To celebrate Nickelodeon USA premiering the brand-new episode of Nickelodeon's all-new original animated comedy series (NickToon) "Pig Goat Banana Cricket" titled "The Tooth of My True Love" on Friday 2nd October 2015 at 8:30pm ET/PT, Nick USA has unveiled a fantastic sneak peek preview from the all-new PGBC episode, which you can watch in the fantastic online streaming video clip below!:
In the brand-new "Pig Goat Banana Cricket" episode "The Tooth of My True Love" (#107), Goat is saved by a masked hero and believes he's her one true love, Pig becomes a musical chairs champion, Banana is mistaken for a popular toy, and Cricket must go back to kindergarten. In the super sneak peek, titled "Tubey Dude", things start to get creepy when Banana is mistaken for a new toy called Tubey Dude!
Additional source: Zap2it TV Listings.
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