Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Dad Joke Survivors Share Their Tragic Stories In Nickelodeon Australia's Brand-New Video

Dad jokes. They're repetitive, obvious, childish and just plain silly.

But who knew the impact a seemingly harmless dad joke can have on kids? More than just a groan and an eye roll, these jokes are leaving kids all over the world traumatised for life.

To all the dads out there, when your kid says: "I'll call you later."

And you're tempted to say: "Don't call me later, call me Dad",

just remember this powerful community service announcement from dad joke victims. They actually prefer to call themselves dad joke survivors.

Here are just some of their stories...

Dad Joke Survivors

Beware of dad jokes this Father's Day…

Posted by Nickelodeon on Thursday, 3 September 2015

And dads, if you can’t stop this debilitating bad joke habit, at least add to your repertoire. Here are Mashable's top 25 dad jokes.

To celebrate Father's Day on Sunday 6th September 2015, Nickelodeon Australia unveiled a hilarious "Short & Funny" vignette called "Dad Joke Survivors", which sheds light on a phenomenon many kids know all too well: dad jokes.

The PSA-style video features sons and daughters sharing their fathers' corniest one-liners and riddles... and their "devastating" consequences, including causing one of them to have an "identity crisis". One girl is now afraid of aquariums because her dad once asked, "How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh?" The answer was ten tickles. As the caption indicates, it's really all about spreading the awareness message: "Beware of dad jokes", as "the consequences can be devastating".

Since the videos release in Australia, the fake PSA has gone viral worldwide and has been watched more than 8.5 million views to date. The video has also been shared on Facebook nearly 130,000 times. The comments thread for the Facebook post is filled with users sharing their favorite dad jokes, so share away.

Remember, dad jokes are nothing to laugh about!

Sources: Nickelodeon Australia on Facebook, Nick Jr. Parents, The Huffington Post, TIME.
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