
On Nickelodeon's beloved animated series, Mrs. Puff serves as the long-suffering boating (driving, but underseas, of course) instructor for SpongeBob.
She’s often exhausted with his ridiculously terrible driving skills, which often makes the porcupinefish (pufferfish) puff up and groan "Oh SpongeBob" in disappointment, so a thoughtful driver was surely a welcome reprieve for her.
“Andrew is a wonderful driver, unlike SpongeBob,” Catlett said in the video, perfectly imitating the character she played for several years. “Andrew took me home tonight and I’m having a wonderful time with him … so I persuaded him to come to Bikini Bottom just for a little while so we could say hi to all of you!”
She then said goodbye and blew a kiss at the camera.
Commenters went wild, moved by how sweet the video was.
“She looks so sweet I want to cry,” one person wrote.
“Omg she is so precious, we must protect her at all costs!!” another said.
Watch SpongeBob SquarePants on Nickelodeon!
Listen to The SpongeBob Musical here!: https://spongebobmusical.blogspot.com
SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated is now available on PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch!
CALLING ALL GOOFY GOOBERS! (ROCK!) Are ya ready for a deep dive into the world of SpongeBob SquarePants? The SpongeBob YouTube channel is THE PLACE for all fan-favorite SpongeBob moments! We’re serving up everything from legendary scenes to remixes of classic songs to deep dives into Bikini Bottom lore. Be sure to check back every week for Music Mondays, Wumbo Wednesdays, and Flashback Fridays! Subscribe now at https://www.youtube.com/SpongeBobOfficial!
Shop SpongeBob!: https://www.spongebobshop.com - SpongeBob face masks now available, with ALL proceeds going to charity!
More Nick: CBS All Access to Premiere 'Kamp Koral: SpongeBob’s Under Years' During Early 2021!
Original source: In The Know; Lead photo via Wikipedia.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and SpongeBob SquarePants News and Highlights!
Andrew Vasquez, an Uber driver also known as andrewvasquez017 on TikTok, shared a video of a celebrity passenger he once drove home — Mary Jo Catlett, the actor who voices Mrs. Puff on SpongeBob SquarePants!
On Nickelodeon's beloved animated series, Mrs. Puff serves as the long-suffering boating (driving, but underseas, of course) instructor for SpongeBob.
She’s often exhausted with his ridiculously terrible driving skills, which often makes the porcupinefish (pufferfish) puff up and groan "Oh SpongeBob" in disappointment, so a thoughtful driver was surely a welcome reprieve for her.
@andrewvasquez017 Mrs. Puff deserves to be taken in a Tesla... DONT LET THIS FLIP!! ##davidstesla ##spongebob ##fyp @daviddobrik @gfuelenergy ##gfuelenergy
♬ original sound - andrewvasquez017
“Andrew is a wonderful driver, unlike SpongeBob,” Catlett said in the video, perfectly imitating the character she played for several years. “Andrew took me home tonight and I’m having a wonderful time with him … so I persuaded him to come to Bikini Bottom just for a little while so we could say hi to all of you!”
She then said goodbye and blew a kiss at the camera.
Commenters went wild, moved by how sweet the video was.
“She looks so sweet I want to cry,” one person wrote.
“Omg she is so precious, we must protect her at all costs!!” another said.
Watch SpongeBob SquarePants on Nickelodeon!
Listen to The SpongeBob Musical here!: https://spongebobmusical.blogspot.com
SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated is now available on PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch!
CALLING ALL GOOFY GOOBERS! (ROCK!) Are ya ready for a deep dive into the world of SpongeBob SquarePants? The SpongeBob YouTube channel is THE PLACE for all fan-favorite SpongeBob moments! We’re serving up everything from legendary scenes to remixes of classic songs to deep dives into Bikini Bottom lore. Be sure to check back every week for Music Mondays, Wumbo Wednesdays, and Flashback Fridays! Subscribe now at https://www.youtube.com/SpongeBobOfficial!
Shop SpongeBob!: https://www.spongebobshop.com - SpongeBob face masks now available, with ALL proceeds going to charity!
More Nick: CBS All Access to Premiere 'Kamp Koral: SpongeBob’s Under Years' During Early 2021!
Original source: In The Know; Lead photo via Wikipedia.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and SpongeBob SquarePants News and Highlights!
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