The Nickelodeon Animation Studio has unveiled a magical "Meet the..." video featuring a interview with Valerie Walsh Valdes and Chris Gifford, the creators of Nickelodeon's hit animated preschool series "Dora the Explorer", "Dora and Friends: Into the City", and "Go, Diego, Go!", on their official YouTube channel, which you can watch in the super online streaming video clip below!:
In their interview, Valerie Walsh Valdes and Chris Gifford talk about how they developed "Dora the Explorer", how "Dora the Explorer" was originally intended to be a live-action series with puppet characters, the research they conducted with children to make sure the characters were loveable and hugable, including how they had to redraw Boots the Monkey, how they involve kids in all the production stages of each episode to make sure its just right, and what their professional relationship is like!
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