Monday, September 30, 2024

Classic Rugrats Comic Strip for September 30, 2024 | Nickelodeon

Classic Rugrats Comic Strip for September 30, 2024 | Nickelodeon

Classic Rugrats Comic Strip for September 30, 2024 | Nickelodeon

Stream the classic Rugrats series on Paramount+! Try it FREE at!

Rugrats, provided to Creators Syndicate by Nickelodeon, based off the popular animated television series has been created for children and family's to laugh and enjoy together.

Follow these comics and their take on real episodes of the show and their own spin on hilarious adventures.

Read more Rugrats comic strips!:

More Nick: Paramount+ Renews 'Rugrats' For Season 3!

Follow NickALive! on TwitterRedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Classic Nickelodeon, NickRewind and Rugrats News and Highlights!

Should Aang Have ENDED Ozai? | Braving The Elements Podcast - Full Episode | Avatar: The Last Airbender

Should Aang Have ENDED Ozai? | Braving The Elements Podcast - Full Episode | Avatar: The Last Airbender

In today's FULL EPISODE of the official Avatar: The Last Airbender companion podcast, Braving The Elements, join hosts Dante Basco (Zuko) and Janet Varney (Korra) as they tackle the burning question: should Aang have killed Fire Lord Ozai? Delve into the climactic battle between Aang and Ozai, where Aang ultimately chooses to use energybending to strip Ozai of his powers rather than take his life.

Enter the amazing world of Avatar through the official companion podcast, Avatar: Braving the Elements from Nickelodeon. Join hosts Janet Varney (the voice of “Korra”) and Dante Basco (the voice of “Prince Zuko”) each week as they re-watch every episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender then break down key themes, notable battles, and behind-the-scenes trivia you can’t get anywhere else. Special guests from cast members to producers join them to explore elements of the Avatarverse, including the origins of the story and how Avatar was brought to life.


►► Subscribe to BTE Premium on Apple Podcasts for exclusive content, early access, and ad-free listening:

►► Listen to Avatar: Braving the Elements wherever you get your podcasts:

Stream Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra on Paramount+ and Netflix! Try Paramount+ for FREE at

Shop Avatar merch on the OFFICIAL Paramount Shop!

Listen to the official A:TLA podcast, Avatar: Braving the Elements!

Get more Avatar: The Last Airbender on: YouTube | Facebook | Instagram | TikTok

Originally published: September 30, 2024.

#BravingTheElements #Avatar #AvatarTheLastAirbender #ATLA

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, RedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Nickelodeon, Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon Sonic India to Premiere New 'Bhoot Bandhus in the Bhoot World' Episodes From October 7

Get ready for thrilling new bhootiyapanti and more masti in the mysterious Bhoot World! Watch brand new episodes of Bhoot Bandhus in the Bhoot World, premiering Monday 7th October 2024 at 1:00pm, only on Nickelodeon Sonic in India, or catch it anytime on the Jio Cinema App!

Bhoot Bandhus in the Bhoot World

Watch the best of kids' entertainment by subscribing to Jio Cinema Premium at Rs. 29/month, ad-free on any device with up to 4k quality!

Originally published: September 30, 2024.

Follow NickALive! on TwitterRedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Nickelodeon India News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon Israel Reveals Recipients of The Orange Heart Award 2024

Nickelodeon Israel (讬ִ砖ְׂ专ָ讗ֵ诇) has announced the recipients of The Orange Heart - Nick Award for Contribution to the Community awards, a brand new pro-social initiative that aims to recognise children and young adults who have given back to their community! Parents, caregivers and friends were invited to nominate someone who they think deserves the award earlier this year.

The Orange Heart - Nick Award for Contribution to the Community

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#谞讬拽诇讜讚讬讗讜谉 #讛诇讘讛讻转讜诐

More Nick: The Jim Henson Company Works with Paramount's Ananey Studios to Develop 'The Season Keepers', A New Animated Series Inspiring 'Climate Hope'!

Originally published: September 30, 2024.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, RedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Nickelodeon Israel and TeenNick News and Highlights!

Nickelodeon France to Premiere 'Max & the Midknights' on October 14


Adapt茅e de la s茅rie de livres pour enfants 脿 succ猫s, cette s茅rie originale sera diffus茅e d猫s le lundi 14 octobre, en exclusivit茅 sur la cha卯ne.

Max & Les Mi-Chevaliers

Paris, le 19 septembre - NICKELODEON annonce le lancement de sa toute nouvelle s茅rie originale MAX & LES MI-CHEVALIERS 脿 d茅couvrir d猫s le 14 octobre, en exclusivit茅 sur la cha卯ne !
Produite par Nickelodeon Animation et issue des livres pour enfants 脿 succ猫s de l'auteur et dessinateur Lincoln Peirce (Big Nate), cette s茅rie in茅dite suit une jeune fille aventureuse de 10 ans nomm茅e Max qui se lance dans une qu锚te avec ses amis pour sauver le Royaume de Bourg-Sacr茅 de forces inqui茅tantes.
Tout au long de la s茅rie, la courageuse Max m猫nera les Mi-Chevaliers dans des aventures 茅piques, rythm茅es par de toutes nouvelles chansons originales. Apr猫s que le roi Geyniard ait vol茅 le tr么ne et impos茅 un r茅gime injuste au royaume de Bourg-Sacr茅, Max doit venir 脿 la rescousse des habitants pour renverser l'ennemi avide de pouvoir. Avec ses amis et son oncle Potrick, Max ne reculera devant aucune difficult茅 !

In茅dite en France
A partir du 14 octobre, du lundi au vendredi 脿 19h30
Format : 22'

'Max & Les Mi-Chevaliers' logo

La cha卯ne est disponible avec Orange, Free, Bouygues, Canal+, Molotov, SFR

Paramount Global (NASDAQ: PARA, PARAA) est un groupe mondial leader des m茅dias et du divertissement, proposant des contenus et des exp茅riences de qualit茅 aux publics du monde entier. Fort de ses studios, de ses cha卯nes de t茅l茅vision et de ses services de streaming, Paramount Global regroupe des marques grand public embl茅matiques telles que CBS, Showtime Networks, Paramount Pictures, Nickelodeon, MTV, Comedy Central, BET, Paramount+, Pluto TV et Simon & Schuster. Le groupe b茅n茅ficie de la plus grande part de l’audience TV aux US et d茅tient l’un des plus importants catalogues TV et cin茅ma du secteur. En plus d'offrir des services de streaming et des produits vid茅o innovants, Paramount Global dispose de solides capacit茅s de production, de distribution et de solutions publicitaires.


Pour s'abonner 脿 Paramount+, rendez-vous sur Les CGV s'appliquent.

Originally published: September 30, 2024.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, RedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Nickelodeon France and Max & the Midknights News and Highlights!

Nick Jr. UK and Dogs Trust Partner For PAW Patrol on a Stroll Initiative

Calling all Heroic New Recruits!

PAW Patrol on a Stroll

This October, it’s PAW Patrol on a Stroll month and it’s time to go on a very special mission! Dogs Trust and Nick Jr. UK are asking families, nurseries, schools and all PAW Patrol lovers to rise to HERO status by going on sponsored walk for Dogs Trust.

This initiative aims to raise vital funds for Dogs Trust and connect fans with valuable information on fostering safe and happy relationships between dogs and children.

With Dog Trusts and Nick Jr.'s PAW Patrol character masks, children can become their favourite PAW Patrol hero for the day, and every penny you raise will help Dogs Trust provide life-changing care and forever homes for thousands of our four-legged friends.

Simply visit to sign up, receive your PAW Patrol on a Stroll pack and choose a day in October to complete your sponsored walk.

How the event works

When you take part in PAW Patrol on a stroll, you’ll be making a real difference to the lives of dogs and their owners, across the UK.

1. Sign up for free: PAW Patrol on a Stroll is for everyone and we'd love for you to take part! Simply click the sign up button on the fundraiser's official website to register for the event and you'll receive your very own PAW Patrol on a Stroll pack, with character masks and a fundraising guide to help you with your stroll.

2. Be a fundraising hero: When you sign up, a fundraising page will be set up for you automatically, so you'll be able to start fundraising for Dogs Trust right away. Your fundraising pack will be sent in the post four weeks before the event, but you can find a digital version of the fundraising guide on the Dogs Trust's Resources page, so you can get a head start.

3. Get ready to go go go!: Choose any day in October for your stroll and complete it in any way that suits you, whether that's laps around the garden or a walk in the local area.  The little ones can choose their favourite PAW Patrol character, colour in their mask and become a hero for the day; ready to complete their very important mission! 

Don’t forget to share photos online using the hashtag #PAWPatrolOnAStroll. Dogs Trust and Nick Jr. can’t wait to see them!

Education Hub

By taking part in PAW Patrol on a Stroll you will have access to additional fun, and educational materials, that will help your little ones learn more about how to be safe and kind to all dogs, both on the stroll and beyond! Find out more here.

In the resources section on your fundraising page dashboard, you will find fun and educational activities that can be used before, during and after your stroll. Activities range from ‘Meet PAW Patrol on your Stroll’ educational posters where the PAW Patrol gang can teach children all about how to greet dogs safely, to ‘Snack for the Stroll’ recipe cards where you can learn all about how to make dog-safe snacks for your favourite pups!

PAW Patrol on a Stroll competition

PAW Patrol on a Stroll competition prizes

Win PAW Patrol prizes!

When you take part in PAW Patrol on a Stroll, you’ll have the chance to win some amazing prizes! Everyone who signs up and raises over £250 will be entered into a prize draw to win one of 5 very special PAW Patrol prize bundles.

*T&Cs apply, competition closes 5 November 2024. 

Join the PAW Patrol Adventure: Shop and Support!

PAW Patrol x Dogs Trust x Range

In partnership with PAW Patrol and, Dogs Trust is thrilled to offer an exclusive PAW Patrol clothing range of t-shirts, hoodies, outfits and jackets. The collection has everything your little heroes need to show off their love for their favourite pups, whilst taking part in PAW Patrol on a Stroll.

20% of every purchase from this collection will be donated to Dogs Trust to support their vital work. Throughout October join the PAW Patrol on a Stroll to raise funds and awareness for canine welfare. Find out more via the QR code on Dog Trust's product swing tickets.

The clothing range is available online and in selected stores.

Registered Charity Numbers: 1167663 & SC053144.

Paramount+ UK & Ireland is HERE! Stream a Mountain of Entertainment, including your Nickelodeon favourites! Try it FREE at!

Paramount+ is also available with Sky Cinema at no extra cost.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, RedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Nickelodeon Preschool, Nick Jr. UK and PAW Patrol Universe News and Highlights!