Below are a selection of Tweets from a few of the media outlets who received Nickelodeon UK's special "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" mailer who also Tweeted a few photographs of Nick UK's TMNT press kit mailer:
The first Tweet was Tweeted by Samuel Eads, who is the creative partnerships account manager at First News, the award-winning newspaper for kids, on his official Twitter profile page (@SamFirstNews), and Nickelodeon UK Press Office's reply Tweet:
@SamFirstNews: Special #FF to @First_News friends @NickelodeonUK and @NickelodeonUKPR for our TMNT cool goodies. Thanks! #NickTurtles - 12.15pm Friday 8th June 2012The second Tweet was Tweeted by the UK Film Website Blogomatic3000 on their official Twitter profile feed (@Blogomatic3000):
@NickelodeonUKPR: @SamFirstNews @First_News great to see they were well received!! #nickturtles - 12.19pm Friday 8th June 2012.
@Blogomatic3000: Now that's how you do a press kit! #nickturtles - - 3.39pm Friday 8th June 2012The third Tweet was Tweeted by 'We Love Pop' Magazine on their official Twitter profile feed (@WeLovePopMag) and ReTweeted by Nickelodeon UK Press Office on their official Twitter profile page (@NickelodeonUKPR), along with Nickelodeon UK Press Office's reply Tweet:
@WeLovePopMag: Oooo thanks for our #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles goodies @NickelodeonUK! #TurtlePower - 1.37pm Monday 11th June 2012great to see our press pack was well received! Orange is definitley your colour!! #nickturtles - 2.12pm Monday 11th June 2012.