Welcome to NickALive!, bringing you the latest Nickelodeon news for Nickelodeon channels around the world.
Wednesday, June 06, 2018
The Animation Guild Suspends ‘The Loud House’ Creator Chris Savino For One Year [Updated]
Originally published: Wednesday, May 30, 2018.
Nickelodeon Italia Begins The Countdown For SlimeFest 2018
Update (6/6): Nickelodeon Italia has announced the exciting news that Matteo Markus Bok will be SLIMEFEST 2018's social reporter, taking fans backstage of all the slimy action on Nick Italia's official Instagram Stories on the day!
Original Nickelodeon Italy (Italia) Press Release:
Manca oramai davvero poco a SlimeFest 2018, l’evento di musica live e divertimento dove i protagonisti sono i ragazzi e le loro famiglie, che quest’anno si terrà a Mirabilandia, il parco divertimenti situato alle porte di Ravenna, organizzato da Nickelodeon, il brand per ragazzi e famiglie presente in esclusiva su Sky (canale 605) di Viacom International Media Networks Italia, l’azienda guidata dall’A.D. Andrea Castellari.
Il cast e gli ospiti annunciati stanno preparando un pomeriggio che passerà alla storia per la quantità di slime e sorprese. Questa terza edizione di SlimeFest sarà presentata da Shade, rapper, attore, doppiatore, freestyler e stand up comedian italiano che si è distinto per alcuni dei suoi ultimi successi tra cui “Bene ma non benissimo” e, con Federica Carta, “Irraggiungibile” entrambe certificate Doppio Platino per le vendite, con all’attivo milioni di visualizzazioni su YouTube (oltre 33 milioni per “Bene ma non Benissimo” e oltre 63 milioni per “Irraggiungibile”), più di 1 milione di ascoltatori mensili su Spotify e oltre 17 milioni di stream su Spotify per “Irraggiungibile” e quasi 13 per “Bene ma non benissimo”.
Oltre a presentare, Shade si esibirà anche sul palco insieme al resto del cast già annunciato: Biondo, Elettra Lamborghini, Federica Carta, GionnyScandal, Mose, Rocco Hunt e Thomas. Ma non solo, perché oltre ai cantanti preferiti dai ragazzi, Slimefest è sinonimo di super ospiti tra muser, influencer e youtuber: Marco Cellucci, Sofia Dalle Rive, Jenny De Nucci, Sebastian Gazzarrini, Marta Losito, Noa Planas e Luciano Spinelli.
Per rivedere i momenti più belli di SlimeFest 2018, il 14 Luglio su Nickelodeon, Sky 605-606, andrà in onda lo speciale dove non mancheranno le slimmate più belle.
Main sponsor di SlimeFest 2018 è il famoso bubble gum Big Babol, pronto a far scatenare i bambini al coro di Play Big.
Friend partner è Diramix con il prodotto SQUISHY FLUFFY SLIME, lo slime Super Elastico in tanti colori e profumi diversi!
SlimeFest 2018 inizierà alle ore 17.00 con un pre-show ricco di giochi e attività. Segui e commenta con l’hastag #SlimeFestItalia sui social di Nickelodeon:
Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/NickelodeonItalia/
Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/nickelodeonit/
Twitter, https://twitter.com/nickelodeonit?lang=it,
Restate sintonizzati con Nickelodeon e Mirabilandia per scoprire tutte le novità di SlimeFest.
Per assicurarsi subito un posto è possibile già acquistare il biglietto di ingresso al parco per Sabato 9 Giugno su https://www.mirabilandia.it/.
Tipologia biglietti:
Il costo del biglietto intero è da €35,90 valido per due giorni consecutivi, in promozione online da €29.90.
Il costo del biglietto bambino (da 100 a 140 cm) è da € 27,90 valido per due giorni consecutivi, in promozione online da € 22.90.
Sul sito sono previsti anche pacchetti come ad esempio:
2 biglietti interi + 2 bambini da € 127,60 valido per due giorni consecutivi, in promozione online da € 89,90.
Inoltre, sarà disponibile anche un biglietto solo per il 9 giugno con ingresso pomeridiano (dalle 16.00) da € 24,90.
Nickelodeon, al suo 38esimo anno di vita, è il brand numero uno al mondo di intrattenimento per ragazzi. Ha costruito un ampio business globale, mettendo sempre i ragazzi al primo posto: “kids first”. Il business di Nickelodeon include programmi TV e produzione negli Stati Uniti e nel mondo, oltre ad eventi speciali, consumer products, film, libri e offerte digitali. I brand di Nickelodeon raggiungono oltre 1,1 miliardi di abbonati in oltre 170 paesi e territori, attraverso gli oltre 80 canali locali e blocchi di programmazione. Fuori dagli Stati Uniti, Nickelodeon fa parte del gruppo Viacom International Media Networks, una divisione di Viacom Inc. (NASDAQ: VIAB, VIA),uno dei leader nel campo della creazione e produzione di contenuti attraverso tutte le piattaforme. In Italia, i canali a brand Nickelodeon (NickJr, Nickelodeon, TeenNick) sono presenti in esclusiva su Sky. Nickelodeon fa parte di Viacom Italia, azienda guidata dall’A.D.
Mirabilandia è il più grande parco divertimenti italiano per estensione grazie a una superficie totale di 850.000 mq e 47 attrazioni. Tra le sue attrazioni più note e mozzafiato: Katun, il più lungo inverted coaster in Europa, iSpeed, il più alto e veloce launch coaster in Italia e Divertical, il più alto water coaster al mondo. Tra le attrazioni per famiglia ci sono: Far West Valley – costruita nel 2016 – è l’area tematica dedicata al far west e Dinoland, la più vasta area presente in un parco divertimenti dedicata al mondo dei dinosauri. Da non perdere l’ampio programma di show, che comprende tra gli altri “Sfida a Hot Wheels City”, il primo stunt show in Europa, con il loop più alto – 15m di altezza – mai eseguito in un parco divertimenti. Mirabilandia comprende anche Mirabeach, il bellissimo parco acquatico che da giugno 2018 diventa ancora più grande, grazie alla piscina a onde di 2.000 mq e ai nuovi scivoli. Nel 2017 il parco ha aggiunto la Realtà Virtuale Master Thai, il suo coaster per famiglie a doppio binario.
Also, from Nickelodeon Magazine:
Allo SlimeFest 2018 arriva la #bigbabolslimechallenge
Allo SlimeFest 2018 (il 9 giugno a Mirabilandia) si ballerà un sacco! Ci saranno Biondo, Elettra Lamborghini, Federica Carta, Thomas e tanti altri: insomma, musica a ritmo di slime!
Jenny De Nucci, Marta Losito e Noa Planas si stanno già preparando. E lo fanno con la #bigbabolslimechallenge di Big Babol. Le 3 muser hanno creato una coreografia sulla musica di La Cintura di Alvaro Soler. Guarda i video di Noa e Marta e vai su musically per vedere la performance di Jenny...
Ora tocca a te: riesci a rifare le coreografie di Jenny, Marta e Noa? Pubblica i tuoi video su Instagram e musically usando l’hashtag #bigbabolslimechallenge.
Non finisce qui: allo SlimeFest Jenny, Marta e Noa rifaranno la coreografia insieme a tutto il pubblico: sarà E-P-I-C-O!
This post is about SLIMEFEST 2018 Italia. Looking for SLIMEFEST UK or SLIMEFEST USA?
Nickelodeon Italia's SLIMEFEST 2018 Media Partners are Cioè and Ginger Generation, and RDS (100% Grandi Successi) serves as the events official Radio Partner.
For the latest SLIMEFEST Italia 2018 news, make sure to visit nicktv.it and to follow the hashtag #SlimeFestItalia on social media!
Di Più Nickelodeon: Nickelodeon Italy Announces Star-Studded SLIMEFEST 2018 Line-Up!
Originally published: Tuesday, May 29, 2018.
Additional source: DeepL Translator.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Italy and SLIMEFEST 2018 News and Highlights!
Original Nickelodeon Italy (Italia) Press Release:
SUL PALCO SI ESIBIRANNO (in ordine alfabetico):
Marco Cellucci, Sofia Dalle Rive, Jenny De Nucci, Sebastian Gazzarrini,
Marta Losito, Noa Planas e Luciano Spinelli
sono gli ospiti che animeranno SlimeFest!
Prevendita biglietti su Mirabilandia.it
Manca oramai davvero poco a SlimeFest 2018, l’evento di musica live e divertimento dove i protagonisti sono i ragazzi e le loro famiglie, che quest’anno si terrà a Mirabilandia, il parco divertimenti situato alle porte di Ravenna, organizzato da Nickelodeon, il brand per ragazzi e famiglie presente in esclusiva su Sky (canale 605) di Viacom International Media Networks Italia, l’azienda guidata dall’A.D. Andrea Castellari.
Il cast e gli ospiti annunciati stanno preparando un pomeriggio che passerà alla storia per la quantità di slime e sorprese. Questa terza edizione di SlimeFest sarà presentata da Shade, rapper, attore, doppiatore, freestyler e stand up comedian italiano che si è distinto per alcuni dei suoi ultimi successi tra cui “Bene ma non benissimo” e, con Federica Carta, “Irraggiungibile” entrambe certificate Doppio Platino per le vendite, con all’attivo milioni di visualizzazioni su YouTube (oltre 33 milioni per “Bene ma non Benissimo” e oltre 63 milioni per “Irraggiungibile”), più di 1 milione di ascoltatori mensili su Spotify e oltre 17 milioni di stream su Spotify per “Irraggiungibile” e quasi 13 per “Bene ma non benissimo”.
Oltre a presentare, Shade si esibirà anche sul palco insieme al resto del cast già annunciato: Biondo, Elettra Lamborghini, Federica Carta, GionnyScandal, Mose, Rocco Hunt e Thomas. Ma non solo, perché oltre ai cantanti preferiti dai ragazzi, Slimefest è sinonimo di super ospiti tra muser, influencer e youtuber: Marco Cellucci, Sofia Dalle Rive, Jenny De Nucci, Sebastian Gazzarrini, Marta Losito, Noa Planas e Luciano Spinelli.
Per rivedere i momenti più belli di SlimeFest 2018, il 14 Luglio su Nickelodeon, Sky 605-606, andrà in onda lo speciale dove non mancheranno le slimmate più belle.
Main sponsor di SlimeFest 2018 è il famoso bubble gum Big Babol, pronto a far scatenare i bambini al coro di Play Big.
Friend partner è Diramix con il prodotto SQUISHY FLUFFY SLIME, lo slime Super Elastico in tanti colori e profumi diversi!
SlimeFest 2018 inizierà alle ore 17.00 con un pre-show ricco di giochi e attività. Segui e commenta con l’hastag #SlimeFestItalia sui social di Nickelodeon:
Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/NickelodeonItalia/
Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/nickelodeonit/
Twitter, https://twitter.com/nickelodeonit?lang=it,
Restate sintonizzati con Nickelodeon e Mirabilandia per scoprire tutte le novità di SlimeFest.
Per assicurarsi subito un posto è possibile già acquistare il biglietto di ingresso al parco per Sabato 9 Giugno su https://www.mirabilandia.it/.
Tipologia biglietti:
Il costo del biglietto intero è da €35,90 valido per due giorni consecutivi, in promozione online da €29.90.
Il costo del biglietto bambino (da 100 a 140 cm) è da € 27,90 valido per due giorni consecutivi, in promozione online da € 22.90.
Sul sito sono previsti anche pacchetti come ad esempio:
2 biglietti interi + 2 bambini da € 127,60 valido per due giorni consecutivi, in promozione online da € 89,90.
Inoltre, sarà disponibile anche un biglietto solo per il 9 giugno con ingresso pomeridiano (dalle 16.00) da € 24,90.
Nickelodeon, al suo 38esimo anno di vita, è il brand numero uno al mondo di intrattenimento per ragazzi. Ha costruito un ampio business globale, mettendo sempre i ragazzi al primo posto: “kids first”. Il business di Nickelodeon include programmi TV e produzione negli Stati Uniti e nel mondo, oltre ad eventi speciali, consumer products, film, libri e offerte digitali. I brand di Nickelodeon raggiungono oltre 1,1 miliardi di abbonati in oltre 170 paesi e territori, attraverso gli oltre 80 canali locali e blocchi di programmazione. Fuori dagli Stati Uniti, Nickelodeon fa parte del gruppo Viacom International Media Networks, una divisione di Viacom Inc. (NASDAQ: VIAB, VIA),uno dei leader nel campo della creazione e produzione di contenuti attraverso tutte le piattaforme. In Italia, i canali a brand Nickelodeon (NickJr, Nickelodeon, TeenNick) sono presenti in esclusiva su Sky. Nickelodeon fa parte di Viacom Italia, azienda guidata dall’A.D.
Mirabilandia è il più grande parco divertimenti italiano per estensione grazie a una superficie totale di 850.000 mq e 47 attrazioni. Tra le sue attrazioni più note e mozzafiato: Katun, il più lungo inverted coaster in Europa, iSpeed, il più alto e veloce launch coaster in Italia e Divertical, il più alto water coaster al mondo. Tra le attrazioni per famiglia ci sono: Far West Valley – costruita nel 2016 – è l’area tematica dedicata al far west e Dinoland, la più vasta area presente in un parco divertimenti dedicata al mondo dei dinosauri. Da non perdere l’ampio programma di show, che comprende tra gli altri “Sfida a Hot Wheels City”, il primo stunt show in Europa, con il loop più alto – 15m di altezza – mai eseguito in un parco divertimenti. Mirabilandia comprende anche Mirabeach, il bellissimo parco acquatico che da giugno 2018 diventa ancora più grande, grazie alla piscina a onde di 2.000 mq e ai nuovi scivoli. Nel 2017 il parco ha aggiunto la Realtà Virtuale Master Thai, il suo coaster per famiglie a doppio binario.
Also, from Nickelodeon Magazine:
Allo SlimeFest 2018 arriva la #bigbabolslimechallenge
Allo SlimeFest 2018 (il 9 giugno a Mirabilandia) si ballerà un sacco! Ci saranno Biondo, Elettra Lamborghini, Federica Carta, Thomas e tanti altri: insomma, musica a ritmo di slime!
Jenny De Nucci, Marta Losito e Noa Planas si stanno già preparando. E lo fanno con la #bigbabolslimechallenge di Big Babol. Le 3 muser hanno creato una coreografia sulla musica di La Cintura di Alvaro Soler. Guarda i video di Noa e Marta e vai su musically per vedere la performance di Jenny...
A post shared by Noa ☀️️ (@noa_planas) on
A post shared by @ marta.losito on
Ora tocca a te: riesci a rifare le coreografie di Jenny, Marta e Noa? Pubblica i tuoi video su Instagram e musically usando l’hashtag #bigbabolslimechallenge.
Non finisce qui: allo SlimeFest Jenny, Marta e Noa rifaranno la coreografia insieme a tutto il pubblico: sarà E-P-I-C-O!
Nickelodeon Italia's SLIMEFEST 2018 Media Partners are Cioè and Ginger Generation, and RDS (100% Grandi Successi) serves as the events official Radio Partner.
For the latest SLIMEFEST Italia 2018 news, make sure to visit nicktv.it and to follow the hashtag #SlimeFestItalia on social media!
Di Più Nickelodeon: Nickelodeon Italy Announces Star-Studded SLIMEFEST 2018 Line-Up!
Originally published: Tuesday, May 29, 2018.
Additional source: DeepL Translator.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Italy and SLIMEFEST 2018 News and Highlights!
Petoskey, Michigan Grad Jeff Sornig Brings Nickelodeon Know-How To Harbor Springs Classroom
Petoskey grad brings Nickelodeon know-how to Blackbird classroom
HARBOR SPRINGS, Mich. — Jennifer Wixson’s first-grade class had some unusual guests on Monday, June 4.
Animated television characters SpongeBob SquarePants, Lincoln Loud and Timmy Turner all stopped by Blackbird Elementary School in the form of cartoonist Jeff Sornig.

First grade student Ben Ness shows off his drawing of a “Rock Star” cartoon character. Credit: Jillian Fellows/News-Review.
Sornig, uncle to Blackbird students Turner and Boden Schultz, demonstrated how to draw popular cartoon characters and talked to the students about his experiences as an artist.
“I always wanted to draw,” Sornig said. “I was always the artsy kid in school.”

First grade student Philly Forster follows along as artist Jeff Sornig draws cartoon characters on Monday during a presentation at Blackbird Elementary School. Credit: Jillian Fellows/News-Review.
Despite a lifelong love of drawing, Sornig has only recently begun pursuing an art career.
After graduating from Petoskey High School in 1988, Sornig joined the Marine Corps. It wasn’t until after his retirement from the Marines in 2012 that Sornig said he “rediscovered the old passion for drawing.”
“I started going to college for illustration and then I got into the Nickelodeon Animation intern program in 2015,” Sornig told the Petoskey News-Review. “I worked at Nick Animation in Burbank for two years.”
During his time as an intern, Sornig worked on the shows Pig Goat Banana Cricket, Pinky Malinky and a new special for Rocko’s Modern Life, "Static Cling".

Artist Jeff Sornig draws characters from the Nickelodeon cartoon “The Loud House” on Monday during a presentation at Blackbird Elementary School in Harbor Springs. Credit: Jillian Fellows/News-Review.
“It was amazing,” Sornig said. “It’s such a fun, creative environment. Being in California was great.”
Another part of Sornig’s work in Burbank was the “Let’s Draw” community outreach program. Through the pro-social program, Nickelodeon employees visited local schools and talked to kids about animation and drawing.
“We would just go out with the kids to their schools and just encourage them to draw and be creative,” Sornig said. “What we’ll do today is just bring a little bit of Nickelodeon up here to Northern Michigan.”

First-grade student Addi Glentz shows off her drawing of SpongeBob Squarepants on Monday during a presentation by artist Jeff Sornig at Blackbird Elementary School. Photo credit: Jillian Fellows/News-Review.
On Monday, the students excitedly called out the names of their favorite cartoon characters and Sornig quickly sketched them out on the classroom’s whiteboard, with the students trying to follow along with their own drawings.
While sketching, Sornig answered questions from the students, including many slime-related queries.
Student: Have you seen people get slimed?
Sornig: Yes, and actually next weekend I’m taking Turner and Boden and we’re going to the Nickelodeon SlimeFest in Chicago.
Student: Have you ever gotten slimed?
Sornig: I did get to get slimed. It tastes like pudding.
Sornig also offered students an inside look at how their favorite cartoons get made, including the months of hard work that go into creating each episode.
“For the cartoons that you see on TV, there’s a crew of about 100 people that work on that show,” Sornig said. “It takes about six months or longer to make a single episode that you see come on TV.”
Sornig now lives in the Detroit area and is a freelance artist. He said that every child loves to draw and by sharing his own experience with students, “it keeps the creativity going.”
“It inspires the imagination, gets them thinking about options,” Sornig said. “Growing up, you never knew cartoons were an actual job you could do. It kind of gives the kid an idea that ‘Hey, you could actually work in art someday if you wanted to.’”
HARBOR SPRINGS, Mich. — Jennifer Wixson’s first-grade class had some unusual guests on Monday, June 4.
Animated television characters SpongeBob SquarePants, Lincoln Loud and Timmy Turner all stopped by Blackbird Elementary School in the form of cartoonist Jeff Sornig.

First grade student Ben Ness shows off his drawing of a “Rock Star” cartoon character. Credit: Jillian Fellows/News-Review.
Sornig, uncle to Blackbird students Turner and Boden Schultz, demonstrated how to draw popular cartoon characters and talked to the students about his experiences as an artist.
“I always wanted to draw,” Sornig said. “I was always the artsy kid in school.”

First grade student Philly Forster follows along as artist Jeff Sornig draws cartoon characters on Monday during a presentation at Blackbird Elementary School. Credit: Jillian Fellows/News-Review.
Despite a lifelong love of drawing, Sornig has only recently begun pursuing an art career.
After graduating from Petoskey High School in 1988, Sornig joined the Marine Corps. It wasn’t until after his retirement from the Marines in 2012 that Sornig said he “rediscovered the old passion for drawing.”
“I started going to college for illustration and then I got into the Nickelodeon Animation intern program in 2015,” Sornig told the Petoskey News-Review. “I worked at Nick Animation in Burbank for two years.”
During his time as an intern, Sornig worked on the shows Pig Goat Banana Cricket, Pinky Malinky and a new special for Rocko’s Modern Life, "Static Cling".

Artist Jeff Sornig draws characters from the Nickelodeon cartoon “The Loud House” on Monday during a presentation at Blackbird Elementary School in Harbor Springs. Credit: Jillian Fellows/News-Review.
“It was amazing,” Sornig said. “It’s such a fun, creative environment. Being in California was great.”
Another part of Sornig’s work in Burbank was the “Let’s Draw” community outreach program. Through the pro-social program, Nickelodeon employees visited local schools and talked to kids about animation and drawing.
“We would just go out with the kids to their schools and just encourage them to draw and be creative,” Sornig said. “What we’ll do today is just bring a little bit of Nickelodeon up here to Northern Michigan.”

First-grade student Addi Glentz shows off her drawing of SpongeBob Squarepants on Monday during a presentation by artist Jeff Sornig at Blackbird Elementary School. Photo credit: Jillian Fellows/News-Review.
On Monday, the students excitedly called out the names of their favorite cartoon characters and Sornig quickly sketched them out on the classroom’s whiteboard, with the students trying to follow along with their own drawings.
While sketching, Sornig answered questions from the students, including many slime-related queries.
Student: Have you seen people get slimed?
Sornig: Yes, and actually next weekend I’m taking Turner and Boden and we’re going to the Nickelodeon SlimeFest in Chicago.
Student: Have you ever gotten slimed?
Sornig: I did get to get slimed. It tastes like pudding.
Sornig also offered students an inside look at how their favorite cartoons get made, including the months of hard work that go into creating each episode.
“For the cartoons that you see on TV, there’s a crew of about 100 people that work on that show,” Sornig said. “It takes about six months or longer to make a single episode that you see come on TV.”
Sornig now lives in the Detroit area and is a freelance artist. He said that every child loves to draw and by sharing his own experience with students, “it keeps the creativity going.”
“It inspires the imagination, gets them thinking about options,” Sornig said. “Growing up, you never knew cartoons were an actual job you could do. It kind of gives the kid an idea that ‘Hey, you could actually work in art someday if you wanted to.’”
eOne Unveils Plans for World’s First Peppa Pig World of Play Indoor Attractions from Merlin Entertainments
LONDON: As the growth of Peppa Pig continues to build across the globe, Entertainment One (eOne) and Merlin Entertainments (Merlin) have announced plans for the world’s first ever Peppa Pig World of Play. The standalone indoor attraction will bring to life eOne’s much-loved preschool television property in a series of interactive play areas designed for all the family. The first locations announced are Shanghai’s LC Mall set to open its doors late 2018 and the Grapevine Mills in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas targeted to open in early 2019.
Additional Peppa Pig World of Play sites have been secured in Beijing in China, as well as Michigan and the New York area in the US, which are also planned to open in 2019.
Peppa Pig World of Play is a unique indoor attraction concept that will give pre-school children an opportunity to step into the exciting world of Peppa Pig in an immersive play environment packed full of family-inclusive activities. With a design concept adaptable to different spaces, children and their families will be immersed in the world of Peppa Pig as they visit ten play areas that will ignite their imaginations. Merlin will build and operate the themed attractions under an exclusive multi-territory licensing agreement with eOne.
“Peppa Pig is loved by children and families across the world and we are thrilled that our partnership with Merlin will create the ultimate, fully-immersive Peppa Pig indoor play experience for her many fans,” said Andrew Carley, EVP Global Licensing, Family & Brands at eOne. “The partnership with Merlin underlines our own long term strategy of building enduring global success for Peppa Pig and these attractions will play an integral role in making it a favourite preschool property for many years to come.”
Mark Fisher, Chief Development Officer at Merlin Entertainments, said: “We are very excited about the opening of the world’s first ever Peppa Pig World of Play in partnership with eOne. Peppa Pig is an exceptionally strong brand, recognised and loved by families around the world, and the global preschool market for location-based entertainment represents a great opportunity for Merlin. The attraction’s flexible design means we are excited about the rollout potential of these attractions, with an initial focus on China and the US.”
Earlier this year, Merlin launched two in-park dedicated brand areas at Gardaland, Italy and Heide Park, Germany as well as Peppa Pig themed accommodation at both Resort Theme Parks, which are proving very popular with guests.
Peppa Pig began in the UK as a five-minute children’s animated TV series that was first broadcast on Channel 5 in 2004. The TV show is now seen globally, including on Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. channels around the world, including in the UK, Ireland and the USA. In China, the beloved television series made a strong broadcast debut in June 2015 on national broadcaster, CCTV and is now available on multiple leading VOD platforms including Youku, IQIYi and Tencent, where the show has accumulated over 45 billion cumulative views.
About Peppa Pig World of Play
Peppa Pig World of Play is a standalone indoor family attraction operated by the global attraction operator Merlin Entertainments plc under exclusive licence from Entertainment One. Peppa Pig World of Play will take pre-school children and their families, on an unforgettable adventure where they can step into the world of Peppa Pig and join Peppa and her friends to explore, discover and interact with a variety of instantly recognizable characters and locations from the show in a number of colourful playscapes lovingly recreated from the animated series. This incredible indoor play centre features ten stimulating play areas designed to fuel the imaginations of young children through a variety of interactive activity-based play that brings the incredible world of Peppa Pig to life. Further Peppa Pig World of Play attractions are due to open over the next two years. www.peppapigworldofplay.com
About Merlin Entertainments plc
Merlin Entertainments plc is a global leader in location based, family entertainment. As Europe's Number 1 and the world's second-largest visitor attraction operator, Merlin now operates over 120 attractions, 18 hotels and 6 holiday villages in 25 countries and across 4 continents. The company aims to deliver memorable experiences to more than 65 million visitors worldwide, through its iconic global and local brands, and the commitment and passion of its c.29,000 employees (peak season).
Visit www.merlinentertainments.biz for more information.
About Entertainment One
Entertainment One Ltd. (LSE:ETO) is a global independent studio that specialises in the development, acquisition, production, financing, distribution and sales of entertainment content. The Company’s diversified expertise spans across film, television and music production and sales, family programming, merchandising and licensing, and digital content. Through its global reach and expansive scale, powered by deep local market knowledge, the Company delivers the best content to the world.
Entertainment One’s robust network includes newly-launched MAKEREADY with Brad Weston; content creation venture Amblin Partners with Steven Spielberg, DreamWorks Studios, Participant Media, and Reliance Entertainment; leading feature film production and global sales company Sierra Pictures; unscripted television production company Renegade 83; world-class music labels Dualtone Music Group and Last Gang; and award-winning digital agency Secret Location.
The Company’s rights library is exploited across all media formats and includes more than 80,000 hours of film and television content and approximately 40,000 music tracks.
More Nick: UK: Paultons Park Announces Big Peppa Pig World Expansion!
Original source: Entertainment One Press Office; Additional sources: Licensing Source, Kidscreen.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon, Nick Jr. and Peppa Pig News and Highlights!
Nickelodeon Germany, Austria and Switzerland Looking for Contestants to Take Part on 'Kazoom Die Action-Spielshow' Season 3
Nickelodeon Germany (Deutschland), Austria (Österreich) and Switzerland (Schweiz) has announced the exciting news that they are looking for kids across Germany, Austria and Switzerland to be contestants on Nickelodeon GSA's locally produced hit game show, Kazoom Die Action-Spielshow!
Filmed at a popular amusement park, Kazoom features two teams of kids competing against each other to complete tricky challenges and tasks. Challenges include painting a picture whilst travelling on a fast roller coaster.
Nickelodeon GSA is looking for teams of two to be contestants on Kazoom Die Action-Spielshow. Do you have a best friend? A super sibling? A sporty teammate? And do you both want to take part in wild and crazy games across a amusement park? Then Nick wants you! Apply now to be part of Kazoom Die Action-Spielshow season three, which will shot on location at Movie Park Germany, home of Nickland, in Bottrop during July 2018!
Contestants must be fit to take on the physical challenges, as well as be skilful and brainy to take on the mental challenges. Kazoom Die Action-Spielshow season three will be turning the action up to the max-tion, so contestants should not be afraid of heights or fast roller coaster rides, as they'll be taking part in fun and exciting games on the fastest roller coasters and the most sparkling water rides - which will be providing plenty of top-notch high speed fun, guaranteed to thrill contestants as well as viewers at home! Successful contestants will also move on through to the grand final, where they'll have the chance to win a fantastic prize.
Who are Nickelodeon looking for?
Contestants should both be:
- Between 9-12 years old
- At least 1.45 metres tall
- Looking forward to spending some awesome days with Nick at Movie Park Germany in July 2018!
Teams of two can apply to be on Kazoom Die Action-Spielshow staffel online now by:
Downloading the application form here, filling it out and emailing it to casting@bmentertainment.de with the signature of their legal guardian. (If the link does not open, try "right-click" -> "open link in new tab")
Closing date for entries is Friday 15th June 2018. Following the closing date, Nickelodeon and Kazoom Die Action-Spielshow staffel drei production company Bastei Media will jointly select which teams will go on to compete in the game show! Good luck! :)
Visit nick.de. nick.ch and nickelodeon.at for full information!
Nickelodeon GSA's Kazoom Die Action-Spielshow staffel drei original casting call:
Du hast einen besten Freund, eine beste Freundin, die allerbeste Schwester oder den coolsten Kumpel im Sportverein? Ihr beide habt Lust auf Action und verrückte Spiele im Freizeitpark und keine Angst vor Höhe und rasanten Achterbahnfahrten? Dann bewerbt euch jetzt als Zweier-Team für unsere Spielshow im Movie Park Germany in Bottrop.
In der Show müsst ihr fit für Action sein, aber natürlich auch Geschick und Köpfchen zeigen. Ihr erlebt witzige und spannende Spiele auf den schnellsten Achterbahnen und spritzigsten Wasserbahnen – es gibt also Spielspaß im hohen Tempo und mit garantiertem Nervenkitzel!
Setzt Ihr euch durch und schafft es in das große Finale, winkt euch natürlich auch ein toller Preis.
Wen suchen wir?
Ihr beide seid:
* zwischen 9-12 Jahre alt?
* Mindestens 1,45 Meter groß?
* Möchtet Anfang Juli 2018 einige geniale Tage mit uns im Freizeitpark verbringen?
Dann bewerbt euch als Zweier-Team!
Ob im Team mit einem Bruder, einer Klassenkameradin, dem schnellsten Läufer im Sportverein oder dem cleveren Mathe-Genie, alles ist möglich. Und dass Mädchen und Jungen zusammen auch ein großartiges Team bilden, das müssen wir hoffentlich niemandem verraten.
Was müsst ihr tun? Ladet den Bewerbungsbogen hier runter, füllt ihn aus und sendet ihn mit Unterschrift eines Erziehungsberechtigten an casting@bmentertainment.de . (Wenn sich der Link nicht öffnen lässt, probiert es mal mit "Rechtsklick" --> "Link in neuem Tab öffnen")
Nickelodeon und die Produktionsfirma Bastei Media wählen dann gemeinsam die Teams aus, die an der Spielshow teilnehmen.
Teilnahmeschluss ist der 15. Juni 2018.
Wir freuen uns auf eure Bewerbung!
Bitte beachte:
Sämtliche deiner persönlichen Daten werden von VIMN bzw. von dem von uns beauftragten Unternehmen nur für die Durchführung der Bewerbung/der Spielshow verwendet und nur so lange gespeichert, wie es für die Durchführung der Bewerbung/der Spielshow erforderlich ist. Bitte wende Dich per E-Mail an datenschutz@mtv.de, wenn Du Deiner Einwilligung in die Erhebung, Verarbeitung und Nutzung Deiner Daten widersprechen möchtest. In diesem Fall wird VIMN sämtliche diesbezüglich gespeicherte Daten von Dir unverzüglich löschen, sofern es unter Beachtung des Vertragszweckes möglich ist und sofern keine zwingenden gesetzlichen Gründe einer Löschung entgegenstehen. Bitte berücksichtige, dass es aus technischen oder organisatorischen Gründen zu einer Überschneidung zwischen Deinem Widerspruch und der Nutzung Deiner Daten im Rahmen einer bereits laufenden Kampagne kommen kann.
Mehr Nick: Nickelodeon Germany Renews 'Spotlight' For Season 3!
Additional sources: Google Translate, Nickelodeon Wiki.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Germany and Kazoom News and Highlights!
Filmed at a popular amusement park, Kazoom features two teams of kids competing against each other to complete tricky challenges and tasks. Challenges include painting a picture whilst travelling on a fast roller coaster.
Nickelodeon GSA is looking for teams of two to be contestants on Kazoom Die Action-Spielshow. Do you have a best friend? A super sibling? A sporty teammate? And do you both want to take part in wild and crazy games across a amusement park? Then Nick wants you! Apply now to be part of Kazoom Die Action-Spielshow season three, which will shot on location at Movie Park Germany, home of Nickland, in Bottrop during July 2018!
Contestants must be fit to take on the physical challenges, as well as be skilful and brainy to take on the mental challenges. Kazoom Die Action-Spielshow season three will be turning the action up to the max-tion, so contestants should not be afraid of heights or fast roller coaster rides, as they'll be taking part in fun and exciting games on the fastest roller coasters and the most sparkling water rides - which will be providing plenty of top-notch high speed fun, guaranteed to thrill contestants as well as viewers at home! Successful contestants will also move on through to the grand final, where they'll have the chance to win a fantastic prize.
Who are Nickelodeon looking for?
Contestants should both be:
- Between 9-12 years old
- At least 1.45 metres tall
- Looking forward to spending some awesome days with Nick at Movie Park Germany in July 2018!
Teams of two can apply to be on Kazoom Die Action-Spielshow staffel online now by:
Downloading the application form here, filling it out and emailing it to casting@bmentertainment.de with the signature of their legal guardian. (If the link does not open, try "right-click" -> "open link in new tab")
Closing date for entries is Friday 15th June 2018. Following the closing date, Nickelodeon and Kazoom Die Action-Spielshow staffel drei production company Bastei Media will jointly select which teams will go on to compete in the game show! Good luck! :)
Visit nick.de. nick.ch and nickelodeon.at for full information!
Nickelodeon GSA's Kazoom Die Action-Spielshow staffel drei original casting call:
Du hast einen besten Freund, eine beste Freundin, die allerbeste Schwester oder den coolsten Kumpel im Sportverein? Ihr beide habt Lust auf Action und verrückte Spiele im Freizeitpark und keine Angst vor Höhe und rasanten Achterbahnfahrten? Dann bewerbt euch jetzt als Zweier-Team für unsere Spielshow im Movie Park Germany in Bottrop.
In der Show müsst ihr fit für Action sein, aber natürlich auch Geschick und Köpfchen zeigen. Ihr erlebt witzige und spannende Spiele auf den schnellsten Achterbahnen und spritzigsten Wasserbahnen – es gibt also Spielspaß im hohen Tempo und mit garantiertem Nervenkitzel!
Setzt Ihr euch durch und schafft es in das große Finale, winkt euch natürlich auch ein toller Preis.
Wen suchen wir?
Ihr beide seid:
* zwischen 9-12 Jahre alt?
* Mindestens 1,45 Meter groß?
* Möchtet Anfang Juli 2018 einige geniale Tage mit uns im Freizeitpark verbringen?
Dann bewerbt euch als Zweier-Team!
Ob im Team mit einem Bruder, einer Klassenkameradin, dem schnellsten Läufer im Sportverein oder dem cleveren Mathe-Genie, alles ist möglich. Und dass Mädchen und Jungen zusammen auch ein großartiges Team bilden, das müssen wir hoffentlich niemandem verraten.
Was müsst ihr tun? Ladet den Bewerbungsbogen hier runter, füllt ihn aus und sendet ihn mit Unterschrift eines Erziehungsberechtigten an casting@bmentertainment.de . (Wenn sich der Link nicht öffnen lässt, probiert es mal mit "Rechtsklick" --> "Link in neuem Tab öffnen")
Nickelodeon und die Produktionsfirma Bastei Media wählen dann gemeinsam die Teams aus, die an der Spielshow teilnehmen.
Teilnahmeschluss ist der 15. Juni 2018.
Wir freuen uns auf eure Bewerbung!
Bitte beachte:
Sämtliche deiner persönlichen Daten werden von VIMN bzw. von dem von uns beauftragten Unternehmen nur für die Durchführung der Bewerbung/der Spielshow verwendet und nur so lange gespeichert, wie es für die Durchführung der Bewerbung/der Spielshow erforderlich ist. Bitte wende Dich per E-Mail an datenschutz@mtv.de, wenn Du Deiner Einwilligung in die Erhebung, Verarbeitung und Nutzung Deiner Daten widersprechen möchtest. In diesem Fall wird VIMN sämtliche diesbezüglich gespeicherte Daten von Dir unverzüglich löschen, sofern es unter Beachtung des Vertragszweckes möglich ist und sofern keine zwingenden gesetzlichen Gründe einer Löschung entgegenstehen. Bitte berücksichtige, dass es aus technischen oder organisatorischen Gründen zu einer Überschneidung zwischen Deinem Widerspruch und der Nutzung Deiner Daten im Rahmen einer bereits laufenden Kampagne kommen kann.
Mehr Nick: Nickelodeon Germany Renews 'Spotlight' For Season 3!
Additional sources: Google Translate, Nickelodeon Wiki.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Germany and Kazoom News and Highlights!
SpongeBob SquarePants: Ripped Pants👖 in 5 Minutes | Nickelodeon
When big Larry came ‘round just to put him down, SpongeBob turned into a clown. And no girl ever wants to dance, with a fool who went and ripped his pants! Catch more SpongeBob SquarePants on Nickelodeon!
Which episode do you want to see next?! 🍍 Tell Nick in the comments on YouTube!
More Nick: NBA Star Chris Paul to Host Nickelodeon's Kids' Choice Sports Awards 2018!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and SpongeBob SquarePants News and Highlights!
Which episode do you want to see next?! 🍍 Tell Nick in the comments on YouTube!
More Nick: NBA Star Chris Paul to Host Nickelodeon's Kids' Choice Sports Awards 2018!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon and SpongeBob SquarePants News and Highlights!
Canticos ‘La Araña Chiquitita’ 🕸️🕷️ Sing-Along Nursery Rhyme Music Video | Nick Jr.
Put a little song in your child’s heart with Canticos’ classic nursery rhymes! Parents can watch this free online music video to teach their preschoolers the popular nursery rhyme, ‘La Araña Chiquitita’ (Itsy Bitsy Spider) in two languages! First, kids will hear this song in Spanish followed by the English translation. While watching, preschoolers can get to know Lili, a little spider 🕷️ who tries to make it up an elephant’s trunk but continues to get washed away. They’ll also have a chance to learn about opposites: chiquitita and grande (little and big), arriba and abajo (up and down), seco and mojado (dry and wet), frío and caliente (cold and hot), and triste and feliz (sad and happy). Parents can teach their kids the words to this song in both languages by following the lyrics on screen or by looking at the words below. To find more music videos, full episodes, games, and a collection of kids’ songs from your child’s favorite animated TV shows, visit the FREE Nick Jr. App or go to NickJr.com.
LYRICS (Español)
La Araña Chiquitita
La araña chiquitita
subió, subió, subió.
Vino la lluvia
y se la llevó.
Salió el sol
y todo se secó.
Y la araña chiquitita
subió, subió, subió.
LYRICS (English)
Itsy Bitsy Spider
The itsy bitsy spider
climbed up the water spout.
Down came the rain
and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun
and dried up all the rain.
And the itsy bitsy spider
climbed up the spout again.
LYRICS (Español)
La Araña Chiquitita
La araña chiquitita
subió, subió, subió.
Vino la lluvia
y se la llevó.
Salió el sol
y todo se secó.
Y la araña chiquitita
subió, subió, subió.
LYRICS (English)
Itsy Bitsy Spider
The itsy bitsy spider
climbed up the water spout.
Down came the rain
and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun
and dried up all the rain.
And the itsy bitsy spider
climbed up the spout again.
Hunter Street Season 2 | Biological Parents | Nickelodeon UK
Max (Stony Blyden) is told that he might get to meet his biological parents, but what will the Hunters think about it?
Watch more Hunter Street on Nickelodeon!
More Nick: Viacom Launches Nick Play VoD App on Virgin Media in the UK!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon UK and Hunter Street News and Highlights!
Watch more Hunter Street on Nickelodeon!
More Nick: Viacom Launches Nick Play VoD App on Virgin Media in the UK!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon UK and Hunter Street News and Highlights!
Актёры дубляжа Nickelodeon | Лина Иванова - Кензи из "Игроделов" | Nickelodeon Россия
Meet Лина Иванова, who voices Kenzie in the Russian dub of Nickelodeon's Game Shakers!
Актриса дубляжа Лина Иванова рассказала о работе над озвучкой своей героини Кензи в шоу "Игроделы".
Meet Евгения Каверау, who voices Babe in the Russian dub of Game Shakers here!
Watch more Game Shakers on Nickelodeon!
Больше Nick: June 2018 on Nickelodeon Russia | Blurt! | Henry Danger S4 | Game Shakers S3 | SpongeBob | Regal Academy S2 + More!
Additional source: Google Translate.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Russia and Game Shakers News and Highlights!
Актриса дубляжа Лина Иванова рассказала о работе над озвучкой своей героини Кензи в шоу "Игроделы".
Meet Евгения Каверау, who voices Babe in the Russian dub of Game Shakers here!
Watch more Game Shakers on Nickelodeon!
Больше Nick: June 2018 on Nickelodeon Russia | Blurt! | Henry Danger S4 | Game Shakers S3 | SpongeBob | Regal Academy S2 + More!
Additional source: Google Translate.
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Russia and Game Shakers News and Highlights!
L'actualité Fresh | Semaine du 4 au 10 juin 2018 | Nickelodeon France
Cette semaine dans Fresh on vous parle de la sortie du film Jurrasic World : Fallen Kingdom et du livre Manuel du Dad (Presque) Parfait.
Fresh, c'est LE rendez-vous de NICKELODEON qui te dit tout de l'actu et des tendances du moment ! Retrouve plein de vidéos de Fresh sur NICKELODEON.fr
Plus Nickelodeon: Nickelodeon Teen France Premieres 'Star Falls'!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon France and Fresh News and Highlights!
Fresh, c'est LE rendez-vous de NICKELODEON qui te dit tout de l'actu et des tendances du moment ! Retrouve plein de vidéos de Fresh sur NICKELODEON.fr
Plus Nickelodeon: Nickelodeon Teen France Premieres 'Star Falls'!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon France and Fresh News and Highlights!
Nickelodeon and Paramount's Third 'SpongeBob' Movie Gets Title, Release Date [Updated]
Just a few months after reports of a delay, the next installment of SpongeBob SquarePants movies has a new name and a new release date!
ComicBook.com was in attendance at CinemaCon 2018 in Las Vegas when Paramount Animation revealed that the upcoming third SpongeBob SquarePants movie will officially be called The SpongeBob Movie: It's a Wonderful Sponge and is set to open in theaters on Wednesday, July 22, 2020. The film will be the third in the series of SpongeBob SquarePants theatrical releases, with The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie having been released in 2004 and its sequel, The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water, in 2015. SpongeBob TV series writer Tim Hill (Muppets from Space, Garfield 2, Hop, and the first Alvin and the Chipmunks feature) is penning the script and directing the film. Hill has been involved with Spongebob Squarepants from day one, helping to develop the series, and has worked on the series off and on throughout the years.
The presentation also included clips from Wonder Park (due out March 15, 2019) with a live performance of "Wonder," an original song from the film, by Rachel Platten.
Update (6/6): Vincent Waller, the Creative Director on SpongeBob SquarePants, has revealed in a Tweet that SpongeBob SquarePants writer Aaron Springer is working on the story for The SpongeBob Movie: It's a Wonderful Sponge, and that he has heard that SBSP storyboard director Zeus Cervas has been brought on board to help storyboard the film!
Last May development of the third feature-length SpongeBob film was announced with release anticipated in 2019. In December, however, Paramount announced that film -- then being called The SpongeBob Movie -- was being pushed back a year. Now it looks like things are back on track. The studio even shared a first look at the movie's logo during their presentation at CinemaCon. You can check that out above!
Both The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie and The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water were box office successes for the studio, bringing in a combined $465.3 million on a budget of $104 million between the two films.
Since its launch in July 1999, SpongeBob SquarePants has emerged as a pop culture phenomenon. The series has been the most-watched animated program with kids 2-11 for more than 15 consecutive years, and over the past several years, it has averaged more than 100,000,000 total viewers every quarter across all Nickelodeon networks. SpongeBob SquarePants is the most widely distributed property in Viacom International Media Networks history, seen in more than 208 countries and territories and translated in 55+ languages. The Paramount Pictures feature film The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water premiered Feb. 6, 2015, landing at #1 opening weekend. The character-driven cartoon chronicles the nautical and sometimes nonsensical adventures of SpongeBob, an incurably optimistic and earnest sea sponge, and his undersea friends in the fictional underwater city of Bikini Bottom. Among those friends are SpongeBob's best friend, a pink starfish named Patrick Star, his neighbor and co-worker octopus Squidward Tentacles, and Sandy Cheeks, a squirrel from Texas.
SpongeBob SquarePants has been renewed through to at least the show's twelfth season, will be celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2019, and also has its own critically acclaimed Broadway show.
Paramount also revealed first-looks at the logos of their upcoming live-action Dora the Explorer and Are You Afraid of the Dark? movies at CinemaCon 2018!
More Nick: Plot Of Nickelodeon Movies' 'Wonder Park' Revealed!
Originally published: Thursday, April 26, 2018.
H/T: Konbini; Additional sources: The Hollywood Reporter, Cartoon Brew, ToonZone Forums /@SweetShop209, IMDb (I, II).
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Movies and Dora the Explorer News and Highlights!
ComicBook.com was in attendance at CinemaCon 2018 in Las Vegas when Paramount Animation revealed that the upcoming third SpongeBob SquarePants movie will officially be called The SpongeBob Movie: It's a Wonderful Sponge and is set to open in theaters on Wednesday, July 22, 2020. The film will be the third in the series of SpongeBob SquarePants theatrical releases, with The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie having been released in 2004 and its sequel, The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water, in 2015. SpongeBob TV series writer Tim Hill (Muppets from Space, Garfield 2, Hop, and the first Alvin and the Chipmunks feature) is penning the script and directing the film. Hill has been involved with Spongebob Squarepants from day one, helping to develop the series, and has worked on the series off and on throughout the years.
The presentation also included clips from Wonder Park (due out March 15, 2019) with a live performance of "Wonder," an original song from the film, by Rachel Platten.
Update (6/6): Vincent Waller, the Creative Director on SpongeBob SquarePants, has revealed in a Tweet that SpongeBob SquarePants writer Aaron Springer is working on the story for The SpongeBob Movie: It's a Wonderful Sponge, and that he has heard that SBSP storyboard director Zeus Cervas has been brought on board to help storyboard the film!
Last May development of the third feature-length SpongeBob film was announced with release anticipated in 2019. In December, however, Paramount announced that film -- then being called The SpongeBob Movie -- was being pushed back a year. Now it looks like things are back on track. The studio even shared a first look at the movie's logo during their presentation at CinemaCon. You can check that out above!
Both The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie and The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water were box office successes for the studio, bringing in a combined $465.3 million on a budget of $104 million between the two films.
Since its launch in July 1999, SpongeBob SquarePants has emerged as a pop culture phenomenon. The series has been the most-watched animated program with kids 2-11 for more than 15 consecutive years, and over the past several years, it has averaged more than 100,000,000 total viewers every quarter across all Nickelodeon networks. SpongeBob SquarePants is the most widely distributed property in Viacom International Media Networks history, seen in more than 208 countries and territories and translated in 55+ languages. The Paramount Pictures feature film The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water premiered Feb. 6, 2015, landing at #1 opening weekend. The character-driven cartoon chronicles the nautical and sometimes nonsensical adventures of SpongeBob, an incurably optimistic and earnest sea sponge, and his undersea friends in the fictional underwater city of Bikini Bottom. Among those friends are SpongeBob's best friend, a pink starfish named Patrick Star, his neighbor and co-worker octopus Squidward Tentacles, and Sandy Cheeks, a squirrel from Texas.
SpongeBob SquarePants has been renewed through to at least the show's twelfth season, will be celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2019, and also has its own critically acclaimed Broadway show.
Paramount also revealed first-looks at the logos of their upcoming live-action Dora the Explorer and Are You Afraid of the Dark? movies at CinemaCon 2018!
More Nick: Plot Of Nickelodeon Movies' 'Wonder Park' Revealed!
Originally published: Thursday, April 26, 2018.
H/T: Konbini; Additional sources: The Hollywood Reporter, Cartoon Brew, ToonZone Forums /@SweetShop209, IMDb (I, II).
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Movies and Dora the Explorer News and Highlights!
'The Adventures of Kid Danger' Premiere Week + Classic Henry Danger | Power Hour | Nickelodeon USA
This June, Nick are serving up villains in two different ways! See them animated in brand-new episodes of The Adventures of Kid Danger, then see them in the flesh in classic episodes of Henry Danger! Spend an hour with the bad guys, weekdays from 7:00pm ET/PT between Monday 11th - Thursday 14th June 2018, only on Nickelodeon USA!
Below is a list of brand-new episodes of The Adventures of Kid Danger that Nick USA will premiere in June 2018:
Monday 11th June 2018 at 7:00pm - Snooze Pods: When Jasper (Sean Ryan Fox) becomes trapped in a dream using one of Schwoz's (Michael D. Cohen) Snooze Pods, it is up to Captain Man (Cooper Barnes) and Kid Danger (Jace Norman) to bring him back. (#109A)
Tuesday 12th June 2018 at 7:00pm - Mad Wax: While being honored at the Celebrity Wax Museum, Captain Man and Kid Danger are attacked by an army of angry wax figures. (#110A)
Wednesday 13th June 2018 at 7:00pm - Fails: Invisible Brad returns and posts embarrassing videos of Captain Man and Kid Danger until they turn him visible again. (#110B)
Thursday 14th June 2018 at 7:00pm - Sticky Vicky: Henry's field trip to the Museum of Celebrity Garbage is cut short by the arrival of Sticky Vicky. (#109B; season finale)
More Nickelodeon: Nickelodeon USA's June 2018 Premiere Highlights!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon, Henry Danger and The Adventures of Kid Danger News and Highlights!
Below is a list of brand-new episodes of The Adventures of Kid Danger that Nick USA will premiere in June 2018:
Monday 11th June 2018 at 7:00pm - Snooze Pods: When Jasper (Sean Ryan Fox) becomes trapped in a dream using one of Schwoz's (Michael D. Cohen) Snooze Pods, it is up to Captain Man (Cooper Barnes) and Kid Danger (Jace Norman) to bring him back. (#109A)
Tuesday 12th June 2018 at 7:00pm - Mad Wax: While being honored at the Celebrity Wax Museum, Captain Man and Kid Danger are attacked by an army of angry wax figures. (#110A)
Wednesday 13th June 2018 at 7:00pm - Fails: Invisible Brad returns and posts embarrassing videos of Captain Man and Kid Danger until they turn him visible again. (#110B)
Thursday 14th June 2018 at 7:00pm - Sticky Vicky: Henry's field trip to the Museum of Celebrity Garbage is cut short by the arrival of Sticky Vicky. (#109B; season finale)
More Nickelodeon: Nickelodeon USA's June 2018 Premiere Highlights!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon, Henry Danger and The Adventures of Kid Danger News and Highlights!
SpongeBob SquarePants | "The Scare Song" | German Version | Nickelodeon Deutschland
Listen to "The Scare Song", the spooktacular song from the hit SpongeBob Schwammkopf stop-motion Halloween special "The Legend of Boo-Kini Bottom" ("HA-HA-Halloween") in Deutsch in the Sponge-Tastic video below!:
"The Scare Song" is written by Mr. Lawrence, music by Eban Schletter and performed by the Flying Dutchman's crew of pirate ghosts.
Watch more SpongeBob SquarePants on Nickelodeon!
Mehr Nick: June and July 2018 on Nickelodeon Austria and Nickelodeon Switzerland | Highlights!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the Nickelodeon Germany and SpongeBob SquarePants News and Highlights!
"The Scare Song" is written by Mr. Lawrence, music by Eban Schletter and performed by the Flying Dutchman's crew of pirate ghosts.
Watch more SpongeBob SquarePants on Nickelodeon!
Mehr Nick: June and July 2018 on Nickelodeon Austria and Nickelodeon Switzerland | Highlights!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the Nickelodeon Germany and SpongeBob SquarePants News and Highlights!
Kally's Mashup | "What R U Doin' Here" (clipe com letras) | Nickelodeon Brasil
Acompanhe a letra e aprenda a canção!
Mais: http://mundonick.uol.com.br/programas/kallys-mashup/bin4jl
Mais Nick: Nickelodeon Brazil to Premiere 'Knight Squad' on Saturday 9th June 2018!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Brazil and Kally's Mashup News and Highlights!
Mais: http://mundonick.uol.com.br/programas/kallys-mashup/bin4jl
Mais Nick: Nickelodeon Brazil to Premiere 'Knight Squad' on Saturday 9th June 2018!
Follow NickALive! on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, via RSS, on Instagram, and/or Facebook for the latest Nickelodeon Brazil and Kally's Mashup News and Highlights!
Cast Of 'SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical' Perform '(Just A) Simple Sponge' on 'The View'
Check out SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical star Ethan Slater and cast perform "(Just A) Simple Sponge" from the Tony-nominated musical!
The Tony-award nominated SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical is now playing at the Palace Theatre (1564 Broadway at West 47th Street). For full information, reviews and tickets, visit http://spongebobbroadway.com.
SpongeBob SquarePants - The New Musical Original Cast Recording is available to purchase today at https://spongebobmusical.lnk.to/SpongebobMusicalRecording.
Follow SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical on social media:
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More Nick: 'SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical' Nominated For 12 Awards In The 72nd Annual Tony Awards!
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The Tony-award nominated SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical is now playing at the Palace Theatre (1564 Broadway at West 47th Street). For full information, reviews and tickets, visit http://spongebobbroadway.com.
SpongeBob SquarePants - The New Musical Original Cast Recording is available to purchase today at https://spongebobmusical.lnk.to/SpongebobMusicalRecording.
Follow SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical on social media:
Facebook: facebook.com/SpongeBobBway
Twitter: @SpongeBobBway
Instagram: #spongebobbway
YouTube: youtube.com/spongebobbroadway
More Nick: 'SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical' Nominated For 12 Awards In The 72nd Annual Tony Awards!
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Nickelodeon Programming To Become Available In Iraq Via WAVO Following Partnership Between Arabia's OSN And Zain Iraq
Zain Iraq has signed a partnership agreement with Dubai-based OSN – the MENA region’s leading entertainment network – to provide its customers with access to OSN’s online TV service, ‘WAVO’.
Available on mobile devices and tablets (iOS/Android), Samsung and LG Smart TVs or PCs, WAVO combines a unique blend of live and On Demand TV, including English and Arabic family and kids shows, hit TV series, blockbuster movies and exclusive sporting events, which can be viewed anytime, anywhere.
Francesco Perta, VP Telecom Partnerships, OSN, said: “Our partnership with Zain Iraq brings WAVO to a whole new audience in the region and reaffirms our commitment to provide customers more value and an unrivalled TV viewing experience that mixes exclusive live and On Demand TV. We are therefore delighted that customers in Iraq can now enjoy the world-class anytime, anywhere entertainment on offer with WAVO.”
WAVO sets itself apart because of OSN’s exclusive partnerships with major entertainment studios like Viacom International Media Networks (VIMN; which includes Nickelodeon and Nick Jr.), HBO, Dreamworks, and Disney. WAVO gives customers access to hit Western series such as SpongeBob SquarePants, The Loud House, PAW Patrol, Shimmer and Shine, Games of Thrones and Westworld and top Arabic shows featuring the biggest stars of the Arab world on OSN Ya Hala Al Oula HD. In addition, with 25 live TV channels - including Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. - and the ability to watch a vast array of exclusive programming On Demand, WAVO’s offering is unmatched in the region.
Speaking about the agreement, Ali Al Zahed, CEO, Zain Iraq, declared, “This partnership with OSN is complementary to Zain Iraq’s strategy to drive our business and marketing operations towards new limits of creativity and innovation by providing unique experiences to our subscribers to meet their expectations and desires. Our offering in Iraq of the OSN-powered WAVO and data bundle reflects our ambition of pushing the boundaries of digital innovation across Iraq”.
Talking about the deal, Francesco Perta, VP Telecom Partnerships, OSN, said: “Our partnership with Zain Iraq brings WAVO to a whole new audience in the region and reaffirms our commitment to provide customers more value and an unrivalled TV viewing experience that mixes exclusive live and On Demand TV. We are therefore delighted that customers in Iraq can now enjoy the world-class anytime, anywhere entertainment on offer with WAVO.”
WAVO sets itself apart because of OSN’s exclusive partnerships with major entertainment studios like HBO, Dreamworks, Nickelodeon and Disney. WAVO gives customers access to hit Western series such as Games of Thrones and Westworld and top Arabic shows featuring the biggest stars of the Arab world on OSN Ya Hala Al Oula HD. In addition, with 25 live TV channels and the ability to watch a vast array of exclusive programming On Demand, WAVO’s offering is unmatched in the region.
More Nick: Al Jalila Children's and Nickelodeon Arabia Team Up to Raise Asthma Awareness!
Sources: Telecompaper, the Zain Press Office, NexTV News Africa, BroadcastPro ME.
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Available on mobile devices and tablets (iOS/Android), Samsung and LG Smart TVs or PCs, WAVO combines a unique blend of live and On Demand TV, including English and Arabic family and kids shows, hit TV series, blockbuster movies and exclusive sporting events, which can be viewed anytime, anywhere.
Francesco Perta, VP Telecom Partnerships, OSN, said: “Our partnership with Zain Iraq brings WAVO to a whole new audience in the region and reaffirms our commitment to provide customers more value and an unrivalled TV viewing experience that mixes exclusive live and On Demand TV. We are therefore delighted that customers in Iraq can now enjoy the world-class anytime, anywhere entertainment on offer with WAVO.”
WAVO sets itself apart because of OSN’s exclusive partnerships with major entertainment studios like Viacom International Media Networks (VIMN; which includes Nickelodeon and Nick Jr.), HBO, Dreamworks, and Disney. WAVO gives customers access to hit Western series such as SpongeBob SquarePants, The Loud House, PAW Patrol, Shimmer and Shine, Games of Thrones and Westworld and top Arabic shows featuring the biggest stars of the Arab world on OSN Ya Hala Al Oula HD. In addition, with 25 live TV channels - including Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. - and the ability to watch a vast array of exclusive programming On Demand, WAVO’s offering is unmatched in the region.
Speaking about the agreement, Ali Al Zahed, CEO, Zain Iraq, declared, “This partnership with OSN is complementary to Zain Iraq’s strategy to drive our business and marketing operations towards new limits of creativity and innovation by providing unique experiences to our subscribers to meet their expectations and desires. Our offering in Iraq of the OSN-powered WAVO and data bundle reflects our ambition of pushing the boundaries of digital innovation across Iraq”.
Talking about the deal, Francesco Perta, VP Telecom Partnerships, OSN, said: “Our partnership with Zain Iraq brings WAVO to a whole new audience in the region and reaffirms our commitment to provide customers more value and an unrivalled TV viewing experience that mixes exclusive live and On Demand TV. We are therefore delighted that customers in Iraq can now enjoy the world-class anytime, anywhere entertainment on offer with WAVO.”
WAVO sets itself apart because of OSN’s exclusive partnerships with major entertainment studios like HBO, Dreamworks, Nickelodeon and Disney. WAVO gives customers access to hit Western series such as Games of Thrones and Westworld and top Arabic shows featuring the biggest stars of the Arab world on OSN Ya Hala Al Oula HD. In addition, with 25 live TV channels and the ability to watch a vast array of exclusive programming On Demand, WAVO’s offering is unmatched in the region.
More Nick: Al Jalila Children's and Nickelodeon Arabia Team Up to Raise Asthma Awareness!
Sources: Telecompaper, the Zain Press Office, NexTV News Africa, BroadcastPro ME.
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