Monday, March 05, 2018

Planet Nickelodeon Video Round-Up | Monday 5th March 2018

Check out a selection of video clips featuring your favourite Nickelodeon shows and stars from Nickelodeon channels around the world!

Please note that some videos may be subject to geographical restrictions.

Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn | Générique | Nickelodeon Teen France

Trailer #2 | Nickelodeon's 2018 Kids' Choice Awards 🏆 w/ John Cena Hosts

GUESS WHAT!!!!!!! | JoJo Siwa Vlogs


How to Draw a Super Cute Taco | Kuu Kuu Harajuku

Follow this simple tutorial and learn how to draw a cute taco.

Kally´s Mashup - Segunda Parte (Promo #3) - ESTE LUNES

Kally's Mashup - Nova Série, Estréia Próxima Segunda Às 19h00 Da Noite

Kally's Mashup - Uma História Musical: (O Especial) | [Nesta Quinta] Às 19h00 Da Noite

Kally´s Mashup - Segunda Parte (Promo #4) - ESTE LUNES

Kally's Mashup - Falta Só Uma Semana

SpongeBob SquarePants - "Road Song" (German)

VS. Game: Things That Are Orange! | The Zone | YTV

Watch Suki and Jesse from The Zone battle off in another round of Versus! How many orange things can you name in 10s??

Breadwinners | Conocemos al Panadero | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español

Cuenta la leyenda que el Panadero vive en lo profundo de estas cuevas.

Game Shakers | Captura el movimiento | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español

¿Listo para capturar el movimiento de nuestros Game Shakers? ¡Mira más episodios en!

Bob Esponja | Golden Moments: Lula Molusco procura um amor | Brasil | Nickelodeon em Português

Encontrar o amor não é fácil, não é mesmo?

Harvey Beaks | Histórias de Fogueira | Brasil | Nickelodeon em Português

O pai de Harvey decide contar uma história assustadora, mas não esperava pela reação das crianças.

Frankie 2.0 | Le câlin | Nickelodeon Teen France

Frankie commence à développer des caractéristiques humaines.

Черепашки-ниндзя | Драка с роботом | Nickelodeon Россия

Наши герои нашли логово гигантского робота, и теперь они сразятся с ним, но это может быть не так просто, как в первый раз.

Get Blake | Niet de kleintjes! | Nickelodeon Nederlands

O, nee! Zullen Blake en Mitch Leonard de reuzeneekhoorn helpen ontsnappen?

Paw Patrol : la Pat'Patrouille | Le meilleur chien de troupeau | NICKELODEON JUNIOR FRANCE

C'est le grand concours annuel du meilleur chien de troupeau et Chase y participe. Avant cela les moutons qui doivent être guidés lors du concours s'échappent.

Harvey Beaks | Intrappolati sull'albero! | Nickelodeon Italia

Harvey e I suoi amici sono intrappolati su un albero, cosa faranno ora?

Harvey et ses amis sont coincés dans un arbre, que vont-ils faire?

Henry Danger | Fehlfunktion im Teleporter | Nickelodeon Deutschland

Ein Sturm bereitet Schwoz beim Bedienen des Teleporters Schwierigkeiten. Wo wird er Henry und Charlotte wohl hinbefördern?

Hot Wheels with Ari! | YTV

It's the 50th Anniversary of Hot Wheels and car-fanatic Ari gives us a VIP look into all things Hot Wheels!

Check out some of this year’s hottest cars!

Promo | Kids Choice Awards 2018 | Nickelodeon Arabia

Les Thunderman | Phoebe la ballerine | Nickelodeon France

Max rêve de remporter le concours de la vidéo de ratage et il compte boycotter le spectacle de danse de Phoebe pour y arriver.

Breadwinners | Conhecer o Padeiro | Portugal | Nickelodeon em Português

Reza a lenda que o próprio Padeiro vive algures nestas cavernas.

Get Blake | El Niño Ardilla | España | Nickelodeon en Español

Blake podría terminar transformadose en el "niño Ardilla".

Гуппи и пузырики | Домашний питомец | Nick Jr. Россия

Гуппи и пузырики помогают ухаживать за домашними питомцами.

Нелла, отважная принцесса | 1 сезон 1 серия | Nick Jr. Россия

Оркестр принцессы Неллы | Игры Блэйна

Появление дикого орка прерывает концерт Неллы. | Блэйн считает, что у него всё получается лучше, чем у Неллы, и он решает это доказать, отправляясь на поиски яйца Горного дракона в розовый горошек.

Patrulha Canina - (Novo Episódios) | [Próxima Segunda] Ao 12h00

This is a hot mess...... | JoJo Siwa Vlogs

oh boy....

SpongeBob SquarePants - "Heart of Gold" Promo - Poland (Feb. 2018)

KIDS' CHOICE AWARDS 2018 - (Promo) - John Cena | [Em Março]

KIDS' CHOICE AWARDS 2018 - [John Cena] | (Em Março) | Você Decide

Bob Esponja | Golden Moments: Lagartinha, a nova melhor amiga | Brasil | Nickelodeon em Português

Bob Esponja e Patrick fazem uma nova amizade.

1, 2, 3… Coloriage ! | Chez les loups | NICKELODEON JUNIOR FRANCE

Retrouvez l'épisode « Go Diego ! | Chez les loups » de 1, 2, 3... Coloriage ! en entier.

Губка Боб Золотые моменты | Брюки | Nickelodeon Россия

Губка Боб купил себе брюки!

Bienvenue chez les Loud | Le tournage de Arggh! | Nickelodeon France

Clyde et Lincoln assistent au tournage de Arggh! à Royal Woods.nt au tournage de Arggh! à Royal Woods.

Mysticons | Historia bajo el mar | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español

El fondo del oceano guarda secretos mágicos. ¡Descúbrelos junto s los Mysticons!

Especial Girl Power - (Todos Os Sábados De Março) | [Às 14h30] Da Tarde

School of Rock | Espiando a los estudiantes | España | Nickelodeon en Español

Lawrence permite que se instale una cámara en el aula, lo que pone en riesgo la llegada de Dewey.

Щенячий патруль | Сладости на льду | Nick Jr. Россия

Щенячий Патруль должен спасти грузовик, полный сладостей!

Game Shakers | Huwelijkscadeau | Nickelodeon Nederlands

Double G probeert zich te gedragen op de bruiloft terwijl hij op zijn cadeau wacht. Wat zou het kunnen zijn?

Get Blake | Garoto-Esquilo | Brasil | Nickelodeon em Português

Blake pode acabar se transformando no "Garoto-Esquilo".

Hé Arnold | Le grand concours d’orthographe | Nickelodeon France

Helga et Arnold se préparent pour un concours d'orthographe.

Kally's Mashup - [Nova Série] | Estreia (Próxima Segunda) | Às 19h00 Da Noite

Breadwinners | Un nouveau leader | Nickelodeon France

D'une certaine manière Budish arrive à battre le leader des bikers canards et devient donc le nouveau leader, super non?

Schnappt Blake | Vogelhirn! | Nickelodeon Deutschland

Blake und Mitch besuchen das Aquarium und kommen dabei den Tieren ganz nah.

Get Blake | Rapaz Esquilo | Portugal | Nickelodeon em Português

Blake pode acabar transformado no "Rapaz Esquilo".

Harvey Beaks | Ciclismo | España | Nickelodeon en Español

Foo está aprendiendo a andar en bicicleta, pero fue robado y el dueño viene detrás de él, ¿quién va a salvarlo?

I let you down, I'm sorry.... | JoJo Siwa Vlogs



Hi! Just got back from vacation and I got THE WORST sun burn ever. Also! I tell you why I have the blood of a legend and MORE YESTERDAY TODAY! Zane, David, Jason, WOW!

Kally's Mashup - Assista À Estréia No [MundoNick] E (NickPlay) Antes Da TV!

Especial - Heróis, Super-Heróis E Anti-Heróis [Todos Os Domingos De Março] | Às 17h00 Da Tarde

Kally's Mashup - Pré Estréia (Nesta Sexta) | No [NickPlay]

Bunsen es una Bestia | La Bola | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español

¿Es esta una bola-bestia, o una bola bestial? ¡Todo es posible con tus amigos de Bunsen es una Bestia! ¿Cuál es tu personaje favorito?

Get Blake | Volver al Pasado | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español

Para llegar a tiempo a la fiesta, Blake y Mitch se suben a una bicicleta, pero no es una bicicleta común y corriente...

Does Team Rocket Know They're On TV? - Pokemon Cartoon Conspiracy | Channel Frederator

Team Rocket has always been there to disrupt Ash on his adventures in the Pokemon anime. They try to capture his Pikachu, but they somehow have never succeeded. Is it because they know that if they actually capture Pikachu they will cease to exist and are they actually aware that they are in a show? We tackle this in this week's Cartoon Conspiracy.

Kally's Mashup - 4 días para la segunda parte de Kally's Mashup

Breadwinners | O Sapo Salvador | Brasil | Nickelodeon em Português

Quando está perto do fim, você sempre pode contar com o sapo.

Henry Danger | Il Video DannosDi Jasper | Nickelodeon Italia

Jasper fa un video che gli fa perdere metà dei suoi fan, ma perchè?

Henry Danger - Próximo Domingo [Hora Do Poder] | Às 17h00 Da Tarde

Bob Esponja | El Mejor Cantante | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español

¿Podrías cantar tan genial como Calamardo, de Bob Esponja? ¡Te retamos a checarlo ahorita mismo con esta ÉPICA canción!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : les Tortues Ninja | L'arène de combat | Nickelodeon France

Raph va devoir affronter Verminator et Reptilicus dans l'arène de combat.

Хлебоутки | 1 сезон 13 серия | Nickelodeon Россия

Кеттастрофа | Космоутки

Когда Кетта поселяется на кочке, ее рукотворные чудеса превращают крячный быт хлебоуток в о-мои-болтики какой крячный. | Пристегните шлемы и держитесь за хвостовые перышки - ШлёпШлёп и Быдыщ доставляют хлеб в космос!

Alvinnn!!! Et les Chipmunks | Le mojo d'Alvin | NICKELODEON JUNIOR FRANCE

Alvin veut récupérer sa casquette adorée qu'il a donné à une fan.

Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn | Die unterwartete Party | Nickelodeon Deutschland

Dawn organisiert unabsichtlich eine Party, um ihre Babysitterin nicht in Schwierigkeiten zu bringen, muss sie die unerwarteten Gäste aber schnell wieder los werden.

Kally´s Mashup - CLIP 2 - Capítulo 31

Easy March Break Hacks for Kids: Hack Or Quack with Kaylen | YTV

March Break is here! And we have easy hacks to make your March Break vacation break fun with a travel organizer, a magnetic game for your trip and kinetic sand. Kaylen tests them out, and discovers which hacks are down right quacks.

DIY Travel Organizer (hack)

What You Will Need:
Glue Gun
Elastic Straps
Velcro Strips

Step 1: Cut a half piece of felt, and with the help of an adult glue it to the bigger piece of felt with the glue gun, leaving sections for the pockets.

Step 2: Glue another piece of full size felt to the back with a glue gun.

Step 3: Glue the elastic straps to the half felt piece and above a long strip across, leaving pockets.

Step 4: Glue velcro to the front and back corners of the felt.

Step 5: Place your cords and headphones in the pockets.

Mini Magnet Game (hack)

What You Will Need:
Craft Box
Magnet Sheets
Decorative Tape
Print Out Design

Step 1: Stick your design on 1 magnet sheet and cut it out onto equal strips.

Step 2: Stick the magnetic sheets on the inside of the top and bottom on the craft box.

Step 3: Decorate your box with decorative tape.

Kinetic Sand (quack)

What You Will Need:
1 Cup of Play Sand
1 Tbsp of Corn Starch
1 Tsp of Dish Soap
Small Cup of Water

Step 1: Add the corn starch to the play sand and stir together.

Step 2: Add in and mix the water and dish soap and combine well.

Kally´s Mashup - CLIP - Capítulo 31

SpongeBob SquarePants - "Allergic to a House" Audio Clip (Russian)

Harvey Beaks | Histórias à Volta da Fogueira | Portugal | Nickelodeon em Português

O pai do Harvey decidiu contar uma história de arrepiar, mas não contava com a reação dos miúdos!

Game Shaker | Barritas energeticas de Kenzie | España | Nickelodeon en Español

Kenzie hace barritas energeticas casera y le da una a Kayla, pero ¿cuál será su reacción?

Kally's Mashup - 2 días para la segunda parte de Kally's Mashup

Game Shakers | Secretos Revelados | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español

¿Qué secretos esconden los amigos de Game Shakers?

Get Blake | El Chico Ardilla | Latinoamérica | Nickelodeon en Español

Puede que Blake se transforme en "el chico ardilla".

WHAT'S IN THE BOX CHALLENGE W/ MIRANDA!! *live animals* | Its JoJo Siwa


This is definitely my favorite JoJo and Miranda video EVER! We stuck our hands in a mystery box and it was SCARY!!

Broodschappers | Nieuwe leider | Nickelodeon Nederlands

Budish weet de leider van de eendenmotorbende te verslaan en wordt de nieuwe leider. Gaaf, toch?

Kally´s Mashup - Tina deja de seguir a Mica635 - Capítulo 31

Harvey Beaks | Gefangen im Baum | Nickelodeon Deutschland

Harvey und seine Freunde sitzen auf einem Baum fest. Wie kommen sie bloß wieder runter?

Breadwinners | Incontro con il Panettiere | Nickelodeon Italia

Le leggende vogliono che il Panettiere in persona viva da qualche parte nelle caverne.

Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn | Une Fête Inattendue | Nickelodeon Teen France

Dawn organise sans le vouloir une fête alors qu'il y a la babysitter et doit se débarasser de tout le monde avant que ses parents ne reviennent!

Game Shakers | As barras energéticas do Kenzie | Portugal | Nickelodeon em Português

Kenzie faz barras energéticas caseiras e dá uma a Kayla, mas qual será a reação dela?

Breadwinners | Lucha de Panaderos | España | Nickelodeon en Español

Baker viene a rescatar a los patos al último minuto.

Умизуми | 1 сезон 16 серия | Nick Jr. Россия

Концерт танцующей бабочки

Команда должна помочь Софии исправить её костюм до того, как начнётся танец бабочки.

SpongeBob SquarePants - "Sharks vs. Pods" / "CopyBob DittoPants" Title Cards (German)

SpongeBob SquarePants - "Sold!" / "Lame and Fortune" Title Cards (German)

School Of Rock - [Novo Episódios] | (Próxima Segunda) | Às 21h00 Da Noite

The Emoji Movie WINS | Speech Bubble w/Butch Hartman

The Emoji Movie recently won a Razzie. Butch Hartman and Jace Diehl talk about The Emoji Movie and all the other Razzie nominees!

Butch Hartman's (Fairly OddParents) Thoughts on THE OSCARS | Speech Bubble w/Butch Hartman

Butch Hartman runs down the 2018 Academy Awards nominations list with Speech Bubble co-host, Jace Diehl.

Best Animated Feature - and the Oscars goes to... | Speech Bubble w/Butch Hartman

Butch Hartman and Jace Diehl gives their thoughts on the best animated feature category at the Academy Awards - Ferdinand, Loving Vincent, The Breadwinner, Coco, and The Boss Baby!

Kally´s Mashup - Mañana se estrena la segunda parte de Kally´s Mashup

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