Ride follows Katherine "Kit" Bridges, a North American girl who moves to England when her widowed father, Rudy, accepts a job at the illustrious Covington Academy: an elite equestrian focused boarding school. What may seem like a dream come true on the surface becomes far more complicated when Kit realizes more than just her nationality and fear of riding separate her from her peers at Covington. An instant connection to TK (Ти-кей/Ti-Kej), the most stubborn and difficult Horse at the academy, opens a door to a whole new world of adventures for Kit with friends, frenemies, crushes, hidden secrets and the chance to uncover her true identity. With TK, Kit will be able to handle any challenge she faces!
In the premiere episode, "Arrival", Kit's adventures begin when she arrives at Covington Academy (Ковингтонскую академию) excited for her first day at the school. However, things take a turn for the worse when Kit realizes she’ll be expected to conquer her biggest fear – riding a horse. Meanwhile, Elaine will do whatever it takes to win in the first competition of the year and both Will and Nav want to ask Kit to the Gala, but who will Kit go with?

(L to R): Jonny Gray, Alana Boden, Rameet Rauli, Mike Shara, Kendra Timmins, Oliver Dench, and Manuel Pacific in YTV's Ride
Ride stars Kendra Timmins (Degrassi: The Next Generation) as Kit (Кэтрин “Кит” Бриджес/Kehtrin "Kit" Bridzhes), Jonny Gray (Max & Shred) as Josh Luders (Джош Лудерс/Dzhosh Luders), Rameet Rauli as Anya Patel (Анья Пател), Oliver Dench as Will Palmerston (Уилл Палмерстон/Uill Palmerston), Manuel Pacific as Navarro “Nav” Andrada (Наваро “Нав” Андрада/Navaro "Nav" Andrada), Alana Boden (Wolfblood, Mr Selfridge) as Elaine Whilshire (Элен Уилтшир/Ehlen Uiltshir), Mike Shara (Murdoch Mysteries) as Rudy Bridges (Руди Бриджес/Rudi Bridzhes), Natalie Lisinska (Orphan Black, Total Recall, Degrassi: The Next Generation) as Sally Warrington (Салли Уоррингтон/Salli Uorrington), and Sara Botsford (The Fog, Anne of Green Gables, Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction) as Lady Enid Huntly Covington (Леди Энид Хантли Ковингтон/Ledi Ehnid Hantli Kovington).
To celebrate Nickelodeon Russia debuting Ride on Monday 7th November 2016, nickelodeon.ru has launched the channels' official Верхом (Verhom) show website, which features information about Nick's brand-new show and Nickelodeon Россия's official series launch trailer!

(L to R): Jonny Gray, Alana Boden, Rameet Rauli, Mike Shara, Kendra Timmins, Oliver Dench, and Manuel Pacific in YTV's Ride
Commissioned by Nickelodeon and YTV and produced by Canada's Breakthrough Entertainment and the UK's Buccaneer Media, the 20x30-minute show, formally titled Let It Ride, is created by Jill Girling (Life with Derek) and Lori Mather-Welch (Would Be Kings, Queer As Folk). Executive producers for Breakthrough are Joan Lambur, Ira Levy, Peter Williamson, Michael McGuigan, Nat Abraham and Shelley Scarrow. Tony Wood (House of Anubis) is executive producing for Buccaneer. The series was cast by KM Casting. The series was filmed in Toronto and on location in Northern Ireland.
Премьера "Верхом"! Только на Nickelodeon! from Nickelodeon_RU on Vimeo.
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